
CoreAudio AudioTimeStamp.mHostTime clock frequency?

I'm running into a bit of a problem with AudioTimeStamps on the iPhone. When I'm running my application in the simulator the AudioTimeStamp.mHostTime appears to be in nanoseconds (1,000,000,000th of a second) whereas when running on my device (iPod Touch 2G) the frequency appears to be about 6,000,000th of a second. It appears that on O...

Silverlight and audio synthesis

Hi, is it at all possible to generate sound on-the-fly in a Silverlight app and play it? I.e. if I want to play a sine-wave, can I generate a buffer and feed it to some media API? Cheers Nik ... live frequency detection

Hello, I am looking to be able to do life frequency detection in I must say I don't really know where to begin here. I have looked into, but that seems to only work with pre-recorded audio. I need to be able to detect the frequency of audio coming in over the line in or mic input in near real-time. Thanks in advance. ...

Is it possible to progressive play DRMed tracks

Is it possible to legally progressive play Windows Media DRM tracks as they are downloaded from a HTTP link? I've managed to do this without DRM but someone here told me it wasn't possible with DRM. Is this true? And if so with what set of libraries or technologies? ...

Open source actionscript/flash audio editor

I am looking for an open source browser based audio editor which shows a waveform and let me clip audio. Does anyone know of one? ...

Playing audio streams on a web page

I have a list of radio stations, mostly .mp3 and .ogg. I would like to have a player on a web page that could be controlled with JavaScript. Now I use jlgui, but it is somewhat limited. Do you know of any alternative to jlgui? Preferably a java applet, but I can tolerate flash or even a system-default media player for a particular conte...

What's the best way of playing audio on Mobile Devices from a web page?

So lets assume we have a load of music files, mp3's most probably but we could re-encode them if it helps. We want as wide a range of people with mobile phones to be able to listen to these as possible via a website - bonus points if we can listen to a playlist (ie. several tracks one after the other). Websites nearly always make use o...

Learning Audio Manipulation

I want to learn how applications like CakeWalk, Cubase, and ProTools are built. Are there any good resources out there to learn this type of development? Resources Digital Signal Processing Basics ...

Actionscript sound playback accuracy in Flash 10

.We have an AS3 player that requires Flash 10 (to overcome old issues with 9 and playback offsets) to handle clipping of audio. However when I select start and end points to playback from, many times what is played back doesn't match the same clip as what is played in Audacity. Here are some details on my test mp3 (results from ffmpeg) ...

3D Audio Engine

Despite all the advances in 3D graphic engines, it strikes me as odd that the same level of attention hasn't been given to audio. Modern games do real-time rendering of 3D scenes, yet we still get more-or-less pre-canned audio accompanying those scenes. Imagine - if you will - a 3D engine that models not just the physical appearance of ...

Real Time Audio Analysis In Linux

I'm wondering what is the recommended audio library to use? I'm attempting to make a small program that will aid in tuning instruments. (Piano, Guitar, etc.). I've read about ALSA & Marsyas audio libraries. I'm thinking the idea is to sample data from microphone, do analysis on chunks of 5-10ms (from what I've read). Then perform a FF...

Where can I learn how to work with audio data formats?

I'm working on an openGL project that involves a speaking cartoon face. My hope is to play the speech (encoded as mp3s) and animate its mouth using the audio data. I've never really worked with audio before so I'm not sure where to start, but some googling led me to believe my first step would be converting the mp3 to pcm. I don't rea...

How to retrieve a valid mHostTime using AudioQueues

I'm developing for the iPhone and am trying to get an initial timeStamp to sync my audioQueues. I'm using AudioQueueDeviceGetCurrentTime for this. According to the documentation this function gives back a valid mHostTime whether the queue/device is running or not. But when I try this I get back a kAudioHardwareNotRunningError (19370105...

Multiple audio outputs in .Net

I am looking to build a PC box that can play up to 16 audio files(mp3/wav) out to 16 analog devices(think of it as 16 sets of speakers). There will be a one to one relationship for audio file to analog output. The solution that is being presented to be hardware wise is to use multiple sound cards, so my question is, is there a library a...

Learning to work with audio in C++

My degree was in audio engineering, but I'm fairly new to programming. I'd like to learn how to work with audio in a programming environment, partly so I can learn C++ better through interesting projects. First off, is C++ the right language for this? Is there any reason I shouldn't be using it? I've heard of Soundfile and some other li...

Is there any good way to get microphone audio input to server using just a web browser?

I need to get audio input from users having just browsers (and not only IE). Is there any good way to get audio stream with a brouser to server. If it possible to avoid Java, flash etc? Thanks. ...

Can you prevent SndVol from displaying empty audio session?

I've been playing around with Vista's CoreAudio stuff, in particular IAudionSessionEvents, with the goal of monitoring the default audio session for changes to volume caused by loaded code. However, it looks like as soon as you install an IAudioSessionEvents listener SndVol lists the program with all associated volume controls. As a go...

C#: Streaming an Audio file from a Server to a Client

I am currently writing an application that will allow a user to install some form of an application (maybe a Windows Service) that will open a port on it's PC and given a particular destination on the hard disk, will then be able to stream mp3 files. I will then have another application that will connect to the server (being the user's ...

audio or video detection library

I am capturing audio and/or video streams. I have a set of audio/video clips and I would like to know if any of these clips appear in the streams. Any recommendation for a library that can do that? OS: Windows. Language: Don't really care - we will interface if needed. Thanks! ...

Working with audio in C++

I need to be able to get the length of an audio file (preferably in milliseconds, the timing is very important for the application), and play back the audio. The application is written in C++ on the windows XP platform. Any suggestions for audio formats/3rd party libraries that would do the trick? ...