
Autocomplete Extender

Hi, I am working with Ajax Control Tool Kit auto complete extender but i am using it in my master page, and also i write the method for that "servicemethod" in masterpage.cs but it is not calling that function. Help me why use this control in master page... Thanks in advance.. ...

Ways to remove the autocomplete of an input box

Hi I need a text input field which does not use the autocomplete function - If a user has submitted the form before, his previous submissions should -not- appear as he types into the form again, even if he is typing the same thing again. As far as I can tell, there are a few ways to do this: 1. <form autocomplete="off"> However, I beli...

Browser Autocomplete Naming Conventions and Testing

Is there a comprehensive list of browser autocomplete naming conventions somewhere? I would like to know what to name form fields and such so the browser can autocomplete them, and so I can decide if I want to use the autocomplete feature, or if I should rename the fields to something else. ...

Disabling autocomplete in Firefox 2

The ff. works in Firefox 3 but not in Firefox 2. Anyone know why and if there is a work-around? <input name="pin" type="password" autocomplete="off" /> ...

Rails auto_complete tag search filter

Hi all, Trying to implement the rails auto_complete plugin to help a user select tags that don't appear on the home page since there will be potentially hundreds of tags and only a small fraction can be displayed. The way my navigation works is like this: I start with a category show page that displays all articles within that category...

How can I create an AutoComplete popup in a JTextPane in Java?

I am creating a SQL editor. I am using JTextPane for the editor. I want to implement AutoCompletion for table name etc. like Eclipse. ...

jQuery autocomplete with IDs

I'm trying to use jQuery autocomplete.result() to get the ID associated with the name value the user selects. Here's the script: <script type="text/javascript"> $("#DonorName").autocomplete($('#ajaxListMatchingDonorNamesUrl').val()) .result(function (evt, data, formatted) { $("#SelectedDonorId").val(data[1]); ...

When in vim insert mode is there a way to add path autocompletion?

So I do a lot of shell scripts and I am constantly having to enter in paths and I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to get vim to autocomplete paths and files while in insert mode. Just like when you are in your favorite shell you tab to complete the directory or file. Extra credit if you can get CTRL-D functionality of the shell i...

VIM Autocomplete - Use $ as the word separator

Let's say I have following typed in my source file. var myFunction = function() { }; var anotherFunction = function() { }; var test-m I can now press Ctrl + P and it will show 'myFunction' in the autocomplete list. It's great and very helpful. But what I want to do is make VIM treat '$' in the same way it treats '-'. So when I typ...

Autocomplete for the ruby command in bash

In the Bash shell, I would like to run a directory of ruby scripts from anywhere. Adding the directory to the $PATH doesn't do it. I want to type 'ruby,' start typing the first letters of a script name, and then press tab to autocomplete the script name. For instance, I'm in /~/username/foo/bar and want to run /~/ruby/test/script1.rb ...

jQuery Grid with autocomplete

I am building a webapp using jQuery and jQuery UI. I am at an impass. What I need is a jQuery grid that has editable fields and somehow incorporate an autocomplete field on one of these editable cells and i cant seem to find any grid offerings that implement this. I've been looking at StickGrid and jgGrid I especially like jqGrid sin...

Autocomplete jQuery Plugin : Value of selected array index

How do I get the value of the index position in the array, whose element the user had chosen using the autocomplete? For e.g. if I enter the array having two elements as the input for the autocomplete plugin: var arr = []; arr[0] = "John"; arr[1] = "Paul"; Then, say user selects "Paul", how do I get the value of the selected index "1...

Winforms AutoComplete Texbox Problem..

Hello there.. Look this i have applied this for City Field textbox that displays the CityNames on Typing as Suggestion I have taken a DataTable as DataSource which was pre-filled from Database. I loop through DataTable and Add a CityNames to the...

jquery autocomplete submit issues in Mozilla

Hi, I am implementing jquery autocomplete to show a list of products in a drop down and be able to search on it. In IE, when a user starts autofill and scrolls down to a suggestion and prett "Enter" key, it just select the item and focus remains on the search box. In mozilla, when user scrolls down on auto fill and presses enter key, i...

Tab completion with Python's Cmd.cmd

After testing a while with the Cmd.cmd framework in python, I noticed a problem I don't know what to do about. Plus I believe to have this working some hours before (or I'm just crazy), so this is even more weird. I have the following example code, tested on both Windows and Linux systems (so it's not a Windows problem), but tab complet...

Prune Down Autocomplete Terms

I have a very large list of terms for use in an autocomplete box. I've been mulling over a few different scenarios for how to prune them down, but I haven't come up with anything great yet. Basically, the structure is very similar to a record label - An artist has albums An album has songs Individual songs could be popular, albums are...

sys is undefined error in ajax ie. 7

I am using autocomplete extender list to show dropdown on text box. The function works perfectly in firefox but in IE I get intermittent JAVASCRIPT error "sys is undefined' and list stops popping. I have all necessary settings in web.config best of my knowledge. Error is visible only in IE when checked in fiddler saw 500 error ( scri...

Two jQuery 'identical' autocomplete textboxes but only one works

I have two jQuery autocomplete textboxes on a mvc web page. One that returns a list of questions and another that returns a list of tags. The questions textbox works perfectly but the tags text box only sends a null string to its controller. The jQuery javascript is an exact match apart from the Url.Action, the non working one is displ...

Redis autocomplete

Hi, How can I implement an autocomplete using redis? Say for example I have an array ["alfred","joel","jeff","addick"]. When I type a I get ["alfred", "addick"] I hope you get the point. How can I implement this using redis commands efficiently(if possible but I think it is). It would be great if I could get some simple commands I can...

problem with jquery autocomplete

I am using the jquery autocomplete to fill the users list. In the document.ready, i am calling the autocomplete json to get the users list. When i type a valid username(or anything) in the textboxes before the autocomplete json call finishes, its not showing the autocomplete options(autocomplete not working for valid characters also). ...