
jquery keypress event to trigger autocomplete only on specific keycodes

I am using the jquery autocomplete plugin, and am trying to trigger the autocomplete manually based on certain keys the user enters. I'm trying to bind the autocomplete to the input on the fly so the autocomplete can start looking for matches once a user enters a certain key to trigger "I'm now entering data to be searched on", which cou...

Enabling filename completion in a new vim command

In vim, I want to create a new command that takes a file-name as its single argument. Is there a way to create such a command, so that the file-name-completion-magic (using tab) will work? ...

need to autofill the textbox using ajax:autocomplete tag

Hi frnds, I m new to ajax. I have implemented the ajax autocomplete " parameters="searchText={insSearchText}" className="autocomplete" /> It is working alright,but i need that when the autocomplete list populates,and down key is pressed to select the value in list,it should auto fill the attached textbox accordingly with the value havi...

Autocomplete + Hidden Field in jquery?

I am trying to do an autocomplete that will display something and then put something else in an hidden field on selection. Example: In my database I have {[1, 'john'], [2, 'bob'], [3, 'john']} If the user type 'jo' and clicks on the first 'john', I have no way of knowing on what entry he clicked. So I need some kind of associated hidd...

How to let AutoComplete in .NET Winforms 2.0 TextBox suggest even if the user input is contained in middle of of the suggestion items.

How to let AutoComplete in .NET Winforms 2.0 TextBox suggest even if the user input is contained in middle of the suggestion items? ...

need to auto fill in textbox using autocomplete tag of ajax tag library

Hi frnds, I m new to ajax. I have implemented autocomplete functionality by using autocomplete tag of Ajax Tag Library. It is working alright,but i need that when the autocomplete list populates,and down key is pressed to select the value in list, it should auto fill the attached textbox accordingly. Please reply to this... I would be...

How does code completion work?

Lots of editors and IDEs have code completion. Some of them are very "intelligent" others are not really. I am interested in the more intelligent type. For example I have seen IDEs that only offer a function if it is a) available in the current scope b) it's return value is valid. (For example after "5 + foo[tab]" it only offers function...

Can Eclipse CDT do auto-complete when using typedefs?

For all my code Eclipse's autocomplete function is working fine, except when I use a typedef. Example code (someclass.hh): typedef std::vector<int> IntVector; class SomeClass { void sort_int_vector(IntVector &iv) { iv.//eclipse auto complete does not work. (ctrl-space) } } How can I configure Eclipse to do auto-complete in thi...

Help with the auto complete method in cakephp.

hi, I'm trying to have an auto complete box in my application,where the values are retrieved from a table. I want to share a form with set of users in the Users table. i have a link called 'Share' and when I click the link, the autocomplete box is generated. Now when I type in the text box any letter, I want it to be auto suggested. T...

NetBeans jQuery Autocomplete Not Working

Autocomplete for jQuery works in my NetBeans on my Mac but not on my PC. Any ideas? Using NetBeans 6.7.1. ...

VIM php omni completion

Hey, I'm trying to get php autocompletion right in VIM. Right now when I do a $blog = new Blog(); $blog-> and then hit CTRL+X CTRL+O I'd expect omnicompletion to return all the functions in the class Blog. Instead, it returns all functions for the entire project. I've built ctags for my project like so: ctags -R * Is there any way to...

how to select multiple entries from a auto complete box in cakephp?

Hi, I have an auto complete box which is populated with the list of users of the application. It is working fine with the box listing the users. But I am able to select only one user. How to select multiple users from the list ? And also how to save the selected user's names in a variable or an array? EDIT I am using the built-in au...

Qt QFileDialog input field - tab complete like shell

I've got a basic PyQt QFileDialog file browser goin in Python, Kubuntu. My issue is I would like the "tab key" in the file input to act as tab-complete does in a shell. Is there any way to accomplish this? ...

Is it possible to implement cross-browser username/password autocomplete in GXT?

Last night, I did a quick spike to try and implement username/password autocomplete in my GXT application. By "autocomplete", I don't mean Ajax-style autocomplete, but rather browser-based autocomplete. The best information I found on this via google is in the following post: I...

Autocomplete with local data in Rails

In my application, users pick train stations from an autocompleting text field. Since there aren't many train stations (~100), I'd prefer for the field to autocomplete based on the contents of a client-side array rather than querying the server each time the user types a character (the goal is to make the autocomplete more responsive). ...

Winforms ComboBox autocomplete search multiple parts of string

Very similar question to this one... but my issue is for windows-forms rather than WPF. I have a winforms databound combox working great with autocomplete list coming from the data items in the combobox. Of course the client w...

What is the best jQuery Autocomplete/Suggest?

What is a current good version of the autocomplete for jquery? I saw this post However I can't downgrade the UI for other parts of the site, and autocomplete is not a part of the newer 1.7. Suggestions? ...

How to pass an array as a hidden field?

I am implementing an auto complete box using the Ajax.autocompleter method of the scriptaculous.js framework. This is the auto complete box and the div where the auto suggested entries are populated. <?php echo $form->create('Share', array('url' => '/forms/share')); ?> <label for="shareWith">Share Form with</label> <input type=...

JQuery autocompleter for dynamic input boxes

I have a webpage with jquery generating dynamic html input boxes. Something like this appears on the page. <input type="text" id="numbers[]" ></input> <input type="text" id="numbers[]" ></input> <input type="text" id="numbers[]" ></input> <input type="text" id="numbers[]" ></input> These text-boxes all use the same autocompleter, is ...

How to detect when user ignores jquery autocomplete suggestions

We need the ability to call a handler if a user enters text without choosing from a set of autocomplete suggestions. In our case it doesn't matter if the entered text matches any autocomplete values or not - we only care if the user clicks/selects an autocomplete value, or not. The way our form works is that a user starts entering a co...