
Cache Jquery UI autocomplete Combobox

Hello, I'm using the Jquery UI autocomplete on an existing project. Well, the performance is dog slow, especially when executing the input.autocomplete("search", ""); My solution was to cache the information, so even though its dog slow it only occurs once. I think I'm missing a very simple Javascript bug and I would really apprec...

Using jquery to append / remove divs for a form

I have an autocomplete input field, and right now, in order to store multiple values, you need to separate each one with a comma. I'm trying to add an "Add" button so that after each selected value, the user clicks on it and that value is removed from the input box and stored in another input field. So, for example, here are some poten...

SQLite manager application with auto-completion

I am looking for a free SQLite manager application for Linux with support of auto-completion, similar to RedGate's SQL Prompt. If it supports more than one type of databases (postgres, mysql) that'd be fantastic. ...

Problem with autoextender poisitioning

Can anyone help with this issue i have with the auto complete extender for 3.5. Basically when i type the text into the texbox, the autocomplete extender does not appear underneath the textbox. It appears sometimes on top or underneath the textbox. Is there a way i can fix the position of the autoextender popup? Thanks ...

How can you get eclipse code complete for CI when using &get_instance() ?

Hi everyone, I'm currently using Eclipse PDT and CodeIgniter, is it possible to get code-completion for the sessions library like so: $CI = &get_instance(); $CI->session->se (No auto-completion here.) Also, is there some sort of plug-in (or just a method) that would allow eclipse to do this for all my CodeIgniter libraries. Note: ...

Can I get Eclipse to autocomplete load-> instead of just load?

I am using CodeIgniter and Eclipse PDT; is it possible to get eclipse to autocomplete loa as load-> instead of load? Similair to how you get $this-> automatically. Thanks, Lemiant ...

Why is MySQL auto_increment skipping numbers.

We are running an import of an existing product table into a new table of our own. The import script we've written runs perfectly and inserts the right amount of rows (6000 or so). However, after the import the next auto incremented primary key/id is 1500 entries (or so) above the number of rows in the table. We can't understand why MyS...

$.ui.position undefined in IFrame

I'm using the jQuery autocomplete widget. I have it implemented in a plain page. It works beautifully. I embed the autocomplete control in a modal window and I'm getting an error: $.ui.position is undefined $.each( [ "left", "top" ], function( i, dir ) { if ( $.ui.position[ collision[i] ] ) { $.ui.position[ col...

component getting items from array before its needed

I have an app where a user puts in the required info into text inputs inside a titlewindow pop up and it sends the data entered into a datagrid. This first time when I call for the popup and enter info it works fine. Here's the problem: the next time I call the component pop up and click anywhere on the popup, including textInputs, the f...

Drew Wilson's autocomplete help!

I used Drew Wilson's autocomplete, its really well made but poorly documented. I am able to initialize the autocomplete plugin, but i cannot get the values selected. I tried using this: $("#txtReceipient").autoSuggest(data.items, { minChars: 2, matchCase: false, selectedItemPr...

Disable HTML TextField Drop down suggestion box

Ok so you know when type something the textfield such as "test" and then go back and it will suggest "test" when you type in "t"? How do I disable the textfield from doign that drop down suggestion box? If at all, possible - thanks. ...

jQuery autocomplete append selection to div

I'm trying to insert a variable within a div (#cityInput) upon jQuery autocomplete selection. What am I doing wrong? var options = ["California", "Seattle", "Portland", "San Francisco"]; $(function() { $("#citySelect").autocomplete({ source: options, minLength: 2, select: function() { $('#chooseCity').dialog('clo...

ASP.NET MVC, Autocomplete in jQGrid does not call controller for data.

Hi, Autocomplete does not call corresponding action on Controller. In my case here SharedContoller\FindLocation does not get invoked on typing anything in the textbox of autocomplete. Rest all things are working fine. Declaration of scripts : <script src="../../Scripts/jquery-1.4.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src=".....

Jquery Autocomplete with json fails

I am using the auto complete plugin by Devbridge and I have it all installed here is my code: $(document).ready(function(){ $('#request_task').autocomplete({ serviceUrl: '<%= ajax_path %>', minChars:1, width: 300, delimiter: /(,|;)\s*/, deferRequestBy: 0, //miliseconds params: { artists: 'Yes' }, ...

How can I get my array to work when assigning non-sequential numeric indexes in jQuery?

I have an XML file dynamically created from a database where each item has both an id and name. In the following syntax: <item> <id>1</id> <name>FirstName</name> </item> ... and so on ... I am trying to use these values for a jQuery autocomplete, where the ID will be submitted via form when the name is selected from the autocom...

Vim case-insensitive filename completion

I recently noticed how to configure bash to do case-insensitive filename completion (in /etc/inputrc, add: set completion-ignore-case on), now how do I get this in vim? ...

Custom data/layout with Autocomplete

I am trying to append an <li> at the end of the result set without success. I am in the dark as to the length of the result set, as it can change based on the input, so my counter I have set up only works if the results reach the limit. The documentation I found on the jquery ui site has been helpful getting me to this point. I initiat...

Making jQuery UI's Autocomplete widget *actually* autocomplete

I need an auto-complete in the app I'm working on and, since I'm already using jQuery UI, I'm trying to make its Autocomplete widget meet my needs. Step one is to make the search term only match at the beginning of suggested terms. I've already got that working, as you can see in the code below. Step two is to have the first suggestio...

JQuery Autocomplete submitting the data while press return

hello I'm using JQuery Autocomplete (bassistance) and have run into a problem. if i select by pressing ENTER(Return key) it just displayed in the text box and i need to press one more enter to search (submit the form) is there is any way to make the form submit on single select.... ...

Auto-complete command line arguments

In bash, executables such as mplayer and imagemagick's "convert" have a cool auto-complete functionality on their command line arguments. For instance, if I type mplayer <tab><tab> in one of my folder, then mplayer will list all media files located in that folder, and only the media files. Similarly, if I type convert -<tab><tab> ...