
Checking ogg-Files using Python on OSX and Linux

Hi, I am writing a python module which checks several media and document formats whether the files correct or somehow corrupted/wrong formatted. It returns an error message or - if the file is correct - some information about the file (e.g. framerate, channels, ...) Now I am looking for a python module which I can use to check ogg-File...

How to tell if an application is playing sound

For an application playing sound , how can I tell when the sound has stopped so to speak Say I have a bunch of URL's that link to a music on the web and I want after a song has been played to advance to the next one ( yes playlists ) can I get some sort of audio event ( vista or even win7 specific ok)that lets me know when an application...

Apple demo iPhone app called SpeakHere won't respond to kAudioSessionOverrideAudioRoute_None

I was trying out Apple's sample app SpeakHere, and wanted to listen through the speakerphone speaker instead of the ear speaker. I was able to turn on the speakerphone speaker using this code: UInt32 sessionCategory = kAudioSessionCategory_MediaPlayback; AudioSessionSetProperty(kAudioSessionProperty_AudioCategory, sizeof(sessio...

how to detect a presence of word /audio silence in the wav file using java??

hello, I am working on a speech recognizer project as a part of it want from a wav file want to find the presence of silence or detect the presence of word .and if a word is found then copy that word from start to end into a new wav file so it original wav file has 10 words then output is 10 file..problem is with detecting the silence o...

HTML 5 audio tags not appearing in GreaseMonkey

I'm working on my first GM script, to replace the Flash previews on with HTML 5 audio tags, and to add a download link to search results. I have the latter working fine, but I can't get the audio tag to display in Firefox 3.5.9. Here's my script: // ==UserScript== // @name FreeSound HTML 5 Preview // @...

How to upload recorded audio file mixed with part of a music file from ipodapp in iphone to webserver?

And is it possible to mix a just a part of a song with a voice from microphone at all? ...

Play Video and Sound with HTML5

Hi All, I'm trying to make a smartphone software using python and HTML5. Now in server I can receive rpt packet content audio and video, but I don't know how to play it in the web browser (I don't use Flash). I see that HTML5 have the audio and video tags, so I intend use websocket to transfer data. But I can't find the way to play it i...

java - read .wav as float array

Hi I'm trying to read a .wav (and in the future also mp3 and ogg) file as an array of floats in java, much like libsndfile in C. I'm looking at the various docs in the javax.sampled packages but I can't find a clear explanation on how to do that; I'd like to avoid recurring to external libraries if possible. Any suggestion? Thanks N...

Audio playing too fast

If any of my fellow Xuggler users can tell me what I'm doing wrong, that would be awesome! I am doing the following: Reading from ogv (ogg video) Queueing the audio and video Writing back to ogv sounds simple right? The problem I am experiencing in my QueueMixer class is that the output file plays the audio 2x too fast, and no matte...

How to multiplex Vorbis and Theora streams using libogg

Hello, I am currently writing a simple Theora video encoder, which uses libogg, libvorbis and libtheora. Currently, I can submit frames to the Theora encoder, and PCM samples to the Vorbis encoder, pass the resulting packets to Ogg streams (one for Theora and one for Vorbis) and get pages out. When the program starts, it flushes the he...

Playing two simultaneous m4a sounds with audioqueue

I need to mix two simultaneous looping m4a sounds for my application, and the only 100% reliable loop method i have come accross is using AudioQueue with this method: However, when I initialize two instances of AudioQueue, I can only seem to get one instance playing. I know th...

Throw away sound effects in Javascript using HTML5 audio?

I'm building a simple game using a canvas tag and want to add some sound effects to it. If I use the following code to play the SFX... function playSfx( sound ) { var snd = new Audio("file.mp3");; } Is the garbage collection / memory management clever enough to play the sound and then dispose of the Audio object? Or will ...

How does one become a "sound programmer"? (in video games or other industries)

Question: What languages/platforms/technologies would one have to learn in order to be qualified to apply for various "sound" or "audio" programmer positions available at video game and other industry companies? Is this position more of a low-level programmer, in which you implement concepts completely designed by a developer, or does i...

Does QTMovie handle URL redirects?

I was just wondering if the QTMovie class does handle URL redirects, because I'm streaming audio files with it and the stream URLs can contain redirects. Sometimes the movie won't start playing but doesn't throw an error (i always operate on the main thread, i know this class is not thread safe). Any ideas why QTMovie might not start pl...

Play music in android

Hello, I want to play a number of sound files in raw directory one after another in android. How to do that? Please anyone provide me an example. Thanks in advance. ...

How to play a list of files?

How to play a list of files? I want to make it a variable. eg:mp = MediaPlayer.create(geetaact.this, R.raw.first); //first should change by taking value from /raw folder. ...

Stream/Play audio files on mobile browsers

I am trying to create a mobile website and want to be able to play/stream audio files.I have tried html5's audio tag and tried testing it on opera mobile 10 simulator but it does not work. I have lots of audio files and the audio should be auto played. sidenote: Also, i need to test my website for android and iphone mobile phones. I a...

record audio and play on iphone

Hello Can anyone please provide any sample code to record audio and then play on iphone ? Thanks in advance, abc ...

How to synthesize audio using HTML5/Javascript on iPad

Has anybody out there got working sample code that synthesizes (and plays) audio using HTML5/Javascript on Mobile Safari on the iPad? I have found some examples for javascript-based sound synthesis on the web, but they all seem to work in Firefox only. ...

How to play wav in browser without displaying player plugin

Here are the requirements: No flash player Work in all browsers Don't want the end user to see a media player or quicktime player while playing the wav file I want to display a speaker image which allows user to click and the audio will be played The audio is short in several seconds max. and doesn't need stop/pause, etc. controls No p...