jQuery, insertBefore, validation, Placement of error message

I am using insertBefore under errorplacement to add validation messages, each one below each other as I want the order of the messages to go from top to bottom. I am using a hidden input at the very bottom of a parent element in order to supply an element for the insertBefore argument. Is there a way to insert from the bottom without...

Cannot change the target CPU to x86 Or x64 in Visual Studio 2005

I am trying to build a website application and specify the target CPU as x86 instead of Any CPU. The only choices I have in Configuration Manager under the "Active solution platform:" drop-down list are: "Any CPU", "Edit..", and "New...". In the "Project Contexts" portion of the "Configuration Manager" window, it lists 3 columns: "Proje...

Objectdatasource always passes 0 and startIndex and pageSize in 2.0

I have a DevXpress ASPXGridview, and I am using ObjectDataSource for custom paging. This is my objectDataSource code on aspx page. <asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ObjectDataSource1" runat="server" SelectMethod="GetItems" EnablePaging="true" TypeName="BLL.Item" StartRowIndexParameterName="startIndex" MaximumRowsParameterName="pageSize" Select...

Question about migrating from ASP .NET User Controls to .NET 3.5 Master Page technology

When migrating from an ASP .NET user control -based page with a header, footer, and menu to a Master Page using the same HTML mark-up, is it normal for CSS or javascript behaviors to change slightly? In particular, the submenu bar text now appears run together (which looks like a CSS symptom) and the graphics on the line above it appe...

Using .net 3.5 assemblies in 2.0 web application

I have an .net assembly build against 3.5 framework. This assembly has a class Foo with two method overrides: public class Foo { public T Set<T>(T value); public T Set<T>(Func<T> getValueFunc); } I'm referencing this assembly in my 2.0 web application to use first override of the Set method (without Func). But on buil...

Does previouspage.findcontrol work when master page is used ?

Hi everybody. I added two pages in a project and used previouspage.findcontrol but when I used master page file, it stopped working. The control is found to be null. Why is this so? ...

how to access a label form user control in Parent class ?

I have a class UserControlBase that inherits System.Web.UI.UserControl and my user controls inherit UserControlBase class. UserControlBase has some common functions that are used in all user controls. I want to put error display funtion to UserControlBase as well so that I may not have to declare and manage it in all user controls. Erro...

Why do I get Invalid Request when uplaoding file using fckeditor file browse?

I.m using FCKEditor(2.6.6) in an 2.0 project Using the upload tab on the link dialog, I get alertbox with 'Invalid Request'. yet when I use the resource browser to upload a file; It succeed. What the difference? ...

Asp.Net 1 -> Asp.Net 2 upgrade - Machine.Config - unrecognized parameter

Hi All, I am working on upgrading a web app to 2 from 1. VS 2008 did its conversion things, and everything is building successfully and has been converted to a web application via the appropriate menu item in VS 2008. On launching the site using the development server I am receiving a configuration error on the appsett...

is using private shared objects/variables on class level harmful ?

Hello, Thanks for your attention and time. I need your opinion on an basic architectural issue please. In page behind classes I am using a private and shared object and variables (list or just client or simplay int id) to temporary hold data coming from database or class library. This object is used temporarily to catch data and than t...

Pass Parameter to Subroutine in Codebehind

I'm trying to pass an ID of an activity (RefNum) to a Sub in my codebehind. I know I'm supposed to use parentheses when passing parameters to subroutines and methods, and I've tried a number of ways and keep receiving the following error: BC30203: Identifier expected. I'm hard-coding it on the front-end just to try to get it to pass [...

httpModules not working on iis7

Hi, I have the following module public class LowerCaseRequest : IHttpModule { public void Init(HttpApplication context) { context.BeginRequest += new EventHandler(this.OnBeginRequest); } public void Dispose() { } public void OnBeginRequest(Object s, EventArgs e) { Ht...

Are there any web application frameworks usable with .NET 2.0?

Apologies if this has been asked many, many times before - I'm afraid I couldn't find any satisfactory answers. I'm stuck in an environment (a bank) where, although we have VS 2008 on the development machines, production machines are locked down to the .Net framework 2.0 and SQL Server 2005. Are there any modern application frameworks ...

Linkbutton to open Windows Explorer from Gridview

Hi all, I have a link in a Gridview that I want opened in Windows Explorer (or explorer.exe). <asp:GridView ID="GridView1"runat="server" > <Columns> <asp:TemplateField> <ItemTemplate> <asp:LinkButton ID="DeploymentLocation" runat="server" CommandName="OpenLink" Text='<%# Eval("Dep...

Call a function of a Web User Control from the parent page

Hi, I'm creating a comments web user control. I want to use this comments control on distinct pages like: articles, attractions and categories. So, on the articles page I delcare the Web User Control <uc1:Comments ID="Comments1" runat="server" /> On the control, there is a funtion call loadComments public void LoadComents(int ID,...

Add new row to asp .net grid view using button

Hi, I am working in ASP .net 2.0. I am a learner. I have a grid view which has a button in it. Please find the asp mark up below <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div> <asp:GridView ID="myGridView" runat="server"> <Columns> <asp:TemplateField> <ItemTemplate> <asp:Button Command...

Sorting of Datagrid in 2.0

hi... I have a datagrid with some data in three datacolumns. I have to apply sorting to two of the datacolumns. Is it possible without any datasource.... I will be more thankful if I could get the solution asap... pls help.... thanx :-) ...

Viewstate seems to be hijacked inadvertently

Hi, we are using 2.x, we use session state stored in sql server, 2 web servers in loadbalance, iis6. our issue is that in the last 3 months we have had 2 cases where some one using our enquiry form has seen someone else's info e.g. first name and last name. We are not populating the form from objects in session so I have come t...

How to create more than one dynamic grid from a single data source using

Hi, I am a beginner. I want to know how can I create more than one dynamic data grid for a single data source. I need to show duplicate rows separately in different grids. For example If i have 4 duplicate values for ID 1 and 3 duplicate values for ID 2 then ID 1 should be displayed in separate grid and ID 2 should be displayed in separ...

validation controls are not validating on enabling on client side using java script, plz guide

Hi, As per requirement I disabled all validation controls in page on PageLoad event in server side. On clicking submit button I want to activate them and validate the page and if the page is ok submit other wise not. I am able to enable all validaters but one thing that I am unable to understand is that they do not validate the page....