Could I get the decrypted password in membership from database???

<add name="LDSAMembers" type="System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider" connectionStringName="" applicationName="" requiresUniqueEmail="true" passwordFormat="Encrypted" minRequiredPasswordLength="6" enablePasswordReset="true" enablePasswordRetrieval="true" maxInvalidPasswordAttempts="5" passwordAttemptWindo...

ASP.NET Membership Provider all user with no email

Hello, Does the ASP.NET Membership Provider allow you to create a user with no email address? I plan to still send the username and password. <membership defaultProvider="MySqlMembershipProvider"> <providers> <clear /> <add connectionStringName="SimpleTickConnection" applicationName="TheaterSales" enablePasswordRetrieval="f... membership api integration with php

Hi guys, Fairly new to this so go easy ;-) Just looking for some general advice really. I'm currently creating a front end system to integrate with a back end system that someone else has created. My front end system just consists of a website, a sign up form where customers can register. This is integrated with our payment partners ...

membership profile properties

Hello, I have a bunch of site's that use the .net membership profile. Some of the sites have 1000+ users with profiles. Is it safe to add new profile elements? Like if I want to add: twitter account as a profile element. Will this have any conflicts with existing profiles? from m...

My database (.MDF) doesn't seem to attach to my .\SQLExpress but i can view it in VS 2010 ?

Hi there, Can anyone help? I created a DB under APP_Data using ADD ITEM and choosing SQL Server DB and sure enough its there. I can even double click it and it opens up in VS 2010 in the Server Explorer tab. The connection that i have configured in my web.config is the following <add name="ApplicationServices" connectionString=...

ASP.NET Membership - Is Switching the Application Name in the Web.Config a good idea?

Hi Guys, I came up with an interesting way to solve the following problem and I want to know if there is a better way to achieve my objectives. Basically, I'm creating a basic cms system users can register for their own microsite and have their own users. I'm using the membership api. I wanted a way to isolate users of the var...

SSRS 2008 security integratation with Membership Provider

Hello, I've a web-site, that use membership provider. Two days ago I got a task to Integrate with my site SSRS 2008 security. WEB-site is located in http://localhost. In this page I have login page. If user is authenticated, web-site is redirects to main page. Report site generated by SSRS is located in http://localhost/Reports...

ASP.NET Membership multiple signed in?

Hey Is there any way (Via IFRAME or something like that) to enable me browse to 2 different pages on the same browser on 2 different accounts in the ASP.NET membership? Thanks ...

Asp.Net membership errors ...

I have 2 databases that a mirrors of eachother schmatically. The data is the only thing that is different. When I try to log into the second database I keep getting this error - The requires a database schema compatible with schma version '1' However the current database schema is ... membership add custom column

In my master page I have: MembershipUser thisUser = Membership.GetUser(); loggedInUserID = thisUser.ProviderUserKey.ToString(); thisUser gives me access to all the fields in aspnet_Membership. I want a new field, isSubscribed for each user. I can use an SQL query to fetch the value fine, but I want to know if there is someway to mod...

SqlExpress mdf DB incompatibility

I used the ASP.NET (.NET4) default ASPNETDB.mdf database that gets created when using membership, in one of my sites. I then copied the site to the web server. Now it has been running for a while so there is content and comments. But I now need to make changes to the code that will also require extra fields in the db, so I copied the .md...

What authentication using SQL Server out of process.

That means user name and password will be stored in SQL Server? What is difference between SQL Server and state server authentication ...

ASP.NET Membership advantages

What advantages does Membership provide in the case when you have to write custom implementation? Is there any sense to implement membership interfaces or it would be easier to make your own UsersService with just things you need? ...

Mono with SQL Server Membership Provider?

Apparently Mono replaces references to SQL Server membership provider with sqlite membership provider (see ASP.NET_Settings_Mapping). Is there any way to convince Mono to use SQL Server for the membership provider? When I try to log in to my web app, I get the following: System.Configuration.Provider.ProviderException: Operation aborte...

Returning 401 instead of the login page

I have an web application that use FormsAuthentication. Now, the application has a WCF Service that need to use Basic Authentication. So, I need to return the 401 status code, but everytime it's picked up by and redirecting me to the login page. How could I disable this feature and finally being able to throw a 401 wit...

ASP.NET MVC + MySql Membership Provider, user cannot login

Hello, I've been playing around with using MySql as the membership provider for mvc forms authentication. I've got things configured correctly as far as i can tell, and i can create users via both the register action and web config site. however, when i try to login with one of the users, it does not work. it returns an ...

Add ASP.NET Membership tables to my own existing Database OR should i instead configuring a separate membership database

I was reading through this post here and thought to my self what the common practice is. What do developers using ASP.NET membership and authorization in their applications recommend as a best practice? creating the membership tables in the same database that...

Help me decide whether to use ASP.NET default membership/roles providers or write custom providers

I spent a good part of yesterday reading up on the subject and still feel like I am uncertain which way to go. I come from a "roll your own" background when it comes to authentication and authorization. We never used Forms authentication, let alone the Membership API. Looking at our old code we would use session variables to capture/c...

Building security architecture in web software (creating an API)

I have a set of actions in a database, such as Add User, Edit User, Import Users, Send Invitation, etc. I have attached these permissions to roles. Then I attached these roles to users. Is there a good pattern or API I can create for using this? I do not want to put a bunch of if/else statements in the code to check for permissions. So ...

Lightweight membership provider alternative

Looking for a light weight alternative to the membership provider. Does such a thing exist? It should allow for the creation and modification of accounts, nothing to fancy. A password reset would also be nice. Would be great if it didn't require a database but used some object database (couchdb, db40 etc). Basically as I wrote, a simple...