
Silverlight AutoCompleteBox BorderBrush runtime color change?

Is it possible to update a templated AutoCompleteBox's BorderBrush at runtime? I can't seem to set the BorderBrush or the background. Even base statements like TxtFoodSearch.BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red) don't seem to made a difference after the page has loaded. My Xaml is below. <controls:AutoComplete...

Appending Silverlight Toolkit AutoCompleteBox with selected item

I'm working with an Autocomplete box from the Silverlight Tookit (December release). As the user types, I use a webservice to return an ItemsSource containing a lookup of only the word that the user is currently typing into the AutoCompleteBox (as oppossed to the entire phrase, which is the default behavior). What I'd now like to do is...

Zsh tab-completion for "cd .."

How can I configure the Zsh tab-completion such that when I type cd ..<TAB> it expands to cd ../ and after pressing <TAB> again proposes the folders in the parent directory for completion? E.g. it should show the same behavior as when typing for example cd Documents<TAB> which expands to cd Documents/ and after pressing <TAB> again prop...

Library or Code Snippet for AutoComplete in Text Control based on the previous user entered values

I'm looking for a library for Autocomplete support in text controls which remembers all previous entries of the user and provide auto-complete support for it. For example for "recent files" I use and it works great. Do you know something like that for this purpose? UPDATE : This is a .NET Winforms applicati...

the halting problem and background compilation?

I'm trying to figure out how I could write an autocompletion algorithm for Lua, but since as with many scripting languages it lacks a static type system I think I need background compilation, but during background compilation it's easy to hit the halting problem so I was wondering if anyone has solved this sort of thing before, and what ...

autocomplete using jquery not working in ie7

Hi, i am using jquery autocomplete in 2 places in the same page: One in the header and one in the body of the page. Both work fine in Firefox and Chrome. But in IE the autocomplete in the header works fine and not the one in the body. Could someone please let me know what the problem could be and a possible solution? Thanks in Adva...

I need a list of cities and the corresponding timezone for an autocomplete text input

Hi, Where can i find city/timezone data to populate my autocomplete text input. The text input will be used to type in a city, then behind the scenes i will use the city to get the time zone... I would prefer to hold it within the app itself and not get it in realtime. This will be for an iphone app. Thanks, m ...

jQuery autocomplete plugin not focusing the next clicked field

I'm using the Jörn Zaefferer's jQuery autocomplete plugin which works great, except for a small bug: if a user begins typing in one field where the autocomplete is attached to, but then while the suggest is still showing they click on another input field, the cursor returns back to the field with the autocomplete. Are there any solution...

How do you attach a custom callback function to the jquery autocomplete extension?

I'm using the jquery autocomplete 1.0.2 extension by Dylan Verheul, Dan G. Switzer, Anjesh Tuladhar, Jörn Zaefferer. I am attempting to execute my own callback function when .show() and .hide() are called from within the autocomplete control. I haven't found any way for it to actually recognize my callback function. If anyone is famil...

Jquery autocomplete for input form, using Textpattern category list as a source

I'm using the Textpattern CMS to build a discussion site-- I have a firm grasp of XHTML and CSS, as well as Textpattern's template language, but PHP and Javascript are a bit beyond my cunning. On the input form to begin a new topic, users need to select a category from a list of over 5,000 options. Using the HTML select-type input eleme...

Autocomplete with different values than the title

Hey everyone, I'm trying to make an autocomplete form using jquery, but I've run into an issue. I'm trying to make it so that when a user starts typing in the name of a place that's in our database, it shows them the full name of the place in the autocomplete, but when they click on it, the textbox gets filled with the address of the pl...

Techniques to make autocomplete on website more responsive

In my website's advanced search screen there are about 15 fields that need an autocomplete field. Their content is all depending on each other's value (so if one is filled in, the other's content will change depending on the first's value). Most of the fields have a huge amount of possibilities (1000's of entries at least). Currently ma...

Is there a control out there that combines type ahead/auto suggest functionality along with a multi-select? B

Basically, I'm trying to type for something (say 'United' in a country field). I would expect the auto suggest feature to suggest 'United States of America' and 'United Kingdom' for example. On top of this, I would like to select both 'United States of America' and 'United Kingdom' by clicking on a link or button available directly on ...

Rails: Ajax auto-suggest plugin?

Is there a rails (or other javascript framework) plugin that does the auto suggest like the Related Questions suggestions here in Stack Overflow where after leaving the text field a list of related items shows up? Also is there a name for this UI patterm? ...

A good autocomplete plugin for jQuery 1.3?

I'm at my wits end with this one because there doesn't seem to be anything viable for this. I have tried using jQuery UI's autocomplete from SVN, which can be found here: But the total lack of (updated) documentation has got me as far as displaying a bunch of [Object]'s in ...

Java Swing Combobox with Autocomplet and Context Menu

Hi, I have auto complete for a JCombobox working by following this article: I am using the SwingX library. Now I like to add persistence support to the items in the combo box. Basically when you right click an item a context menu comes up and...

Find file in directory from command line

Noob question here, trying to wean myself off of IDEs. In editors/ides such as eclipse and textmate, there are shortcuts to quickly find a particular file in a project directory. Is there a similar tool to do full path completion on filenames within a directory (recursively), in bash or other shell? I have projects with alot of direc...

scriptaculous ajax autocomplete empty response

I’m working with the ajax-autocompleter which works great. My aim is to redirect between an editing function for an existing item, or a creating function for a not-found item. I insert a specific id to each li, and I can therefore use it for the editing function with an afterUpdateElement option. But if no results are found, the list i...

Emacs, Objective-C, and autocomplete

I recently switched to emacs for my code editing, and it mostly works well. However, for Objective-C I find myself missing Xcode's autocomplete feature as I have trouble remembering the long function names such as - (id)initWithContentRect:(NSRect)contentRect styleMask:(NSUInteger)windowStyle backing:(NSBackingStoreType)bufferingType d...

execute function on completion of another, use ajaxComplete()?

Hi there, two functions need to be executed in Javascript, the second one only after the first has finished. The first populates an array with getJSON, and the second will then manipulate it. However, getJSON is asynchronous, thus it will not pause the order of execution to make the program work properly so that the array finishes load...