
Is it possible to have extra context inside the AssemblyResolve method?

Dear ladies and sirs. Motivation. I have a client-server application. At some point the server side creates a new type dynamically based on certain metadata, unavailable to the client. The server needs to send an instance of the type to the client. However, the client will fail to deserialize the instance, because its type is unknown. ...

Upgrade a reference dll in a C# project without recompiling the project

I need to take a built version of an C# application and change one of the reference dll's. What is the best way to do this, I have specific version turned off on the reference dll but as soon as I test replacing the dll with a newer version, I get the "Could not load file or assembly XXXXX, Version=XXXXX. Is there a way to stop the loa...

Why are multiple versions of a referenced DLL included in the manifest?

I am building a .Net solution using MSBuild v3.5 targeting .Net 2.0. We are upgrading to use Crystal 11.5 so I have updated the binaries in our source control tree to contain the 11.5 version DLLs instead of the 10.0 DLLs. In the project I reference some Crystal Reports DLLs. Here is a small example of the project file: <Reference Inc...

How to provide a fallback assembly instead of the one that can't be loaded?

At runtime, if a referenced assembly fails to load with e.g. "Strong name validation failed" (because it's test-signed), is there a way to provide a substitution assembly from another path that is real-signed? I tried subscribing to AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve, but it doesn't get fired, because the "bad" assembly technically...

Multiple Assembly.Load(Byte[]), same instance or leak ?

What happens when I call Assembly.Load(Byte[]) multiple times with a Byte array containing the same assembly ? Will I get the same instance of Assembly for each call ? The same assembly loaded multiple times within the app domain ??? ...

Loading Assemblies

Hi guys, There are plenty of discussing that shows how to load assemblies from BIN and from GAC... my question is more general and I would love to know how assembly loading work. As for example in the BIN folder we can have A.dll A.dll.config A.dll.config file can look like: <?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration> <startup> <...

C#: Custom assembly directory

Say we have an application which consists of one executable and 5 libraries. Regularly all of these will be contained in one directory and the libraries will be loaded from there. Is it possible to do so that I can have for example some of the libraries in one directory called Lib, and the rest in one called Lib2? So that the applicatio...

Problems redirecting NUnit assembly version (what is [AssemblyName].temp.config?)

I am using some of the testing libraries from Sharp Architecture which make use of NUnit 2.5.0 while the rest of my project uses NUnit 2.5.1 so I placed an assembly redirect in my test project app config file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <runtime> <assemblyBinding> <dependentAssembly> ...

Debugging error "The Type 'xx' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced"

The full error is as follows: The type 'System.Windows.Forms.Control' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'. and it points at the very first statement (an Debug.Assert line) in the v...

Tests under TestDriven.NET not picking up updated fuslogvw settings

If there's a dup of this, I'll be upvoting it but until someone finds it for me.... This is a Things I've Learned Today [that nobody seems to have blogged about] entry... With TestDriven.NET, I was continually getting the following output from an Assembly.Load : WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF. To enable assembly b...

FxCop: control assembly referenced by analyzed assembly not being loaded

FWIW: Windows 7 64bit, Compact Framework v3.5, FxCop v1.36 (running fxcopcmd.exe) I'm having problems getting FxCop 1.36 to run correctly. I'm analyzing a compact framework application with the globalization rules from the .exe that i am analyzing has a reference to a 3rd party control suite: re...

How a native C++ plug-in DLL can load a private assembly located in a specific directory

I have a native C++ DLL which is used as a plug-in in another application. This DLL has an embedded manifest and depends on a private assembly located in a folder external to the application. The application fails to load my plug-in DLL because my DLL depends on a private assembly which is never found (it is not located in the applicatio...

.NET Load assembly from <probing privatePath...> attr in .config file

I have an application that loads most of its dll's from a subfolder specified in the configuration (myapp.exe.config) file in the attribute <probing privatePath="subdir"/> My question is: Can I load a dll (say mydll.dll) at runtime, using only its filename, if it the dll lives in the same subdirectory "subdir" specified in the probing...

DLL Dependancies

I have an C# library file that uses a web-service reference in it. I have referenced Microsoft SOAP type library v3.0 and use Visual studio 2008. When I create a set up project, I get an error that says mssoap30.dll and msxml4.dll have dependancies that have not been determined automatically and the set up procedure fails. What is the r...

Rules for when .NET referenced assembly is put in bin\debug

How does .NET (or Visual Studio) build decide whether or not to copy a referenced assembly to your bin/debug or bin/release directory? (This is an .exe console program.) On my machine, I had the referenced assembly in the GAC. A co-worker copied my bin/release to their machine, and it wouldn't run because the referenced asssembly was...

.NET executable won't load referenced assemblies when started from \\localhost\xyz

My .NET executable abc.exe references several assemblies. One of them is called xyz.core.exe. I have trouble getting it to work when it is being started from a network location specified through a share name with a path such as \\localhost\xyz\abc.exe. This works fine if I mount a network drive letter named Z: on \\localhost\xyz and if I...

Why won't the runtime resolve my assembly dependency automatically?

I have some c++ code that is a snap-in for a MMC based application. This snap in uses a .net 2.0 dll via a COM wrapper (AssemblyA). AssemblyA lives in the same directory as the app that launches the MMC session. AssemblyA uses some other .net dlls (OtherAssemblies) which, for reasons beyond my control cannot live in the same directory ...

How does the .NET Runtime Locate Non Strong-Named' Assemblies?

We have different versions of non strong-named assemblies, and no binding redirects/probing paths to them in app.exe.config. For example, MyDll ( and MyDll ( Relative to app.exe, these assemblies are stored in LAC\MyDll_1.0.0.0_null_neutral and LAC\MyDll_2.0.0.0_null_neutral. My understanding i...

Tips to help debug "Could not load file or assembly X or one of its dependencies"

I'm looking for tips/suggestions/insights to help debug an on application load issue; Could not load file or assembly... The solution/project where I'm experiencing this issue is a conversion from a working copy in Visual Studio 2008 to the Visual Studio 2010 Release Candidate. The conversion process appeared to be successful, and all t...

Call to System.Web.Configuration.ProvidersHelper.InstantiateProviders taking ages and ages (from SubSonic)

I'm using SubSonic 2.2 and the .net provider for sqlite in a client application. I'm calling SubSonic.DataService.Provider and it's taking ages, e.g. 30 seconds, to return. Stepping through the SubSonic code it appears to be taking the time on this line within DataService.LoadProviders(): ProvidersHelper.InstantiateProviders(section.Pro...