
ASP.Net: Using System.Web.UI.Control.ResolveUrl() in a shared/static function

What is the best way to use ResolveUrl() in a Shared/static function in Asp.Net? My current solution for VB.Net is: Dim x As New System.Web.UI.Control x.ResolveUrl("~/someUrl") Or C#: System.Web.UI.Control x = new System.Web.UI.Control(); x.ResolveUrl("~/someUrl"); But I realize that isn't the best way of calling it. ...

Best way to register js for modularity in User Control

Hello i have a control that is organized like this and i want to have the javascript registered on the calling master pages, etc, so that anywhere this control folder is dropped and then registered, it will know how to find the URL to the js. Here is what i have so far (in the user control ) protected void Page_Load(object sender, ...

How to use absolute url in aspx page on development machine?

I find myself using the ResolveUrl function a lot in my aspx pages but the resolved path is always relative. i would like to be able to have the rendered path start with the regular "http://localhost/myproject/" How can i achieve that without breaking any code in case i change the hierarchy of my files? Would it be inefficient to write ...

PHP: How to resolve a relative url

I need a function that given a relative URL and a base returns an absolute URL. I've searched and found many functions that do it different ways. resolve("../abc.png", "") # returns Is there a canonical way? On this site I see great examples for python and c#, lets get a...

Is it required to call ResolveUrl() before LoadControl() ?

Is it required to call TemplateControl.ResolveUrl() before passing it to TemplateControl.LoadControl()? Which way is preferred? LoadControl(ResolveUrl("~/MyControl.ascx")); LoadControl("~/MyControl.ascx"); LoadControl("MyControl.ascx"); or maybe ResolveClientUrl() ? ...

new control().ResolveUrl("") not working on deployed.

Hello guys, I have an application using MVC. In my controller I have their a viewdata[] which contains the image path (Viewdata["dd"]=new Control().ResolveUrl(path)). This will work on my local but on the deploy it will not work anymore. Anybody have experience this scenario? Your reply is greatly appreciated. Best ...

Keep old URLs when implementing

I added to my site today and it works fine with redirecting my SEO links to actual pages. The question is if there is any way to keep my old links in site and have ResolveUrl() using the rules to output links in my page. The "old" links should never be viewed by either search bots or users. Example link in page: <a href...

How to best normalize URLs

I'm creating a site that allows users to add Keyword --> URL links. I want multiple users to be able to link to the same url (exactly the same, same object instance). So if user 1 types in "" and user 2 types in "" and user 3 types in "" how do I best "convert" them to...

Absolute file path to relative URL - c#

I've seen lots of tutorials on resolving a relative url to an absolute path, but i want to do the opposite: resolve an system absolute filepath into a relative url. Is there a nice hack-free way to turn a filepath like c:\my_website_root\images\picture_a.jpg into images/picture_a.jpg I've had a look at Uri.MakeRelative() but i dont thi...

ResolveUrl Problem in Master Page

Okay, I know it is weird but when I put this code between <head runat="server"></head> in, this is how it renders into: <link id="ctl00_Link1" rel="shortcut icon" href="../%3C%25%20ResolveUrl(%22~/Resources/Pictures/Shared/Misc/favicon.ico%22);%20%25%3E" type="image/x-icon" /> It doesn't see something needs to ta...

How can I resolve ASP.NET "~" app paths to the website root without a Control being present?

I want to Resolve "~/whatever" from inside non-Page contexts such as Global.asax (HttpApplication), HttpModule, HttpHandler, etc. but can only find such Resolution methods specific to Controls (and Page). I think the app should have enough knowledge to be able to map this outside the Page context. No? Or at least it makes sense to me it...

Apache local configuration to resolve files correctly

Hello, I am new at this so bare with me. I have just configured Apache and PHP to work on my local Mac OS X computer. Now PHP works fine, except when I try to load the files for my live sites. The live sites have separate directories and are sorted by client name etc. I've created symlinks in the default root for the local web server ...

ResolveUrl in Static WebMethod

How do you resolve a url like "../../images/test.png" to "" in a static web method? ...

Simple way to change whole project to root relative paths

I have inherited a web site that has all of the paths set using relative paths, that only work when the site is located in the web root. I have put the site in a virtual directory, and none of the paths work correctly. <img src="/img/logo/BadCo.gif" width="156" height="55" alt="BadCo" /> I can resolve this as follows: <img src='<%= ...