
Is there a way to add name/value functionality to jquery autocomplete for .net?

I've recently added the JQuery autocomplete plug in and have a textbox that autocompletes a list of employees. It works great and I commend the authors of the plugin. I think the textbox would be MUCH more useful though, when upon selecting, we can extract the StaffID (Ie. retreive the value of the selection). My code is below and y...

Possible to block form fillers?

I have a Delphi (5) application that uses a log-in screen (standard user name/password) and have just found out recently that password storage applications can identify the log-in fields in the screen, even if they are obfuscated, and offer to save the information for the user. Due to the high security nature of our program, we don't wa...

Autocomplete extender in Ajax Toolkit and JQuery limiting to "Starts with"

There are many flavours to the AutoComplete implementation, I first did a WPF implementation that was very robust, each entry took keywords, so when searching for an employee, it didn't matter if you typed the first or last name, the results came back similar to Google Suggest. What I have found limiting in both the JQquery autocomplete...

Designing an autocomplete system to choose an instance of an aggregate type

An aggregate type T is made up of 4 strings: t = c1 c2 c3 c4 Each of c1 c2 c3 c4 can have a number of unique values: c1 may have a number of unique values c1.1, c1.2, c1.3, ... c1.n, where 'n' can be fairly high, about 30,000. c2 has far fewer unique values, no more than 5, i.e., n < 5 For c3 and c4, n is unpredictable but generally 1...

How to display autocomplete choices in emacs?

I'm working on autocompletion implementation in emacs for haxe programming language. I already figured out how to obtain list of autocompletions which I wants to present. The list is in format: '((name1 type1 desc1) (name2 type2 desc2) ... I want to display to user list containing text in format "name1 type1" after cursor position ...

Properly handling spaces and quotes in bash completion

What is the correct/best way of handling spaces and quotes in bash completion? Here’s a simple example. I have a command called words (e.g., a dictionary lookup program) that takes various words as arguments. The supported ‘words’ may actually contain spaces, and are defined in a file called words.dat: foo bar one bar two Here’s my f...

How can I create a control like the one from Eclipse's autocomplete?

I'd like to create an autocomplete control using Boo/C#. Here's a screenshot from the internet if you don't know how it looks like : I'm basically thinking of a undecorated window/dialog ( which I'm not sure how would I implement ), or a control that can be displayed on it's own ( a ListBox of some sort ). How could I implement such ...

ASP.NET MVC, autocomplete textbox, caching?

Using ASP.NET MVC, I've implemented an autocomplete textbox using the approach very similar to the implementation by Ben Scheirman as shown here: What I haven't been able to figure out is if it's a good idea to cache the data for the autocomplete textbox, so there wo...

jQuery Combo Boxes (User Selection) / Text Validation

Is there a way to have a text validation tool for jQuery such that: Box 1: Hi Box 2: Automatically fills with Hi if Hi is entered in Box 1 In another case if, Box 1: Bye Box 2: If the user enters Bye in Box 2 it says that they entered an invalid response Also is it possible to have it such that if Choice A is selected in a a combo bo...

jQuery AutoComplete

I'm using the jQuery autocomplete plugin which works great,i have a small question, if a user begins typing in one field where the autocomplete is attached to, but then while the suggest is still showing they move to another input field which is also attached to autocomplete, the first input field does not show suggestions. Are there an...

How do I find the id of a jquery autocomplete input from within the onItemSelect callback?

I'm using the jquery autocomplete plugin from pengoworks: In the function called upon an entry being selected, I want to find out the name (id) of the input element. (Because the callback is going to be used for multiple autocompletes.) Code looks like this: myCallback =...

Auto Complete Fields in Rails that Display Something Different Than What They Select

Hi, I'm trying to create an auto complete field (using the plugin) in a form for a category select, but I want the auto complete list to display a number next to each category (the number of other things in the same category). This is similar to the Tags field on stack overflow. Right now I can display the number I wa...

How to force ASMX web service to send JSON data to client on HTTP GET request?

I'm trying to use the official jQuery autocomplete plugin with an ASMX web service in an ASP.NET 3.5 Web Forms application. If I understand it correctly, the autocomplete plugin can only use HTTP GET to call a service (with two query string parameters: q and limit). I figured out how to make the web service respond to the HTTP GET calls,...

[Eclipse PHP IDE 3.5] "No completions available" on var_

hi all, i have againg a problem with completition. now i can't get any suggestion. Sure i can type var_dump, but it is more comfortable with autocompletion. I'm using Eclipse PHP Ide 3.5 with PDT 2.1. ...

Fixing Tim Heuer's EditableComboBox for SL3 & latest SL Toolkit

I'm using Tim Heuer's style to get an editable combo box from here: This is working well in my project circa the previous release of the Silverlight Toolkit. Unfortunately, attempting to use this style with SL3 RTM and the latest SL Toolkit does...

Google suggest queries with Scriptaculous Autocompleter?

I'm trying to display Google suggested queries when a user types in a query into our search text field. Our goal is to combine Google suggested queries with the Scriptaculous Autocompleter. Here's our code: new Ajax.Autocompleter('q', 'autocomplete_choices', '', {method:'get', onS...

Is an autocomplete text box for entering addresses a good idea?

Entering my address via a traditional form drives me crazy: Why do I have to enter my city, state, and zip code when my city and state can be inferred from my zip code? Choosing your state from a dropdown list is a pain in the ass -- often you can't tab into it, you have to use the mouse, etc. Because I find this process so repulsi...

Textbox with autocomplete

Hi there, Im programming with Visual Studio 2008 and making a web application using .NET Framework 3.5 with C#. All DAL linked with an powerfull entity framework wrapper (similar to the one that 2010 would use.) I'm having a textbox used for a search on first and lastname. That problem i'm having, it's that i'm using AJAX Control ...

Facebook style JQuery autocomplete plugin

Im after a plugin to do autocomplete like facebook does in that you can select multiple items - similar to how tagging a stackoverflow question works. Here are a couple I ran into:

How to interpret the syntax of the jQuery Autocomplete plugin's parse function

I use the jQuery Autocomplete plugin to display user info in the search box and I can't quite figure out the meaning of the syntax of the following parse function: $("#UserSearchBox").autocomplete('FindUser.ashx', { minChars: 2, width: 400, max: 5, parse: function(data) { return $.map(eval(data), function(row) { ...