How can I wire users with their respective folders in ASP.NET?

When userA uploads a file, his files will be uploaded to folderA, when userB, to folderB, and so on. Roles/Profiles in ASP.NET. Folders will be pre-existing. Anyone? ...

How robust is the profile system? Is it ready for prime time?

I've used profiles (using the AspNetSqlProfileProvider) for holding small bits of information about my users. I started to wonder how it would handle a robust profile for a large number of users. Does anyone have experience using this on a large website with large numbers of simultaneous users? What are the performance implicatio...

ASP.NET Profile section in web.config disappears after successful build

I'm trying to add a section to an ASP.NET web.config file for using the default profile provider. Here's what I'm adding to web.config in the system.web node: <profile defaultProvider="AspNetSqlProfileProvider"> <providers> <clear/> <add name="AspNetSqlProfileProvider" type="System.Web.Profile.SqlProfileProvider, System.We...

I need help configuring Profiles

I'm trying to use profiles I've followed some instructions which means I have set up a the ASPNETDB (using SQLExpress 2005) configured the profile provider (in the web.config) defined some properties enabled authentication But I can't seem to use code like (ie Intellisense doesn't like it) Profile.UserCustomContent = "Hi Mo...

Using Multiple Profile Providers with Overlapping Properties

I am working with a site that needs to use two different profile providers. They are both added in the web.config and the properties of each of them are listed there as well. I run into a problem when I try to enable a property that has the same name in each provider. Comment one out, and the site will at least load. Leave both i...

ASP.NET Profile Templates

Is it possible have more than one profile template? I'm working on an internal application for a company that will be distributed to multiple locations and have different setups. I was thinking of having a profile for user preferences, and then using the profile system to store system configuration information (I didn't want to load th...

Is profile data automatically retrieved only for current user

Hello, 1) I assume profile data is automatically retrieved only for current user, while profile data for other users must be retrieved manually? 2) I’m not sure what the following quote is trying to convey: If you define a profile in web.config file that doesn’t exist in the serialized profile information, the ProfileModule w...

ASP.NET Roles and Profiles: best way to query for collection of users who match custom profile property?

ASP.NET 2.0 membership, roles, and profiles is the cat's meow. The API for roles supports handy methods like GetAllUsersInRole("MyNewsletterSubscriber"), which will return a collection of people in the "MyNewsletterSubscriber" role. I am wondering what the best way to return a collection of people with custom ASP.NET Profile propertie... Membership and profiles in WCF

I'm working on a WCF service that requires Membership and Profile access. I got the Membership stuff working by using System.Web.Security.Membership class and calling CreateUser() and ValidateUser() but i can't get the Profile to work. I don't even know what class to call, all the samples that i have seen are for like the one i ...

Profilesystem / Membershipsystem with Email as login

The ASP.NET Membershipsystem uses a unique username to identify a user. What if I need to login users by E-Mail? I could just pass the E-Mail into the property for the username, but then things get a bit messy. The user might want to change the e-mailaddress. Is there any resource available that decribes a good way to implement it? ...

How to parse PropertyName PropertyValue data?

Hello, Two web applications I'm working with are using the ASP.NET membership and each have areas for user information which use this Property name/value storage method in the database. Here is an example: PropertyNameValues publicEmail:S:0:19:yahooIM:S:19:0:timezone:S:19:2:commonName:S:21:4:birthdate:S:25:81:signatureFormatted:S:106...

Storing Interface type in ASP.NET Profile

In my ASP.NET website all calls into the data layer return entities as interfaces and the website does not need to know what the concrete type is. This works fine, but I have run into a problem when trying to store one of those types into the user Profile. My interface implements ISerializable, like the following: public interface IInsu...

Why might this ASP.NET profile section fail to dynamically compile?

When the following profile section is in my web.config, the first page request fail with FileNotFoundException and a bunch of error coming from the compiler (from the look of the stack trace). When the properties section is removed, everything works again (until I try to reference something from the Profile of course). The rest of the w...

Combining properties made available via webservices profile service aspnet

I really wasn't sure what the title for my question could be, so sorry if it's a bit vague. I'm working on an application that uses client application services for authentication/profile management etc. In web.config for my website, I have the following profile properties like this: <properties> <add name="FirstName" type="string" ...

Possible to have multiple Profiles in ASP.NET for different users?

My application has a few different user types with their own members. For example, I have the student user as well as the teacher user. I authenticate my users through active directory in my custom MembershipProvider's ValidateUser method. While querying AD, I pull out all their relevant information. I'd like to put that information into...

Update an existing user's profile in ASP.NET

I want to change an existing user's profile without having to create a new profile for the user. For example: I have a user name Usr1 and I want to change only his age, how do I do that? ...

Can't access custom profile properties from web.config?

I have the following two profile properties in my web.config file between the System.Web tags: <anonymousIdentification enabled="true"/> <profile> <properties> <add name="CustomerName" allowAnonymous="true"/> <add name="CustomerID" allowAnonymous="true"/> </properties> </profile> When I try to access the Profile.CustomerNa...

Accessing Profiles from App_Code

I am creating a base class from which specific pages are going to be derived. That is, instead of inheriting my pages from System.Web.UI.Page, they're inheriting from MyPage (which in turn, inherits from System.Web.UI.Page). However, I can't seem to be able to access the Profile property. Even though they both inherit from Page, I can o...

CustomProfile is not saving?

I created a class that extends ProfileBase: public class CustomerProfile : ProfileBase { public int CustomerID { get; set; } public string CustomerName { get; set; } public static CustomerProfile GetProfile() { return Create(Membership.GetUser().UserName) as CustomerProfile; } public static CustomerPr...

Is it possible to access ASP.NET anonymous profile for a logged in user?

The ASP.NET membership supports anonymous users and logged in users. If you call FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(userName, createPersistentCookie); with a true for createPersistentCookie then the user will be logged in automatically when they revisit your site - even after closing the browser. If you don't enable this 'remember me' fe...