
fastest way performance wise to get last word in a space separated string

Hi there I'm using jquery to get the last word in a string, but i want to be sure it is the best way (performance wise), because the string could get very long furthermore, i want to add capability to get the "current" word, which may not simply be the last word.. This is my code so far <script type="text/javascript"> function ...

autocomplete in jquery

I am using autocomplete feature in jquery to show the users list intellisense. for formatItem, i am using FirstName + " " + LastName + " [" + EmailAddress + "]"; for formatResult, i am showing FirstName + " " + LastName I need to get the selected users userid, how can i get in autocomplete feature? Say, I have a textbox to enter the n...

How to create a Facebook style autocomplete list with multiple options select.

I want to create a facebook style auto-complete where you can have several options encircled in a bubble. More can be added and each may be removed non-sequentially. ...

Modify Array to Output in JSON using PHP and jQuery

Hello, I'm currently working with the jQuery Autocomplete Plugin. The code they provided in the demonstration is: <?php $q = strtolower($_GET["q"]); $items = array( "Peter Pan"=>"[email protected]", "Molly"=>"[email protected]", ); $result = array(); foreach ($items as $key) { if (strpos(strtolower($key), $q) !== false) { a...

jQuery Autocomplete: how to refresh list?

I have a form with a variable number of autocomplete fields that use the same select list. These fields are added and removed as needed. Whenever a parameter on the page is changed, I (try to) update the list for all the fields by first calling unbind() then autocomplete() with a new parameter added to the url. $('').unbind()...

jQuery Autocomplete - Error when user enters text in a textarea in new line

The Autocomplete doesn't seem to work with multiple values if the user presses the return key in a textarea and enters text in a new line. In such case, though the values are shown, pressing TAB or return key doesn't enter them in the textarea. The options set are as follows: $("#search").autocomplete(colls, { multiple: true, a...

Are there any free solutions that provide intellisense for JavaScript?

Are there any free editors that come with auto-complete / intellisense for JavaScript programming? As I try and do more complicated JavaScript programming I find my lack of ide/intellisense/compiler to really be a source of frustration. Any JavaScript environment tips? ...

jquery autocomplete with json response

im getting response in json, but this wont parse the json response. what m i doing wrong? i could'nt find anything on doc $("#users-allowed").autocomplete("/people/following.json", { width: 320, // max: 4, highlight: false, scroll: true, scrollHeight: ...

How to cancel edit/disable cached input (of type text) value?

I have an input of type text, from which I have already entered value 1234 it has been saved in cache as shown below. The problem here is that, it is extremely frustrating to select the textbox in the next row. Is there a way to not to display that 12334 (highlighted in the screenshot) from ever being displayed through HTML markup o...

Auto insert future date and time in form input dropdown list?

I need a snippet of javascript that will auto insert future date and time in a form input dropdown list? I want customers to be able to select from an option of 3 different dates (for appointments) For example.... Choice 1 should give a drop down list... Mon 26th Oct 09 Tue 27th Oct 09 Wed 28th Oct 09 Thu 29th Oct 09 Fri 30th Oct 09...

Oracle SQLDeveloper Autocomplete in Lowercase (How about Uppercase)

I am currently using the latest Oracle sql developer. I just have one nuisance here. When I do auto-complete of table names or columns, they show up in lower case. As most people I do have coding guidelines in SQL statements and I usually want table names, column names, and any other identifiers in all capitals. I tried to check the se...

Vim omnicompletion for Java

I've read heaps of blogs on Vim's supposedly great omnicompletion, and yet no matter what I do I can't get it to work satisfactorily. It took me ages to figure discover that the version of ctags that is preinstalled on my system was the emacs one, and didn't have the --recurse option, but now that I've run ctags-exuberant on my copy of t...

How to configure Eclipse to autocomplete using java.util.List and not java.awt.List?

It's a minor thing, but it drives me nuts that when I type List in Eclipse, it always asks me if I mean java.util.List or java.awt.List when I never ever use java.awt.List. There are other similar cases with name collisions in my own project and more esoteric standard libraries. Is there a way to configure Eclipse to assume that I mean j...

jQuery Autocomplete Problem - Not treating Arrays correctly.

I am using jQuery Autocomplete and MVC to populate a dropdownlist with a bunch of column names. Whenever a user changes the value of a DropDownBox on my form I make a request to my controller to return a new list of columns (as an array, wrapped in a JSON Result) that will populate my AutoComplete boxes. My Problem is that the autoco...

.NET AutoComplete DropDownList or TextBox on Mobile Web Browser?

Hi Everyone, I'm trying to build an AutoComplete DropDown List that will work on a Mobile Browser (Pocket IE, Opera Mobile, etc.) So for example, if I had one for US States, after typing in 'Ma', I'd expect to see 'Maine', 'Maryland', 'Massacusetts' as selectable options I've been able to build one for a traditional browser with no is...

make emacs semantic auto complete tip "always on"

Hello, I have just installed cedet (CVS version) and I am now playing with in emacs and my C++ source code. Regarding the auto complete, I can invoke the tool tip and the menu from their semantic-ia-complete-* commands. Does anyone know how I can make the auto complete tip appear automatically without my having to invoke a command(se...

How can I enable autocomplete text support in Notepad++

There's already a question on this here. But i want to know if its possible to add autocomplete text support in a .txt file for english words (maybe from GNU Aspell dictionary)? ...

Is there a way to make context-sensitive autocomplete for C++ in VIM?

Possible Duplicates: Autocompletion in Vim Vim, Python, and Django autocompletion (pysmell?) I don't know if that's the right word for it. When I use Ctrl+n in VIM to use autocomplete it doesn't do a very smart job of suggesting member functions or variables or what-have-you. Visual studio's intellisense makes suggestions that...

How to "handle" the browser autocomplete on input text ?

Hi, I have an input text login/password, i use a label which i display inside the input, when the input takes the focus, the label is hidden, when the input it is blurred if the value is not equal to "" the label is displayed again, it works great using the focus() / blur() functions, but, how could i handle the browser auto filling, b...

Using autocomplete feature in C#

Is there anyway to implement auto complete feature such as shown when typing a few letters in the start->run combo box? ...