
Retrieving a jQuery autocompleted field

I am using the jQuery autocomplete plugin and have wired up an input field to retrieve values from a back end database as text is entered which can then be selected. I then have a second input field that I have wired up in a similar way however I want to pass in the first input field's value as a querystring parameter in the autocomplete...

Is it possible to move the "AutoComplete.vb" file out of the App_Code folder and into a new namespace/project?

When setting up the Ajax Control Toolkit's AutoComplete control, it creates an AutoComplete.asmx and a AutoComplete.vb file. The AutoComplete.vb file automatically ends up in the App_Code folder. I was hoping to move all of these styled-classes into a separate namespace, but the compiler simply does not dig it. Is this possible, or ...

How can I eliminate the initial load time on the Silverlight Autocompletebox control?

I have a Silverlight Autocompletebox to show a list of staff members, and it is working great. I get the data by loading a BusinessObjects list. My problem is that the very first time you start typing something in the box, it takes close to 2 seconds to come back with suggestions. Afterwards, any subsequent searches seem almost instan...

Fast Javascript String Replacement

Hey there geniuses of SO! This is for an autocomplete plugin that needs to accept data as an array of arrays and convert it using a format string (or regex). The format string could be any format. var dataArray = [ ["data1-1", "data1-2", "data1-3"], ["data2-1", "data2-2", "data2-3"],... ]; var format = "<li>{0} <br /> -- <small> {1}, {...

ASP.NET AJAX Toolkit Combobox need to press enter twice to postback

Hi, im using a ComboBox for a feature in my application, and i have AutoCompleteMode="Suggest". However, after i type the in the textbox for a search, and press Enter, nothing happens, i need to press Enter again to postback and show some results. Its kinda annoying and not intuitive to press Enter twice. Its really weird, because when...

Auto-complete in WPF - Making a popup unfocusable

I'm trying to create a custom UserControl that will mimic auto-complete as it works within Intellisense using WPF. I'm using a TextBox and a Popup containing a ListBox within my control. I want to be able to keep keyboard focus set on the TextBox irrespective of whether or not the auto-completion popup is open so that a user can contin...

Is it possible to customise drupal node reference and pass your search and a argument from another field

I'm trying to create a bespoke form in drupal, with a node reference field. I'd like to add a little extra functionality to the node reference auto complete. I've created a view, that contains an argument. I'd like to be able to pass that argument from a drop down as well as the typed text into the autocomplete script. Does anyone know...

Can't get jQuery autcomplete to work. (ASP.NET MVC)

Hi, I'm trying to follow the example in this post by tvanfosson. I just can't get it to work. I think the problem is with my JavaScript (?). I say that because if I navigate in my browser to http://localhost:49790/Books/GetBooks/?q= then the browser downloads a file with the information that I'd expect in the format I'd expect: [{"Boo...

Is it possible to get autocomplete for a rails application in text editors, not only text fields

I have searched a lot, but did not find anything useful, so I just ask. The context is Rails 2.3.x, the usual javascript libraries. I would like to reach the following: I would like to have something similar to <%= text_field_with_auto_complete :recipe, :name %> but on text editors: <%= text_editor_with_auto_complete :recipe, :descript...

high load on mysql DB how to avoid?

I have a table contain the city around the worlds it contain more than 70,000 cities. and also have auto suggest input in my home page - which used intensively in my home page-, that make a sql query (like search) for each input in the input (after the second letter).. so i afraid from that heavily load,,...,, so I looking for any sol...

vim & autocomplete & struct in C

Hi i'm trying to use vim autocomplete in that example: i got struct in file def.h: typedef struct test{ int x; int y; }*test_p,test_t; and now, if i got, in my C file: test_p t; t->(what i should press to fill it with x or y? both ctrl-P and ctrl-N does not give me variables inside test struct) i've already used c...

Client-side autocomplete that matches with LIKE

Right now my autocomplete data lives on my server, which uses LIKE queries to find matches. Specifically, I'm taking the value of the "q" parameter, splitting it on whitespace, and looking for Songs that match every word: (using SearchLogic) @songs = Song.sortable_name_like_all(params[:q].to_s.split) Since I don't have many songs, I t...

Dumb completion in Visual Studio

Intellisense is nice for what it does, but often I find myself longing for the "crude" text completion of editors like Vim. I can't seem to find a facility for being able to complete a word--perhaps in a string, anywhere really--and have VS try to complete it for me (based on stuff I've typed before in the current buffer, or in all open ...

Autocomplete filling out Email/Website/Address in Forms in Flash?

How do websites I've never been to fill out my information (email address, name, phone, etc.)? Sometimes they pick my old email instead of my new one, so they must be reading it from something I might be able to access with some javascript. I would like to be able to do something like this in Flash, so any ideas how I could tap into ho...

Javascript textbox autocomplete clears drop down selection

Morning folks. Novice Rich here once again requesting assistance. I have just started dabbling with javascript and although I have set up a few onclick/change for setting the focus of radio buttons,that's pretty much my limit. In my c# code behind, I would like to have an 'onchange' function whereby once a client starts to type in my ...

loopj jquery autocomplete

I am using plugin for Jquery that I found at This plugin allows multiple items to be select into a text field such as facebook and gmail when composing a message. I was really impressed but ran into one problem. For the life of me I could no figure out how to p...

Register the dynamic control using jquery for autocomplete

i am creating the textboxes dynamically using jquery on a button click. <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td> <div id="lblCustName"> </div> </td> <td> <div id="lblRemove"> </div> </t...

Building IntelliSense/AutoComplete in JavaScript

I currently maintain an add-on for Firefox that adds a number of capabilities to a forum web site that implements its own markup language, similar to what stackoverflow provides with "Markdown." I have built an IntelliSense function for this add-on, which, similar to Visual Studio, will pop up an auto-suggest when typing this markup in ...

Autocomplete in Dojo using a textbox as opposed to a dropdown.

Dojo's Autocomplete widget requires that I have a dropdown to start off with. Is there a way to create an autocomplete box in Dojo which starts out with a textbox like YUI's? I'm trying to use Dojo because that's what we use here in the project, also trying to modify existing JSP pages to have autocomplete. These pages don't have the fie...

How do I have jQuery's autocomplete plugin display its dropdown list upon page load? Trying to programmatically trigger the display of the autocompletion list results. This, instead of waiting for user input. Is this doable? (I've tried getting ...