
jQuery autocomplete modification Gmail like matching

$("#suggest3").autocomplete(someArray, { multiple: true, mustMatch: true, autoFill: true }); "Jhon Smith" "Borris Baker" "Dove Elliot" Now in the above combination when i would type 'Jhon Smith' a value ( Jhon Smith ) will be available in the dropdown....But how to tweak so that even when i type 'Smith Jhon' still the v...

Komodo Python auto complete: type inference by variable metadata?

I'm using Komodo Edit for Python development, and I want to get the best out of the auto complete. If I do this: a = A() a. I can see a list of members of A. But if I do this: a = [A()] b = a[0] b. It does not work. I want to be able to do this: a = [A()] b = a[0] """b Type: A """ b. So how can I tell the auto complete that ...

Re-open the DropDown of an AutoCompleteBox in Silverlight when a user presses Enter

If a user types a few characters into an AutoCompleteBox, the DropDown is displayed as expected. If the user then clicks elsewhere on the page, this removes the focus from the AutoCompleteBox, and the DropDown disappears... also as expected. However, if a user then returns focus to the AutoCompleteBox, and wants to redisplay the Drop...

Hiding Previously Entered Data in Textboxes

I'm in the process of improving the security of an ASP.NET app and have modified HTTP response headers to clear the cache, disallow storage of the cache, and expire the page immediately on many secured pages. Since modern day browsers support Auto-Complete functionality, I am tackling this piece of the puzzle that allows users to view p...

With VIM, use both snipMate and pydiction together (share the <tab> key?)

I am trying to use snipMate and pydiction in vim together - however, both use the <tab> key to perform their genius-auto-completion-snippet-rendering-goodness-that-I-so-desire. When pydiction is installed, snipMate stops working. I assume its because they can't both own the <tab> key. How can I get them to work together? I wouldn't m...

How does the AutoSuggest feature for tags in StackOverflow avoid querying on every key stroke

I am trying to implement a similar feature like the autosuggest feature for tags available below the text area on this site using Jquery. I am trying to figure out how the requests are sent after a few keystrokes and not after every keystroke. I am using a 'keyup' event to trigger the request on my app. I was made to realize that this ma...

I am new to JQuery and don't know how to do this specific task.

I am currently using this autocomplete plugin. It's pretty straightforward. It accepts a URL, and then uses that data to perform an auto-complete. This is my code to auto-complete it. autocompleteurl = '/misc/autocomplete/?q='+$("#q").val() $("#q").autocomplete(autocompleteurl, {multiple:true}); If someone types "apple", that autoco...

Autocomplete Libraries (NOT "how to implement autocomplete") ?

I'm building an open-source autocomplete plugin for my text editor b/c it doesn't have one yet. Are there any autocomplete libraries I can use i.e. some sort of data file containing commonly used functions in Java, C, PHP etc? I have the plugin built, but I don't particularly want to go through all of Java's documentation and hand-write...

jQuery autocomplete display "No data" error message when results empty

I am using Jörn Zaefferer's jQuery Autocomplete plug-in. Works just fine with data. I am trying to customise the functionality by showing a "no results" error message when there are no results returned from the OnChange function (key stroke). I want the message to be displayed in the same div as the results would display in. So when you ...

jquery autocomplete doesn't work on localhost

Hi there I hope you can help me. I have used on a localhost aspx page the following code so it autocompletes. It works perfect. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""&gt; <html> <head> <script src=""&gt;&lt;/sc...

Autopopulate textboxes in Sieble CRM system, trough webBrowser1 in c#

Do any have any experience how this cold be done, if you look at the image im looking for a solution to programacly change the Name field to somehing else stored inn a variable from a other textbox. i was thinking of using something like private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var xBox = textbox1.value; ...

JQuery/Javascript autocomplete has a very minor bug! Can someone with javascript experience help me pelase?

Hi, I am using this JQuery autocomplete plugin. It works, and it's simple. But there's a slight problem... $("#q").autocomplete('/misc/autocomplete/', {autoFill:false,multiple:true, multipleSeparator:''}); When that happens, everytime I push a key into #q, it will call that misc/autocomplete/ website. If I search for cat, it will ca...

How to move Autocomplete list with Cursor moving during typing in textarea ?

Hello , i'm use jquery autoCompelte plugin. and i want to move the list while typing in type text area after the line ...

Tolerating malformed statements with ANTLR (e.g., for code-completion)

I have an ANTLR grammar for a simple DSL, and everything works swimmingly when there are no syntax errors. Now, however, I need to support an auto-completion mechanism, where I need to get possible completions from my tree grammars that perform basic type-checking on attributes, functions, etc. The problem is, ANTLR isn't reporting syn...

Limiting IntelliJ IDEA import suggestions on completion

When I type the name of a class which will need to be imported, IntelliJ lovingly pops up with a list of suggestions. However, most of the time those suggestions are things I'd never want to import, especially by accident -- like java.awt.*. Is there a way to prevent the packages I'll never import from appearing in the completion list? ...

Trigger scriptaculous ajax autocompleter in the update function

I'm trying to create something a text input field where you can enter a kind of path. I try to help the user with autocompletion, so that he may click trough the path instead of writing it down. It works almost, but there is one little problem left. With this code: memoFolderAutoCompleter = new Ajax.Autocompleter('folderPath', 'selecto...

Don't show uninteresting files in Emacs completion window

How do I prevent Emacs from showing me all the files I'm not interested in (such as ~ backup files, .pyc files, or .orig files) when I: C-x C-f TAB ? It is working in one respect: if I know the file I want to open begins with foo and I type foo TAB then the mini-buffer correctly autocompletes all the way to It correctly ignored ...

AutoComplete textbox and "Hide Pointer While Typing" in windows

How can the "Hide Pointer While Typing" option be disabled by application? I'm having an issue with the cursor hiding and not getting it back without pressing escape or losing window focus. The application has been written in C# and uses WPF. A technology specific answer is not required because it'll likely be possible using any technolo...

Categorized results – jQuery autocomplete plugin

Hi there! I'm looking for an autocomplete plugin that makes it easy to categorize search results. If that's unclear, take a look at's search bar (top right). I know that' autocomplete widget provides similar functionality, by allowing you to wrap text in a [span class="informal"]. Every class="informal" elemen...

vbscript autocomplete

Hello, Does someone know where can i find a vbscript autocomplete, google style (no postback)? Thanks ...