
Is it possible to change the Url which JQuery's JQueryUI Autocomplete generates?

Hi folks, I'm using JQuery JQueryUI's AutoComplete code. It goes to my url i provide (to find the answers), but appends ?term=<search query> after the url. I'm trying to get the following url intead ... /myurl/<term / search query> eg. /myurl/abcd /myurl/hello+world etc... is it possible to do this? Otherwise, it is possible to...

ComboBox AutoComplete on SubString

Hello, In one of my WinForms applications, I have a window with a ComboBox for the user to select a customer from. The customers in this list box are in this format : "CustomerID - CustomerName", for example "004540 - NorthWind Traders" The native WinForms combobox has an autocomplete feature built-in and it works well: the problem i...

jquery autocomplete highlighting

How can I make my jquery autocomplete highlight what the user is typing in in any autocompleted results? The code I am using is: $("#keyword").autocomplete({ source: "ajax/autocomplete.php?action=keyword", minLength: 2 }); Tried this implemented from the link tomasz posted: $("#keyword").autocomplete({...

How Do Google and Bing's Autocompletion Work?

How Do Google and Bing's Autocompletion Work? When I use firebug I see no XHR's. In that case, how is the data retrieved? ...

how to use jquery UI autocomplete 1.8.4?

i want to display suggests like STREET NAME > CITY > COUNTRY (4 different varaibles street,city,country,url that i get in json from the server) and when i chose one it will go to url like a link and will highlight the letters that i type that found in the suggests how can i do it? here is my code <script type="text/javascript"> $('#...

How VIM Autocomplete Work

I was going over VIM shortcuts & found the CTRL+p which acts as an autocomplete in UNIX (you know what I am saying, a dropdown list of the possible words to use, sorted by frequency of usage). It seems to detect even the most immediately typed words. How does this work in VIM? I am specifically interested in the data structures that are ...

is there an API for Google's Scribe auto-completing service?

Is there a way to use Google's Scribe autocomplete service (in Google Labs) through an api - you give it a word or words and it completes it? ...

Autocomplete & security - retrieving credentials from local cache?

Is it possible to retrieve stored credentials from the browser cache if you use auto-complete to fill in a form? I believe that the data itself is encrypted. ...

put the word "suggestions" in autocomplete box just like google

I want put the word "suggestions" in autocomplete box just like google does. How do I do that? Here is my auto complete page ...

Hooking event handlers to jQuery Autocomplete Combobox

Hi All, I would like some advice on how to set event handlers for the jQuery Autocomplete Combox: Code examples from the jQuery doc are as per below: // Supply a callback function to handle the select event as an init option. $( ".selector" ).autocomplete({ select: function(event, u...

jQuery AutoComplete does not show up

Hello, Inside a jquery dialog I would like to use the jquery autocomplete feature of jqueryUI. I have then prepared an action in my Controller (I am using ASP.NET MVC2) that is as follow public ActionResult GetForos(string startsWith, int pageSize) { // get records from underlying store int totalCount = 0; string whereClau...

Custom jQuery autocomplete without query strings

I'm in the middle of constructing a custom autocomplete using jQuery because my site cannot use query strings. (I'm using Codeigniter, and despite the many various configurations I've tried, I can't get it to accept query strings for just the ajax search pages.) I tried to find a ready-made solution through Google and couldn't, but wou...

Appended link to Autocomplete causing problems

Hello, Using the 'open' event I have appended an <li> which serves as a "See More Results" link at the bottom of the results. However any attempt I make to bind a click event is fruitless. I get an error in the jQuery UI saying "d.item is null" ln 242. I think this means it is trying to look for data from the result query to automatica...

jquery autocomplete restricted max items to ard 300 but it works in ie and others, any solution?

var tags ="s1,s2,...,s1670"; $("#newtag0").autocomplete(tags, { minChars: 0, width: 310, selectFirst: true, multiple: true, cacheLength:1672, max:1672 }); This will work in IE 7 and 8, chrome and safari but in firefox it results only s388 last with no errors.. Means 4096 chars.. Is it browser restr...

vim command to jump to a tab (tabpage) containing the filename

Is there any command in vim with which I can jump to an already open tab containing the file which is open in the tab. And that too with possibility of completion among all the open buffers. For example you have following files open in different tabs. readme.txt pom.xml Then the command jt will autocoplete the buffer names and jump...

Multiple jQuery UI Auto-complete text boxes with cascading values

Afternoon All, I have 3 text boxes each with jquery's auto-complete attached to them (Section, categories & products). I am wanting to populate the current auto-complete options based on the previous text box value. The problem I am having is when the page loads the bound auto-complete source is empty. Thanks, Rich ...

javascript: missing : after property id

I'm trying to pass my own array of objects: results[num_row] = {'title:\'' + title + '\', ' + 'url:\'' + url + '\''}; but this returns the error in firebug when I try: results[num_row] = {title:'Link A', url:'/page1'} it works. Thanks, <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "

jQuery autocomplete - include description

How can I add to the results which are displayed smaller text with a description? I have the description in the array of data that autocomplete is using. I can call this by using the .result function and calling item.description So right now I see a list: Item1<br /> Item2<br /> Item3<br /> I'd like to have it Item1<br /> &nbsp;desc...

jQuery adding html to the results

my input array has: results[num_row] = { 'title': title, 'url': url, 'support_url': support_url, 'description': description, 'contacts': contacts }; I get the results back: function formatItem(item){ var highlight = $.Autocompleter.defaults.highlight; var temp = '<span class="title">' + highlight(item.title...

Is it possible to disable autocomplete?

I know i shouldnt do it but it may be easier then explaining to the clients that you should do it through the browser. They have a public computer and a server running on the machine in an admin account (the code i am writing). They want people to enter their information but they dont want someone pressing down on the email input box to ...