Refactoring: How to refactor with an unknown type?

Hi guys, I don't know how to use the "T" and I never understood it quite well, but I'm sure that the answer will reside in anything around it ... I have a huge switch that all it does is apply an Attribute to an object and add the control to a collection, kind of Extract > Apply Attribute > Add, like: 1st switch foreach (AdwizaContr...

Change rendering order of controls

I found this article on how to manipulate the rendering sequence of controls.: I placed some placeholders on the page to encapsulate the controls i want to move around. The problem is, that RenderChildren does render the controls...

CreateUserWizard - Preventing user creation if confirmation email cannot be sent

I am trying to fix the behavior of a CreateUserWizard control in ASP.NET 2.0. With a fairly naive, out-of-the-box implementation, if you enter an email address that does not exist, or there is some other error sending the email, you get a YSOD showing the ugly details of the SMTP error, plus the user account is created anyway. Handling t...

CrystalReportViewer problem with navigating between pages

I have an (2.0) page with a crystal report viewer. I use the following code in the page_load() method if (!Page.IsPostBack) { Session["REP"] = null; } ReportDocument report; if (Session["REP"] == null) { report = new ReportDocument(); report.Load(Server.MapPath("reports\\rptListItems....

ASP.NET - How to add a label to a RadioButtonList ListItem?

I have a RadioButtonList with two ListItems included: <asp:RadioButtonList runat="server" ID="optRollover" OnSelectedIndexChanged="RolloverOptionSelected" AutoPostBack="true"> <asp:ListItem Value="0">100% </asp:ListItem> <asp:ListItem Value="1">Less than 100%</asp:ListItem> </asp:RadioButtonList><...

Subversion and ASP.NET Website Project's Bin folder

We're in the middle of changing from VSS to Subversion and we have a website project on our Subversion Repo. We've removed the Bin folder as it causes all kinds of chaotic tree conflicts since our development solution contains some Class Library projects the Website project depends on (set up as project references in our solution). We al...

Run IIS as current user

Hello. I have a security problem I can't solve. I have developed web service that it is actually a wrapper for native dll api. When I run it from ASP.NET Development server (From Visual Studio) there are no problems (The visual studio runs as administrator) The native DLL also create directories and files in the hard drive. Now, when i u...

Dropdownlist with Image beside each item

Hi, How can I have a small image beside each item of dropdown list. Regards ravi ...

How can I invoke app on server from ASP.NET web app?

This question could be a can of worms, but I've always wondered if it were possible to invoke an executable application from inside a web application on the web server? I can easily set this up as a scheduled task to run and check every few minutes, but it would be nice to be able to invoke the application on demand from the a web page....

Relative path not working when website is deployed

I have a website that has a relative path to a stylesheet that looks like this "/stylesheets/main.css". Now this works fine when I run the site in Visual Studio. But when I deploy the site to our Windows Server 2003 the path stops working. If I go back into code and change the path from "/stylesheets/main.css" to "stylesheets/main.css"...

whats web part and where it is used ?

Can anybody tell me what is web part and where it is used commonly ? Why should'nt we use user control instead of it ...(might be this is a blunder..but i donno whats it ) Thanks in advance! ...

Which the best way for cross apge posting-Find control ,public property and isCrossPostBack ?

Tell me which is the best way ...

server.transfer changing the url second time

I am using 2.0, I do server.transfer from page 1 to page 2, the url remains same as page 1. Now I click a link in page 2 and that will transfer me to page 3. So, the url should remain same as Page 1 instead the browser now shows the url of page 2. Is that the expected behavior?? I was actually trying to hide the parameters from ...

[FIXED] ASP.NET 2.0 files work in one folder, but NOT in another

I have created an ASP.NET application for a client and all the files are in a folder on their D drive. Now it is time to go production, so I copied all my files and folders to their existing classic ASP folder on the same drive. When I browse to the application it fails to launch. The only difference I can see is that the development ...

Problems with Optimistic Concurrency through an ObjectDataSource and a GridView

Hi I'm having a problem in an ASP .NET 2.0 Application. I have a GridView displaying data from an ObjectDataSource (connected to a BLL class which connects to a TabledAdapter (Typed Dataset using optimistic concurrency). The select (displaying the data) works just fine, however, when I update a row the GridView does pass the old value...

Render an control from a text string

Hi All, I'm not sure if it is possible to render an control from a string. The string contains fragments of html code and I've tried rendering that string to a div tag with runat="server" set, asp panel contain, asp lalbel control and asp literal control. All of them doesn't render the asp control in that text to an actual contr...

ASP.NET Control's UniqueID delimiter

The UniqueID of a control is delemited with the '$', is it possble that the delimiter can change, and if so, is there a property somewhere that contains the delimiting character? ...

ASP.Net Response Filter Clashing with SharePoint 2010 Publishing Site Defaults

Hello everyone, I'm debugging an HttpModule with an ASP.NET response filter. This dynamically rewrites portions of rendered SharePoint WCM pages. The publishing pages render fine in SP2007 on both Server 2003 and Server 2008. However the equivalent pages fail to render in SP2010 B2 on Server 2008 R2 / IIS7. The following error is re...

How to refresh parent and ancestor windows after closing the child windows?

Hi, I have three windows: 1st - main window 2nd - child window - it's opened using window.showModalDialog from 1st widnow. 3rd - window - is an ancestor of 1st window and is's opened from 2nd window using window.showModalDialog. And now what I need to achieve is to open 1, 2 and 3 window. Next after closing the 3rd one, refresh the 2nd...

Installing .net Framework 1.1 globally configured all my websites for 1.1 How do I undo this/permanently reconfigure them back to 2.0?

I have a Windows 7 machine on which I am using VS2005. .Net 2.0 and .Net 3.5 are installed on it. An app claimed it needed .NET framework 1.1 before it would run. I therefore installed framework 1.1 and it now runs. Problem: Now whenever I try to open a website in VS2005 I get a messages saying it is configured for 1.1 rather than 2.0...