
I can't make autocomplete work with ajax call to my webservice

Hello, I followed the directions in this post: to make jquery-autocomplete plugin work with my webservice on, but it just won't work. Autocomplete works if I do local data. I'm also able to make calls to ...

Programmatic word completion dictionary in windows mobile

I would like to be able to specify what shows up in in the windows mobile word completion programmatically. I have looked around, and found some links on how to make the word completion match the context such as with But nothing that would allow me to specify specific words that will show up...

YUI Autocomplete/button skin to look like a standard dropdown.

Does anyone have a example of how I would go about making a YUI Autocomplete combined with a YUI button component look like a standard dropdown. The combobox example on the YUI developer site is a start, but I can't seem to get the button sized to the input box or eliminate the space between the input box and the button. http://develop...

Error adding auto-complete component to ICEFaces screen

I am trying to create a pretty straight forward screen that has a text field with auto-complete functionality. I have been following the examples found on the ICEFaces website here. No matter what I try I keep getting this error: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to javax.faces.model.SelectItem at co...

rails autocomplete question about removing extraneous info

I've got my autocomplete plugin working perfectly... except I have certain info that I want displayed in the autocomplete divs, but I don't want to end up when the user makes their selection. Ie... I have an auto complete for currencies... they can search by either currency code or country... as they search it displays both info along w...

ICSharpCode.TextEditor - KeyDown problem

Hello, I'm trying to create an auto-complete function for the ICSharpCode.TextEditor. But the fileTabs_KeyDown doesn't recognize Enter/Backspace/Tab/... I tried to add a new KeyEventHandler to the active editor but that doesn't call my KeyDown function. Maybe I can request the windows messages directly but I don't know how to do this ...

jquery autocomplete plugin does not submit values to server

I am using this plugin: I have an autocomplete textarea where the values are autocompleted and are separated by commas. This textarea is inside a form. When I submit this form, I expect the values to be transmitted to the serverside which is the action of my form. However, I am not gett...

Autocomplete Parameter names in Eclipse Without Source

I am working with a proprietary library that has JavaDocs, but no source code. I've attached the JavaDocs to the library's jar, but I still can't get useful parameter names auto-completed (they are named arg0, arg1, arg2, etc). Is there any way to fix this without source code? ...

Using AutoComplete in a DataGridView causes a crash when editing?

I've enabled the AutoComplete functionality on a DataGridView using the following code: private void grid_EditingControlShowing(object sender, DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventArgs e) { if (e.Control is DataGridViewTextBoxEditingControl) { var te = (DataGridViewTextBoxEditingControl)e.Control; ...

Auto Complete Extender With Hidden Value

I have an auto complete extender on my web page that when typed in gets address info from a database. I need to make two calls to the database, one to get a list of brief descriptions of addresses and another to get all the address information once an address description is selected. To make the second call I get a unique ID from the fir...

Multiple jQuery functions & Autocomplete

I found that using declaring jQuery Autocomplete as the first function in your script prevents other functions from being executed. The second and third functions below will not work: <script> $(function() { $("#ent_input").autocomplete('get_suggestions', {autoFill: true, scroll: false}); }); // Freebase Suggest $(fu...

Why isn't my custom formatResult function called using the jQuery autoComplete plugin?

I'm using the autocomplete jQuery plugin (api doc) that calls a service which returns json. I have the plugin consuming the json result fine and everything works, execpt my custom formatResult function is never called. I'd like to use that function to capture the user selecting from the result list to populate various other fields on t...

Dynamic mql_filter on Freebase Suggest

Is it possible to dynamically add an mql_filter to constrain results from a Freebase Suggest control? $(function() { $("#button").onclick(function() { // add an mql_filter to #film, a Freebase Suggest control }); $("#film").suggest({type:'/film/film'}); }); ...

WinForms | C# | AutoComplete in the Middle of a Textbox?

I have a textbox that does autocompletion like so: txtName.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest; txtName.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource; txtName.AutoCompleteCustomSource = namesCollection; It works, but only at the beginning of a textbox. I'd like autocomplete to kick in for any word the user is entering, ...

Vim style Omnicomplete for emacs?

I've found several code completion elisp packages for emacs that do code completion, but most bind to a key such as M-/ to toggle completion. Is there something similar to Vim's omnicomplete where you can set it to automatically pop up a list of autocompletion options where you can either navigate through them, or just keep typing. See...

Firefox autofilling username/password

One of my user complained that whenever he tried to add a new user (auth.User) using the default admin interface (Django's admin), the new username and password would get automatically filled with his own. The problem is he asked Firefox to remember his username/password when he logs in. Is there any way I can prevent Firefox from tryin...

How do i properly write a ajax reponse

I know this is a bad title for my question but what i am trying to do is reply to Autocomplete Instead of getting many elements i only receive "Array". I know this is obviously wrong bc of the way echo works but how do i echo in such a way this autocomplete works? mydoc....

AutoComplete Stopping When User Presses "Enter"

Hello. I am using the AutoCompleteExtender on a commercial site. My problem is the users are quickly typing in part of a word and immediately pressing "Enter" which causes the AutoComplete control to NOT come back with a list of suggestions. For example, if my database has the phrase "Texas, United States" in it but the users just type "...

How to get the Jquery Autocomplete result event handler to work?

I wrote code that fails to use the JQuery autocomplete to fire a result function after the user selects something valid (below). By result, I mean result handler, a function that fires after a good selection happens in the autocomplete plugin. Documented here. In my case, I have a form that is really a table where each row is the same...

create search option for local webpages by tagging a page

Hello, My actual question is how would I go about creating a autocomplete dropdown off tags that will refer to a particular page, like on this site. I already have a autocomlete dropdown and it looks in the db field for a word starting with something% (wildcard),but that is just one word What if you would have like 5 tags, comma sepe...