
PHP: Using spaces in associative array indices

Is this bad practice/can cause problems? $_SESSION['stuff to keep'] As opposed to calling str_replace() on the indices. ...

Using an Oracle Table Type in IN-clause - compile fails

Simply trying to get a cursor back for the ids that I specify. CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE some_package AS TYPE t_cursor IS REF CURSOR; TYPE t_id_table IS TABLE OF NVARCHAR(38) INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER; PROCEDURE someentity_select( p_ids IN t_id_table, p_results OUT t_cursor); END; CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY some_...

Value objects vs associative arrays in PHP

(This question uses PHP as context but isn't restricted to PHP only. e.g. Any language with built in hash is also relevant) Let's look at this example (PHP): function makeAFredUsingAssoc() { return array( 'id'=>1337, 'height'=>137, 'name'=>"Green Fred"); } Versus: class Fred { public $id; public $...

PHP Sorting associative-array by other array

I need to sort an associative-array in the exact order of the content of another array. The Arrays are retrieve by 2 separate sql-requests (stated below). The requests could not be combined to only one request, so I have to sort the second array into the order of the first one. These are the arrays: #Array which contains the id's in ne...

Multiple MYSQL queries vs. Multiple php foreach loops

Database structure: id galleryId type file_name description 1 `artists_2010-01-15_7c1ec` `image` `band602.jpg` `Red Umbrella Promo` 2 `artists_2010-01-15_7c1ec` `image` `nov7.jpg` `CD Release Party` 3 `artists_2010-01-15_7c1ec` `video` `band.flv` `Presskit` I'm going to pull images ou...

Alternate implementation of TCL's keyed list which does not have to be compiled ?

Hi, I need to use keyed lists with TCL, but have the option of only copying tcl code to the device. The default method is to use TclX, but this requires compilation. Is there any implementation of keyed list functions (keylset, keylget) which is available as a "standalone" library (i.e. pure tcl)? ...

Can't sort table with associative indexes

Hi, why I can't use table.sort to sort tables with associative indexes? ...

problem Getting the keys alone from Associative array ? for (var key in AssociativeArray) returns all the keys and its prototype members..

Hi, I am having small problem in my JS where i need to iterate through all the keys in the associative array. var listOfKeys=new Array(); for (var key in parsedArray) { listOfKeys.push(key); } It works perfectly and returns all the properties associated to the object. Now i have a situation to add the prototype method to an arr...

Association Problem

I am having a problem with an association: Battalion :has_many soldiers Soldiers :has_many primaries I need to do this @bseniorleads=(@user.battalion.soldiers.find(:all, :conditions => ["seniorleader = ?", "Yes"])) then @seniorspouse=(@bseniorleads.primaries.find(:all, :conditions => ["relationship = ?", "Spouse"] This ...

What would be the best way to add two associative arrays such that duplicate values are not over written : `+` or `array_merge` ?

What is the best way to add two associative arrays such that duplicate values are not over written : + or array_ merge ? I was pretty sure that using + operator I can add two associative arrays such that duplicate values are not over written but this Answer is saying something different and so am not sure if it is really true. I would ...

populate multi-dimensional arrays.

hello, im just working on integrating a script into my own site and this script (being that is has a chat feature) has inbuilt smilies, my site also has smilies but the url of them is stored in the sites mysql db, pulling said files from the db into the script im integrating is easy, but the script uses a 2 dimensional array for the smil...

Can I get all keys of an multi level associative arrays in php

Is there any way in php wherein I can get n level keys for multi-dimensional array in php ? Here is my associative array and as output I want an array which would contain all the values for keys object_id as you can there from the structure itself there are many nested levels for object_id and so how can I get all the values for keys ob...

how does the FlashBuilder debugger know the order in which items were added to an associative array with string keys?

I have an array of objects which uses a delimited string as the keys. When examined in the FB4 debugger, the keys look like this: [+] 22477◦25220◦20.1 [+] 22477◦25220◦20.6 [+] 22477◦25220◦20.8 [+] 22477◦25244◦55.1K(j) The first two items are numeric (cast to string) but the third item in the multi-part delimited key is na...

Associative Matrices?

I'm working on a project where I need to store a matrix of numbers indexed by two string keys. The matrix is not jagged, i.e. if a column key exists for any row then it should exist for all rows. Similarly, if a row key exists for any column then it should exist for all columns. The obvious way to express this is with an associative a...

Getting the key of the only element in a PHP array

The key of the associative array is dynamically generated. How do I get the "Key" of such an array? $arr = array ('dynamic_key' => 'Value'); I am aware that It is possible to access it through a foreach loop like this: foreach ($arr as $key => $val) echo "Key value is $key"; However, I know that this array will have only one key an...

How to propagate a current menu item flag upwards in a multidimensional array?

I have a menu being built via a multi-dimensional array. A current item is set by matching its url attribute with the current request. I want this value to bubble up to its parents, but I can't for the life of me get it working - I'm sure I've been close, but it's proving a bit tricky. Here's the array: Array ( [children] => Array ...

Django array or list output?

I'm pulling a set of image urls and their respective titles. I've tried creating a hash or associative array, but the data seems to overwrite so I only end up with the last item in the array. For example; thumbnail_list = [] for file in media: thumbnail_list['url'] = file.url thumbnail_list['title'] = file.title I've even tr...

Dynamically creating/inserting into an associative array in PHP

I'm trying to build an associative array in PHP dynamically, and not quite getting my strategy right. Basically, I want to insert a value at a certain depth in the array structure, for instance: $array['first']['second']['third'] = $val; Now, the thing is, I'm not sure if that depth is available, and if it isn't, I want to create the ...

How do I create a class repository in Java and do I really need it?

I have a large number of objects which are identified by names (strings). So, I would like to have a kind of mapping from object name to the class instances. I was told that in this situation I can use a "repository" class which works like that: Server myServer = ServerRepository.getServer("NameOfServer"); So, if there is already an ...

Rails Association Problem

I am having trouble with this association. I need to get an array of the primaries that belong to the soldiers in a platoon. So once I get all the soldiers in a platoon: @company = Company.find_by_id(1) @platoons = @company.platoons <% @platoons.each do |p| %> <%= p.soldiers.primaries.find(:all,:conditions => ["relationship =...