
PHP - Merge two arrays (same-length) into one associative?

Hi, pretty straightforward question actually.. is it possible in PHP to combine two separate arrays of the same length to one associative array where the values of the first array are used as keys in the associative array? I could ofcourse do this, but I'm looking for another (built-in) function, or more efficient solution..? fun...

Create an associative array with dynamic keys in Actionscript 2

for an XML file, I want to create an array in actionscript where I can reference a particular value with a key I set rather than 0, 1, 2 etc buildings = myParsedObjectFromXML; var aBuildings = new Array(); for ( building in buildings ) { var currentBuilding = buildings[building][0]; var key:String = currentBuilding.buildingCod...

java and python equivalent of php's foreach($array as $key => $value)

EDIT: Amazingly, newacct's answer has accumulated 12 points in the four hours since I posted my question. This, despite its being incorrect. As alternatives to php's associative array, newacct offers Java's HashMap and Python's dictionary, neither of which preserves key order. cmcg provided a correct answer for the Java version. That is...

PHP "Warning: usort() [function.usort]: Invalid comparison function" on sorting

i have following data as an associative array array 'abc' => array 'label' => string 'abc' (length=3) 'weight' => float 3 'wsx' => array 'label' => string 'wsx' (length=3) 'weight' => float 1 'qay' => array 'label' => string 'qay' (length=3) 'weight' => float 1 ''...

How do I access Collection keys during For Each in ?

I have some code like this: Dim col As Collection = New Collection col.Add(value1, "key1") col.Add(value2, "key2") ' later... For Each item As String In col ' want to get valueX and keyX here; currently, "item" holds the value Next How can I get both the value and key within the loop? Maybe there is another class that makes this ...

Sort tinytext time from mysql db query with sql or sort the array it produces using PHP

Hey guys - The problem stems from a poorly designed database used to store real estate information. I set up a template for my client to select a weekend and to display the open houses for that weekend. Open house times (ohtime1, ohtime2, ohtime3) are stored as tinytext, with no way of knowing AM or PM. "12:00 - 2:00" and "01:00 - 03:00"...

PHP theres some Impact using long text in a associative array?

Im doing a database class in PHP and I want to make cache of the result of the querys in a associative array, My idea is to use the sql statment as the index of the cache array, its could be a good idea? or should I use a md5 from the sql? class DB{ const HOST = 'localhost'; //Your Database Host! const USER = 'user'; //Your Database Use...

Detecting if an Array is Indexed or Associative

Possible Duplicate: PHP Arrays: A good way to check if an array is associative or sequential? What would be the most performant way of checking if an array is associative or not in PHP? ...

How to make an associative array in actionscript indexed by Point?

I'd like my associative array indexed by Point (or, in general, an Object) that has a semantic equality. Unfortunately var p:Point = new Point(1, 1); var q:Point = new Point(1, 1); var dict:Dictionary = new Dictionary(); dict[p] = 5; trace(dict[p]); // => 5 trace(dict[q]); // => undefined because trace(p===q); // => false Is there...

PHP prepend associative array with literal keys?

Is it possible to prepend an associative array with literal key=>value pairs? I know that array_unshift() works with numerical keys, but I'm hoping for something that will work with literal keys. As an example I'd like to do the following: $array1 = array('fruit3'=>'apple', 'fruit4'=>'orange'); $array2 = array('fruit1'=>'cherry', 'frui...

Can I use an stl map if I plan to use arbitrary class objects as the key?

I'm new to STL. The thing stumping me about using a map to store arbitrary objects: std::map<MyClassObj, MyDataObject> MyMap; is how I find objects. How would MyMap.find (MyClassObjInstance) work for instance? Do I need to implement my own iterator and provide some standard functions which would include some equivalence function? A...

What's the most elegant method for determining if an array is associative or not?

I have some code that may be passed either an indexed array of values, or an associative array of value pairs. (The parameter is then used to construct radio buttons.) What's the most elegant (least resource hungry?) method for determining which I have? EDIT: One slight problem with this: what if the array to be tested is as follows.......

How to define hash tables in bash?

Just what title says. I am surprised by insufficiency of results in Google search for this question! What I want to is the equivalent of Python dictionaries but in bash (and hence, should work across OSX, Ubuntu and other major Linux distributions). ...

Add an associated pair to a PHP array

I have an array, i tried writing array_push($json['Request']['Header'], "key" => "val"); but i received an error. Writing the below works but it adds an array instead of just the key/val array_push($json['Request']['Header'], array("key" => "val")); .. [0] => Array ( [key] => val ) //i would like ... [ke...

convert associate array to XML in php

How do i convert an associate array to an XML string? I found this but get the error 'Call to a member function addChild() on a non-object' when running the line $node = $xml->addChild($key); ...

Java: What data structure to use to imitate PHP's associative arrays?

I want a data structure that allows me to map keys to values, like PHP's associative arrays. Each key can only exist once, but a value can be mapped to any number of keys. What am I looking for? Something in the Google Commons Collections? ...

passing associative array of type Timestamp to oracle stored procedure

We're running into a strange error using Oracle Odp.Net (connecting to Oracle 9). The problem is illustrated by the code snippet below. This is the error we're experiencing: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [15419], [severe error during PL/SQL execution], [], [], [], [], [], [] ORA-06544: PL/SQL: internal error, arguments: [...

Finding the minimum value's key in an associative array

Hi, In PHP, say that you have an associative array like this: $pets = array( "cats" => 1, "dogs" => 2, "fish" => 3 ); How would I find the key with the lowest value? Here, I'd be looking for cats. Is there some built in PHP function that I've missed which does this? It would also be great if there was a solution that acc...

Comparing two lists with a shell script

Suppose I have two lists of numbers in files f1, f2, each number one per line. I want to see how many numbers in the first list are not in the second and vice versa. Currently I am using grep -f f2 -v f1 and then repeating this using a shell script. This is pretty slow (quadratic time hurts). Is there a nicer way of doing this? ...

jQuery JSON Associative Array

How do I access the name of an an item in an assosiative array using jQuery. For example how would I read "title", "link", "media", ect... in this { "title": "What we do in our free time...", "link": "", "media": {"m":"