What is the best approach to take for user profiles in my web application?

I'm currently building an ASP.NET MVC web application. My site security is (currently) built atop an extension of the System.Web.Security Membership model where I've extended: AuthorizeAttribute MembershipProvider RoleProvider This has sufficed for the security mechanism - although it has complicated a lot of things I could probably...

Can anonymous and authenticated profiles coexist together in ASP.NET ?

I'm trying to figure out exactly when the event Profile_MigrateAnonymous fires. My best guess from just tracing through my code is that it fires when it detects BOTH an anonymous membership cookie AND an authenticated membership cookie. Can anyone confirm this? I'm looking for real in depth answer here. Not just it gets called 'when a u...

What are the PropertyValuesString and PropertyValuesBinary fields in the aspnet_Profiles table for?

I figured the PropertyValuesString was for the value part of what is usually the Key-Value pair of these types of object. But then where does the PropertyValuesBinary field come in if you've already put the value into the PropertyValuesString? Both fields are non-nullable so I need something to put in each. What's the difference betwee... MVC Why should I bother with a Profile Provider?

I already have a database with about 20 fields of userprofile information. Im not sure what the advantage would be for creating a custom provider instead. Can someone explain what is the benefit? thanks. ...

ASP.NET ProfileBase.Create behavior when supplied with an existing username

When supplied with a username that already exists, does ProfileBase.Create return the ProfileBase associated with the existing user (and if the username does not exisit, creates a new user and returns the new user)? Apologies for the trivial question, but MSDN documentation really is of little help. ...

Using a profile property of type List in .NET Membership

Hi, I'm working on a C# Webservice that needs to provide authentication as well as roles and profile management. I need each profile to have a property of type List. The profile section in the web.config looks like this: <profile defaultProvider="MyProfileProvider" enabled="true"> <providers> <remove name="MyProfileProvider"/> ...

Storing profile information for users in separate columns instead of 1 long column?

When you create profile information for an user, it creates all the property values in 1 field. This is not the easiest thing to query. Is there a way to tell it to store the values in separate columns like Address, City, State, Zipcode instead of a column called PropertyStringValues where the value might be something like City...

Profile System: User share the same id

I have a strange effect on my site when it is under heavy load. I randomly get the properties of other users settings. I have my own implementation of the profile system so I guess I can not blame the profile system itself. I just need a point to start debugging from. I guess there is a cookie-value that maps to an Profile entry somewh...

Custom ASP.Net Membership and the Login control

I am creating a custom membership provider for a web app that already has it's users stored in an existing database table. I used some code from a tutorial to help jump start my provider but I am a bit lost on how i can interact with the actual log in process. My custom provider has an override method for ValidateUser() and at the momen...

Custom Providers & Design Patterns

Hi. I am using ASP.NET 2.0 and its various providers. I have overridden most of the methods I need and have the following custom providers: ProjectMembershipProvider ProjectProfileProvider ProjectRoleProvider In the design of my project, my intention was to wrap the custom providers in a facade - style design - mixing and matching...

User Profile objects are empty, even user logged-in properly?

I use asp:Login control, user can login properly, but while checking user Profile information within LoggedIn event of Login control, all of the fields in the Profile objects are empty. Also, User.Identity.IsAuthenticated always returns false. But, all of these issue solved while navigating to another page. Why User.Identity.IsAuthent...

ASP.NET MVC Get a list of users with particular profile properties

Hi, I'm using ASP.NET MVC 1 and I have added a custom Profile class using the WebProfile Builder VS add-in (found here: On one of my forms I want a drop-down list of all users who share a specific profile value in common. I can see that I can ...

Could not load type in Custom Profile provider

I am writing a small console application in C# that references a custom assembly that implements custom .net Profile provider. I have added the following sections to my app.config file which references the custom class and assembly. <system.web> <profile defaultProvider="MyCompanyProfileProvider" inherits="MyCompany.Web.User.GenericPro...

Profile access in ASP.NET web services

ASP.NET profile properties are trivially available to the code-behind of an ASPX web page courtesy of the HttpContext.Current.Profile object. In a .svc web service, how does one bring ProfileCommon and paraphernalia into scope? ...

ASP.Net Profile Object in .Net 3.5

What is the best way to use to the Profile feature to store a users last 10 searchs. Basically I need some kind of circular array, but not sure how to implement. One option is to write a static (Shared) function somewhere that Public Shared Sub AddSearch(strSearch as String) Profile.Search1= Profile.Search2 Profil...

How can i use the Pluggable ASP.NET Components on my project. form this site i download the MSDNElmah.msi.After install this, i get a solution Contain .aspx and web.config file and one dll.This site have some information about this plugin,but it's seems to difficult to me.I can not use it on my Project.I want to use this plugin on my project.Ple...

How do you get anonymous authentication token for profile support?

So I have an Web Application (Not Web Site) that I am trying to support profiles for anonymous users. I have a form and I want anonymous users to be able to enter their name and email only once, and have that information automatically accessible on the next load for them. In my Web.config I have anonymous ID setup like so: <...

How can I define SettingsProperty.DefaultValue in my inherited ProfileBase class?

You can create custom profile properties in Web.config like so: <configuration> <system.web> <profile> <providers>...</providers> <properties> <add name="MyCustomProperty" allowAnonymous="false" type="MyCustomType" serializeAs="String" defaultValue="MyCustomType.Empt...

Using Profile and CreateUserwizard in ASP.NET MVC 2

Hello, I am using this tutorial to create an application in ASP.NET MVC 2 where I can register users with custom profile properties using the CreateUserWizard control. My problem is that the tutorial uses ASP.NET (not MVC) and it needs the code-behind of the control for handling the CreateUserWizard1_CreatedUser method. Since in ASP.NE...

ASP.Net Profile blew up

I just completely revamped a database I'm using for a site I have under development. Now that I've done this, the Profile system isn't working. All the Profile.* stuff in my code-behind now shows a value of Nothing. Any ideas on how to start working on this problem? ...