
play audio in an embedded media player

I have a client station that downloads .wav file and plays with the embedded medai player by using AxWindowsMediaPlayer library. I need to download the audio and give the url of the file to my media player. I was just wondering if there is any way that I don't store it in a physical storage, and load it from a memory for the media player...

Audio File Bloat in Adobe Flash CS4

Whenever I import an MP3 into Flash CS4, I see massive file size increases within the FLA. Not only does the file size of the MP3 in the Library bloat, but the file size and export time of the FLA increase dramatically as well. This leads to all sorts of memory errors and slow performance. MP3 File in Windows Explorer: MP3 File in Fl...

Java - removing headers from .wav

I'm reading a .wav file into a byte array with the following code. AudioInputStream inputStream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(/*my .wav file */); int numBytes = inputStream.available(); byte[] buffer = new byte[numBytes];, 0, numBytes); inputStream.close(); Is there a simple way to remove the .wav head...

Inserting Space into audio event in Flash

Is there a way to insert empty space into an audio event in Flash? For example, I have a narrator who didn't pause long enough, and I want to add some space without having to change the file in a separate program. ...

Control Windows sound volume

Hi, our software should play sounds (not just small noises, but voice etc.). I wonder what about the volume control. The Windows Vista style guide lines says to define an application specific volume control in the windows mixer. But what about Windows XP and below? I don't think there is a way to get our control into the Windows mixer....

AurioTouch & FFT for an instrument tuner

I'm trying to write a simple tuner (no, not to make yet another tuner app), and am looking at the AurioTouch sample source (has anyone tried to comment this code??). My worry is that aurioTouch doesn't seem to actually work very well when looking at the frequency domain graph. I play a single note on an instrument and I don't see a nic...

Low latency audio api for Android?

What are my options for playing simultaneous audio on an Android device with the least amount of latency? Am I going to get anything half decent out of the canned SDK, or is that asking too much? The documentation claims that the SoundPool class is capable of playing multiple sounds simultaneously with relatively good performance, but ...

Get the full name of a waveIn device

I have been using waveInGetDevCaps to get the name of waveIn devices, but the WAVEINCAPS structure only supports 31 characters plus a null, meaning that on my computer, the device names I get back are truncated: Microphone / Line In (SigmaTel Microphone Array (SigmaTel High, I am sure that there must be a way of getting the full devi...

Dynamic Audio Generation Actionscript 3

I'm looking into making a music theory lab application, where you can see the graphical relation between music theory concepts. I would like this to be available online, so Flash and Silverlight come to mind. But I would like to dynamically generate tones and chords etc from user input. This is something I know is a very underdeveloped...

What is Silverlight MediaStreamSource.AudioBufferLength measured in?

According to msdn, MediaStreamSource.AudioBufferLength "Gets or sets the length of the audio buffer". But what is that length? Milliseconds? Samples? Bytes? Anyone? Bueller? ...

PCM wav to vox file

I want to convert between audio files of format 8 bit Mono PCM wav to ADPCM vox file.. Can anybody suggest me how to convert it by using our own source code rather than any converter software.. The format of win32 dll would be very helpful for me.. ...

Pitch recognition of musical notes on a smart phone

Hi. With limited resources such as slower CPUs, code size and RAM, how best to detect the pitch of a musical note, similar to what an electronic or software tuner would do? Should I use: Kiss FFT FFTW Discrete Wavelet Transform autocorrelation zero crossing analysis octave-spaced filters other? In a nutshell, what I am trying to d...

AudioQueueStart reporting unsupported format

I'm trying to get audio queue working on an iphone app, and whenever AudioQueueStart is called it gives the "fmt?" result code (kAudioFormatUnsupportedDataFormatError). In the code below i'm setting the format to kAudioFormatLinearPCM, which surely is supported. What am i doing wrong? data.mDataFormat.mSampleRate = 44100; data.mDataForm...

WAV file from captured PCM sample data

I have several Gb of sample data captured 'in-the-field' at 48ksps using an NI Data Acquisition module. I would like to create a WAV file from this data. I have done this previously using MATLAB to load the data, normalise it to the 16bit PCM range, and then write it out as a WAV file. However MATLAB baulks at the file size as it does ...

PJSIP on Iphone OS 3.0 how to port sound?

I have successfully compiled pjsip and the Siphon project ( and it is working good under OS 2.2.1 However It crashes as soon as I try to place a call in OS 3.0 this is because the sound is no longer working that is the ipodsound.c file... has anyone been able to port the sound for 3.0?. What has changed t...

Audio Feature Extraction

I'm interested in learning about, and writing a system that will extract features from audio files (mp3, wav, etc) which can later be used for whatever purpose. In the future I hope to use it to write some software for music similarity. Are there any libraries that exist to help? I know of libxtract, but haven't used it. Also, are ...

Setting iphone to vibrate and setting iphone back to sound via app.

Folks, I need your knowledge here. Think about the following sittuation - my app need to set my iphone to vibrate mode on a certain time and get it back to playing sounds mode (for call receiving, sms, email, all common sound notifications) some minutes later. I've already googled that, and didn't find a good, apple accetable way of d...

wav stopped working with AudioServices on my iPhone app?

I have a wav file that was working fine. It is played using the AudioServices methods. Suddenly it stopped working. The weird thing is if i change he wav file to a different one that works. Any idea what is going on? The non working sound is slightly longer (still <10seconds) but it was originally working so I just can't figure it out. ...

Real-time pitch detection using FFT

Hello, I'm trying to do real-time pitch detection using C++. I'm testing some code from performous (, because everything else hasn't worked for me. I know for sure that this works, but i just cant get it to work. I've been trying this for a few weeks now, and i haven't been able to get any pitch detection code wor...

AVAudioPlayer can play while iPhone screen is locked; can it record at that time too?

You can easily play sounds and record sounds using the high level AVAudioPlayer. And you can play sounds using the same framework, while the iPhone screen is locked. Can you record sounds at that time? ...