
Possible to view method/function docs in NetBeans for PHP?

I am wondering if its possible to have Netbeans display PHP Documentation for functions/methods/classes when you hover the mouse over a piece of code. I know it shows up documentation as a part of code completion but I don't want to have to start typing out the name of a function which is already included within the source just to read s...

Problem with jQuery Autocomplete

I try to integrate the jQuery Autocomplete plugin [1], but doestn't work for me. Here my code: $('#input').autocomplete(function(term) { var searchUrl = urlBase + 'tagging/autocomplete/?term=' + term; $.getJSON(searchUrl, function(jsonData) { test = jsonData; console.log(test); }); }); Th...

iPhone SDK: disable auto creation of dot (.) in text field (or textview)

Hi, I've disabled auto-correction type for my text field, and it does not show any other auto-correction, but it still automatically creates a dot (.) when I press space key twice. For example, if I write "test" and press space key twice, it automatically changes into "test. " Anyone knows how to disable this feature? Thanks a lot. ...

Django ModelForm Validate custom Autocomplete for M2M, instead of ugly Multi-Select

Given the following models (cut down for understanding): class Venue(models.Model): name = models.CharField(unique=True) class Band(models.Model): name = models.CharField(unique=True) class Event(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=50, unique=True) bands = models.ManyToManyField(Band) ven...

Jquery Autocomplete scroll bar not coming in IE

hi, i am using latest version of jquery autocompletion plugin. and have populated an array(input for autocomplete) abt 800 entries. now strangely when i type a letter which triggers large results(causing a scroll bar), i can see a scrollbar in mozilla but not in Internet explorer. i have only included jquery.autocomplete.css ...

AutoComplete intergrated with a GridView

I'm was wondering if anyone know of an implementation where there is an autocomplete textbox that drives what displays in the DataBound control like GridView, Repeater, ListView,etc.....Any links or advice will be helpful. Thank You, ...

widget for implementing auto complete for search engine

I'm putting together a search engine. I need a text field (with autocomplete) and a Search button. (Clicking the Search button submits the form.) There are many javascript autocomplete solutions out there (some are listed at, but I need one that works in tandem with the Se...

Yahoo Autocomplete results sometimes show old query

Hi all, I'm using Yahoo Autocomplete with a remote php database request and zero time delay. The problem is that sometimes the results from an old query come back after the most recent query. So far example if im searching for beginner, sometimes the results from 'beg' will override the most recent result in the autocomplete dropdown ...

Netbeans Facelets code completion

Does anyone know how one can enable the code completion for xhtml (facelets) files in Netbeans (6.7.1)? According to some information I found on Google it is a known issue that there is no code completion for xml namespaces as used in the xhtml files, but that should be resolved by installing the netbeans facelets support module. But eve...

Explicitly calling the autocomplete function in jquery autocomplete plugin

I have a text field to which I have a jquery autocomplete event attached. However, due to some reasons, I dont want the search results to appear when the user types, but rather when a button is pressed. I know this sounds lame, but I have my reasons. How do I trigger the autosearch results to appear by calling an explicit function? ...

Autocomplete email address and/or names in C#

Hi, I'm looking for a solution like the one discussed here, but for C# WinForms. Link here To rephrase, is it possible to do textbox autocompletes in C# using a single data source with multiple lines? Result should be like Gmail's TO: field in creating emails, or similarly MS Outlook's TO: field. For example, the data set might be: "J...

How to force bash autocomplete to one command ?

Hello guys, I just upgrade to Ubuntu Karmic 9.10 and there is now emphaty. The problem is that em-TAB- doesn't autocomplete to emacs anymore ... I there a way to the my Bourne-Shell to complete em-TAB- always to emacs ? Thank you ...

jQuery Autocomplete plugin (from Joern) not releasing when other elements clicked.

Hi there, I'm using the jQuery Autocomplete plugin from on IE7 and it's not releasing the autocomplete when I click outside the Autocomplete input field and results. It looks like this is a formatting bug...maybe IE7 thinks the entire form is the autocomplete section. If I click on another "f...

how to get autocomplete response in 100ms (milliseconds)

I am trying to build an auto-complete text box which will give results in about 100ms. I have checked Google with firebug it is 74ms, stackoverflow has 500ms. I am using drupal6 and it is taking 800ms for auto complete which is not useful at all. Can anybody suggest to me how I can build an auto-complete with a response time of under ...

Autocomplete customize it - Jquery

Before I start the question, I know that some of you won't read the question carefully and will think that I'm asking for something as simple as addClass("custom1") to my original #elem, like this: $("#elem1").autocomplete("source1.php").addClass("custom1"); This won't do it, because I'm not trying to add the class to my target div......

jquery autocomplete question

I am trying to make this plug-in work for my scenario. my data is in the following format: ["50986.1 ST SAVINGS BANK", "70625.1-800 GOT JUNK COMMERCIAL SERVICES (USA) LLC", "42755.103RD ST SAND LLC"] the first part is the id of the company and i need to save that value once the data is selected. my code: <script type="text/javas...

browser textbox autocomplete event, when does this happen?

If i dont put autocomplete="off" on my <input type="text" />s the browser will sometimes fill them in with likely/remembered data. When does this happen in the DOM-load-lifecycle? It appears to be after: $(function(){ alert('i happen before autocomplete'); }); Is there a dom-load event which occurs after form-autocompletion? If s...

ASP.Net TextBox.AutoCompleteType property - useful? customizable?

The ASP.Net TextBox control has an AutoCompleteType property that takes an AutoCompleteType enumeration value. First, is this property commonly used in actual development? Or is "browser autocomplete" turned off and Ajax autocomplete used instead? Second, are you constrained to only the values in the AutoCompleteType enum? Can you ext...

How to reset the position within the dropdown of a Silverlight AutoCompleteBox

Lets say I have an AutoCompleteBox with 1000 items. A user first types two characters returning a broad result set (for example, 100 items). They then scroll to the bottom of the list and... They then select the last item which closes the dropdown. The user then returns to the AutoCompleteBox and enters a more refined search returni...

multiple word Predictive/autocomplete textarea?

Hi there I'm lookin for a javascript plugin (for js/any framework) I want to create a textarea that while I type will using a supplied data array, check for predictive matches to the current word im typing and try to suggest a solution. All solutions I've found so far (for jquery) only match one word, then end... I want to write like...