
JQuery Auto Suggest Serverside

Coming up with a server side JQuery plug-in is proving to be a bit brutal. I have looked around for one but they work off static information. Does anyone have a good free server-side Auto suggest for JQuery? ...

Autocomplete server-side implementation

What is a fast and efficient way to implement the server-side component for an autocomplete feature in an html input box? I am writing a service to autocomplete user queries in our web interface's main search box, and the completions are displayed in an ajax-powered dropdown. The data we are running queries against is simply a large ta...

How to make IE remember login details?

For some odd reason IE no longer will remember previously typed in usernames/passwords on our login screen. IE8 will remember the username only and then the password still needs to be typed in, but IE6 and IE7 don't fill in either. And of course it works fine in Firefox/Chrome/Safari/etc. (And yes, I've already checked my preferences ...

VB6 auto completion (intellisense) is suddenly taking forever...

VB6 just added a new "feature" right out of the blue: every time I declare a variable, property or function, when I reach the "as" keyword, VB has a fit and hogs the cpu for almost a minute. Anyone knows what this might be? I turned off all plugins (AxTools, MzTools), restarted VB, rebooted, and still nothing. This is incredibly annoyi...

Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer in AJAX autocomplete

hello, I have an ajax autocomplete on a page ASP.NET. This calls a method from a web service which returns some postal codes. public string[] GetNames(string prefixText, int count, String contextKey) { prefixText = prefixText.Trim(); XmlNodeList list; List<string> names = new List<string>(); if ((prefixText[0] >= '0') &...

JQuery Autocomplete textbox on selected events

How do I fire another event after I have completed the selection on the textbox that has autocomplete. I want to show a valid div area based on the selected value. ...

Protect against accidental deletion

Today I first saw the potential of a partial accidental deletion of a colleague's home directory (2 hours lost in a critical phase of a project). I was enough worried about it to start thinking of the problem ad a possible solution. In his case a file named '~' somehow went into a test folder, which he after deleted with rm -rf... when ...

Mephisto x autocomplete

Hi, I'm trying to use the plugin auto_complete with mephisto. My problem is that i cannot add a code to a view because i don't have a liquid tag to do it. I read a liquid manual that teaches you how to create your methods inside of a new liquid tag, but how can i create a new liquid tag to a plugin method? ...

Dynamic height for AJAX Autocomplete Textbox

Hi, I am using the AJAX autocomplete add-on to the control. I have everything working with a around the . I set the following CSS class: .autocomplete_CompletionListElement { margin: 0px; background-color: White; cursor: default; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: hidden; height:180px; text-align: left; bo...

Enabling autocomplete in Notepad++ for .API files?

Does anyone know how to get auto-complete working in Notepad++ using the .API files provided on the N++ site? Autocomplete works fine for me in languages which have an XML autocomplete file in the APIs folder, but completely non-functional for languages that use a .API file (ruby, AutoIt, others). From what I've been able to find online...

jquery autocomplete keypress database

I am trying to use jquery autocomplete plugin, I want it to suggest ItemCodes as user types... The problem is its not showing autocomplete box/frame/.... Just to make sure webmethod returns data on every keyup event, I assigned data to a div element, and it works as it should. <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> ...

jQuery: how to keep the element functions, even when the element is been removed and recreated?

Hi guys, i have a problem.. I use the autocomplete plugin, that i edite for make the input text to disappear when the user make the choice. So, my goal is, when the user select a row from the autocomplete list: An Ajax request would retrieve additional info about the selected row (no problem here) A form auto-fillup with those additi...

Set focus on AutoCompleteBox in DataGridTemplateColumn

I have an AutoCompleteBox inside the CellEditingTemplate for a DataGridTemplateColumn and I am trying to auto-focus on it after a certain number of characters have been entered in a previous column. I have been able to get the focus to shift and the caret to set appropriately using the BeginInvoke method (described here) but only if the...

How to dynamically reconfigure Drupal's jQuery-based autocomplete at runtime?

Drupal has a very well-architected, jQuery-based autocomplete.js. Usually, you don't have to bother with it, since it's configuration and execution is handled by the Drupal form API. Now, I need a way to reconfigure it at runtime (with JavaScript, that is). I have a standard drop down select box with a text field next to it, and dependi...

Is there anyway to disable Visual Studio auto complete for object keyword

Short version- is there a way to turn off Visual Studio Intellisense for the object keyword. Long version- I'm using Visual Studio 2008 and I'm basically using anonymous types. I begin typing something like: Assert.AreEqual("/SomePath/Stuff", GetOutboundUrl( I type in new { Then I see that Visual Studio has recognised that the metho...

What's the best way to implement web service for ajax autocomplete

I'm implementing a "Google Suggest" like autocomplete feature for tag searching using jQuery's autocomplete. I need to provide a web service to jQuery giving it a list of suggestions based on what the user has typed. I see 2 ways of implementing the web service: 1) just store all the tags in a database and search the DB using user inp...

Strategies For AutoCompletion Web Services in .Net. Non UI focused

I'm getting a little tired of all the UI demos of auto completion in ASP.Net. I believe the UI portion of autocompletion has been solved multiple times over again. My question is how do you best handle the queries hitting your webservices? I'm currently implementing an autocompletion service for a musician database. The database is fai...

jquery autocomplete: Get "new" values when they're done

I've got a jquery autocomplete text box (multiple: true) used to set categories on an item, pretty much exactly like the stackoverflow tags. The autocomplete source is a list of objects, with formatItem overriden to do the correct display. What I'm trying to do is pull two lists out of it: one list of selected category IDs (array of in...

Key/down scroll in autocomplete

Can any one add the complete js code that will be gread help tnx Madhu. ...

Reading and tab-completing a directory name in a bash script

I want to prompt the user for a directory name, and have them able to tab-complete to a valid directory. So far, I've got tab-completion working for both files and directories using "read -e". I only want directories to be autocompleted when the user presses tab. Here's what I have: echo "Enter a directory" read -e -p "> " DEST How ...