
In clojure, is (= 'a 'a) referring to the 'same atom'?

In some implementations of Common LISP we can say that for the following expression (eq 'a 'a) Is true because 'a and 'a are the "same atom". This may be implementation dependent, but it seems the phrase (used in a popular LISP teaching book) assumes that atoms of the same value are stored in the same location in memory. In Java, ...

What is the difference between an atom in Common Lisp and an atom in Clojure?

The following page talks about how atoms work in Clojure. It doesn't say a whole lot about the differences between atoms in Clojure and other lisp dialects. What is the primary difference between an atom in Common Lisp and an atom in Clojure? (What is missing from the definition of atom in Clojure that exists in CL?) ...

Possible values in the National Weather Service Alert Feeds

Has anyone been able to find documentation that has the possible values of the CAP fields in the national weather service alert feeds (sample: )? It would be useful to have software that reacts differently to minor events and major events, as well as different types of events. I suppose its...

Syndication format for describing threaded comments?

How to describe comments tree with Atom/RSS? ...

Atom namespace with php simplexml

This is my RSS template that I load into my simplexml object. I want to change the <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <rss xmlns:atom="" version="2.0"> <channel> <atom:link href="link" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <title></title> <link></link> <description><...

GData Workspace Document

I have an application that currently uses Apache Abdera to parse Atom Pub documents (Workspace, Collection, Feed, Entry) - and want to switch the the GData Libraries, mainly to get rid of a lot of dependencies and I have found the GData calls to be consistently faster. Anyway, I cannot figure out how to generate some of these document t...

What is the difference between an atom and a symbol in Common Lisp?

Are there any differences between what in Common Lisp you'd call an atom, and a symbol? Do these differences extend to other languages in the Lisp family? (I'm aware that atom has a different meaning in Clojure, but I'm interested in the boundaries of what is a symbol.) ...

RSS/Atom C Parser

Do anybody know a good open source C RSS/Atom parser? ...

Mime, Atom feed or IMapx for reading from gmail

Hi, I am little confused as to what is the best approach for reading mails from gmail Here are the links that I reffered: I ha...

How to make the Mercurial (hgwebdir) rss/atom feed display the branch name

I would like to configure our Mercurial server installation so the rss/atom feed will publish the branch name of the changeset, in addition to the standard fields (title, guid, description, author, pubDate). ...

How do I load content from a blogger blog with jquery?

I want to get individual posts from a blogger blog, and make them into individual classes and add their content to my website. I need to do this because the hardware that I'm hosting my website on has very little processing power (pentium 3), and very little ram (512 mb), and if I were to just put a wordpress blog on it, response time wo...

How RSS and ATOM inform client about updates? long polling or polling or something else?

I red that RSS and ATOM are HTTP based using XML. So how RSS or atom reader are informed about content updates if HTTP doesn't support connections? They need to poll to server periodically? I'm interested in using it in real time web application but i heard that "polling doesn't scale". ...

I cannot select <title> tag in Atom XML using jQuery.

I get Atom data through Ajax using jQuery. I write $(xhr).find('entry id').eq(0).html(); is OK. But $(xhr).find('entry title').eq(0).html(); can not select anything. title tag is actually exist. Please help. Thank you! ...

I cannot select <title> tag in Atom XML using jQuery.

I get a Google Picasa web albums' atom data through Ajax using jQuery. This atom data looks like this: When I write $(xhr).find('entry id').eq(0).html(); it is OK. But $(xhr).find('entry title').eq(0).html(); does not select The <title> ta...

Atom to rss feed

I have a rss reader portlet in websphere portal,which add the rss feed and render the feed items on it.i need to add Atom feeds also in the existing code.we use a third party API to parse the feed url,add it and render the news items on the portlet.Need to add some logic in my java code to initially recognize the atom feed and convert it...

Common Lisp Wildcard for eql

Is there a wildcard in Common Lisp that is eql to any atom? That is, is there any wildcard such that (eql wildcard any-atom) returns true? ...

How to update a status message on the lotus connections server from the other web application?

I have found the following info "To update a status message, send an updated status document in Atom format using an HTTP PUT request" but i don't underctand how to sent the xml file to the lotus connections server. I tried to submit a form with xml data...I tried to call ajax query.. Please anybody help - give me an example how...

What's the best library for parsing RSS/Atom in Perl?

I notice that XML::RSS::Parser hasn't been updated since 2005. Is this still the recommended library for parsing RSS or Atomtom? Is there a better one or a better way? ...

parsing XML with PHP need to display the embedded HTML as markup

I'm writing a simple atom XML parser with PHP I have trouble displaying the proper content inside the <content> tag if there is additional HTML tag within. Ex. If I want to parse the following XML <entry> <title>Test entry #3</title> <id>;/id&gt; <updated>2006-10-03T13:14:34Z</up...

mp4 atom - How to discriminate the audio codec? Is it AAC or MP3?

Hi all, I'm working on a mp4 container parser but I'm going crazy trying to recognize the audio codecs of the streams. I used both QtAtomViewer and AtomicParsley but when I find the atom: trak->mdia->minf->stbl->stsd I get always "mp4a" even if the mp4 file has an mp3 stream. Should I look for an ".mp3" fourcc? I attach two differen...