
automate excel file processing in perl and avoid dialog/UI interactions

How can a I guarantee that no pop-up dialogs will appear when I automate Microsoft Excel through OLE? I'm using a Perl module (Win32::OLE). I can avoid most dialog pop-ups using the following code: use Win32::OLE; use Win32::OLE::Variant; use Win32::OLE::Const; my $excel_symbols = Win32::OLE::Const->Load('Microsoft Excel'); my $excel =...

Running PowerpointViewer.exe inside a .Net form

I have: 1 Form 1 Panel I do this with no issue: Run notepad.exe and get it to run inside the panel, no problems. however, running either the 2003 or 2007 viewer I get it to launch but not inside the form. (sample code below) //DLL Import using System.Runtime.InteropServices; [DllImport("user32.dll")] static extern In...

Gluing (Imposition) PDF documents

I have several A4 PDF documents which I would like (two into one) "glue" together into A3 format PDF document. So I will get from 2PDFs A4 a single one sided PDF A3. I have found the excellent utility PDFToolkit and some others but none of them can be used to "glue" side by side two documents. ...

Testrunner/framework for both .Net and Javascript?

My team develops software using multiple languages. We have a server app in .Net and much of our client code is written in JavaScript. (The client code is actually for xulrunner applications, which don't have good testing tools right now, but I hope that is overcome someday.) I like the idea, though, of having one testing tool that ca...

Using Automation to get_Text from Excel. If cell too narrow, get #####. How can I avoid that?

I'm using Automation to get_Text from an Excel worksheet. I do this because I need the formatted value (getting the value of the cell doesn't apply any formatting). If the column the cell is in is too narrow, I get "#####" the same was I would if I were to look at the spreadsheet via Excel. How can I avoid that? EDIT: Here is the ...

Nant or MSBuild, which one to choose and when?

I am aware there are other nant and msbuild related questions on stack overflow, but I could not find a direct comparison between the two and so here is the question. When should one choose Nant over MSBuild? Which one is better for what? Is Nant more suitable for home/open source projects and MSBuild for work projects? What is your exp...

How can I automate the "generate scripts" task in SQL Server Management Studio 2008 ?

I'd like to automate the script generation in SQL Server Management Studio 2008. Right now what I do is : Right click on my database, Tasks, "Generate Scripts..." manually select all the export options I need, and hit select all on the "select object" tab Select the export folder Eventually hit the "Finish" button Is there a way to ...

Recommendations for automated testing tools for Windows CE and PDA devices

Is anyone out there aware of any good or even reasonable tools for automated testing on the Windows CE / mobile platforms. Potential tools that I am aware of include TestQuest, Countdown, SOTI pocket controller, and Eggplant. Are there any more that I have missed? Alternatively, is anyone aware of a VNC or remote display tool for Wind...

Change WinForms combo box selection with UI Automation

Hi, is it possible to change the selected item in a winforms application using c# UI automation (same logic as UIspy.exe)? I would like to change the selected item to a specific item (I know it's index/position in the list). ...

How to reuse a (Delphi) OLE server with a second client?

I wrote an OLE automation server (using Delphi). I usually start the OLE server manually and use it as a normal application. From time to time I start a client, which automatically connect to the existing OLE Server. When I terminate the client, the server does not terminate (at least when it was started manually before the client) but...

How to Automatically "Reset to Quick Styles from XYZ Template" in Word 2007?

In Word 2007, a user may update the applied styles by selecting the "Reset to Quick Styles from XYZ Template" in the Change Styles menu option. Does anyone know of a way to automate this? I tried adding a macro to the Document_Open() method in the VBA for the Template project, but it errors out. ...

InternetExplorer.Application object and cookie container

I have the following console application written in VB.NET: Sub Main() Dim ie As Object = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") ie.Visible = True ie.Navigate2("http://localhost:4631/Default.aspx") End Sub This program uses the InternetExplorer.Application automation object to launch an IE window and navigate a given...

Highlight and unhighlight specific ranges when a box is clicked

Hi, I am a beginning in visual basic. What I am trying to do is whenever a box is clicked, highlight a specific range. Then, if another box is clicked after that, the previous range will unhighlight, and another range will highlight. Here is my code but it doesn't work right now. Dim FSelect As Boolean Dim myRange As Range Sub Rectan...

How to force process isolation for an out of process COM server?

I'm writing managed code that has to interact with a vendor's COM automation server that runs out of process. I have found that this server becomes unstable if more than one client connects to it. For example, if I have managed code in process A and managed code in process B both connecting to this COM server, a single process will be ...

Is it possible to avoid local installation and use flat files for WiX?

Background: I always try to ensure the following tenent in my projects: After a fresh checkout a developer should be able to do all project related tasks with solely the contents of the combined folders. Obviously, this isn't always possible (e.g. Visual Studio for Windows development). However, I really dislike having to install any ...

Is there a good reference for using OLE Automation (from Java)?

I am trying to communicate with Excel from a Java/SWT application. I have been able to open a worksheet, open a file and save it but that's about it. Can anyone point me to some documentation/examples for this? I especially need to know which commands are available. I did try to record macros to inspect. This was useful but did not give...

How to display .net automation add-in functions in excel's formula autocomplete

I have an automation add-in written in c# that exposes some functions to be used as formulas in Excel. The formulas can be successfully used from an Excel sheet but they do not appear in Excel2007's formula autocomplete lists. i.e. If I want to use the function AddNums(x,y) within an excel sheet then I must know what the function is c...

UI Automation "Selected text"

Anyone knows how to get selected text from other application using UI Automation and .Net? ...

Is is possible to insert an image into an excel cell via COM?

I have used automation to insert values into a cell, however I have never seen any documentation, for example, that demonstrate inserting anything other than text and/or formula's. Has anybody been able to insert an image from an external application? ...

Unattended Processing - Application Automation

I'm looking for information [I hesitate to infer "Best Practices"] for Automating Applications. I'm specifically referring to replacing that which is predictably repeatable through traditional manual means [humans manipulating the GUI] with something that is scheduled by the User and performed "Automatically". We use AutoIT internally ...