
Bash:Redirection Halts

I have a command e.g. ls-l > file.txt When there is insufficient space on my drive, the above command just stalls waiting for something to happen. Does anyone know about a code that I could write enabling me to display a message about the lack of space on my drive? E.g. could I use IPC or do you have any other ideas? Thanks in advance. ...

How to start a Python ipython shell, automatically run inside it a few commands, and leave it open?

I tried echo "print 'hello'" | ipython Which runs the command but ipython immediately exits afterwards. Any ideas? Thanks! Edit: I actually need to pass the command into the interactive Django shell, e.g.: echo "print 'hello'" | python shell so the -i switch gimel suggested doesn't seem to work (the shell still exits af...

BASH if conditions

Hi, I did ask a question before. The answer made sense, but I could never get it to work. And now I gotta get it working. But I cannot figure out BASH's if statements. What am I doing wrong below: START_TIME=9 STOP_TIME=17 HOUR=$((`date +"%k"`)) if [[ "$HOUR" -ge "9" ]] && [[ "$HOUR" -le "17" ]] && [[ "$2" != "-force" ]] ; then echo...

Save JSON outputed from a URL to a file

Hey Guys, How would I save JSON outputed by an URL to a file? e.g from the Twitter search API (this Language isn't important. Thanks! edit // How would I then append further updates to EOF? edit 2// Great answers guys really, but I accepted the one I thought was the most elegant. Thanks!...

How to take user input during install

So when I create a debian package, I am able to write a post-installation shell script that runs just fine. Currently mine is configured to do echo "Please enter your MySQL Database user (default root)" read MYSQL_USER echo "Please enter the MySQL Database user password (default root)" read -s MYSQL_PASS DBEXIST=0 CMD="cre...

converting a csv into text

I have a csv (large) file of ip addresses, and wish to covert into single line ip address in bash.,,,.. into [..] The list of ips in question, ...

How can we execute linux commands from php programs??

I want to see the output of the following code in the web browser: code: <?php $var = system('fdisk -l'); echo "$var"; ?> When I open this from a web browser there is no output in the web browser. So how can I do this? Please help! Thanks Puspa ...

matching files with regular expressions

Dear all, I have an input file with a list of movies (Note that there might be some repeated entries): American_beauty__1h56mn38s_ As_Good_As_It_Gets As_Good_As_It_Gets _DivX-ITA__Casablanca_M_CURTIZ_1942_Bogart-bergman_ Capote_EN_DVDRiP_XViD-GeT-AW _DivX-ITA__Casablanca_M_CURTIZ_1942_Bogart-bergman_ I would to find the corresponding...

Bash: how to check if a process id (PID) exists

Hi All, In a bash script i want to do the following (in pseudo-code): if [ a process exists with $PID ]; then kill $PID fi What's the appropriate bash for the conditional statement? Thanks ...

Take data from an XML file and put it into a MySQL database

Hi Guys, I'm looking to construct a script that would go through an XML file. Would find specific tags in it, put them in a table and fill the table with specific tags within them. I'm using MySQL 5.1 so loadXML isn't an option and I think that ExtractData() method wont be much use either.. but I don't really know. What would be the bes...

Why does this simple bash code give a syntax error?

I have the following bash code, which is copied and pasted from "bash cookbook" (1st edition): #!/bin/bash VERBOSE=0; if [[ $1 =-v ]] then VERBOSE=1; shift; fi When I run this (bash 4.0.33), I get the following syntax error: ./ line 4: conditional binary operator expected ./ line 4: syntax error near `=-v' ./...

Parse string with bash and extract number

Hello I've got supervisor's status output, looking like this. frontend RUNNING pid 16652, uptime 2:11:17 nginx RUNNING pid 16651, uptime 2:11:17 redis RUNNING pid 16607, uptime 2:11:32 I need to extract nginx's PID. I've done it via grep -P comman...

recursive directory svn move shell script

I want to rename all nested directories named "foo" to "bar" - I've tried the following with no joy: find */ -name 'foo' | xargs svn move {} 'bar' \; Thanks ...

How to pass a variable to an awk print parameter...

I'm trying extract the nth + 1 and nth + 3 columns from a file. This is what tried, which is a useful pseudo code: for i in {1..100} ; do awk -F "," " { printf \"%3d, %12.3f, %12.3f\\n\", \$1, \$($i+1), \$($i+3) } " All_Runs.csv > Run-$i.csv which, obviously doesn't work (but it seemed reasonable to hope). How can I do this? ...

Makefile and rm -f file.{ext1,ext2,ext3} issue

Hello, Could you explain me, why Makefile rule: clean: rm -f foo.{bar1,bar2,bar3} does not result in removing files: foo.bar1 foo.bar2 and foo.bar3? I believe I saw pattern like that many times in various Makefiles, but I'm currently writing my own Makefile and can't make that rule work correctly (no files are removed). I'm usin...

Bash: trim a parameter from both ends

Greetings! This are well know Bash parameter expansion patterns: ${parameter#word}, ${parameter##word} and ${parameter%word}, ${parameter%%word} I need to chop one part from the beginning and anoter part from the trailing of the parameter. Could you advice something for me please? ...

BASH Script to Check if a number is Armstrong or Not

Hi, I was writing a script to check if a number is Armstrong or not. This is my Code echo "Enter Number" read num sum=0 item=$num while [ $item -ne 0 ] do rem='expr $item % 10' cube='expr $rem \* $rem \* $rem' sum='expr $sum + $cube' item='expr $item / 10' done if [ $sum -eq $num ] then echo "$num is an Amstrong Number" else echo "$num ...

Simple Bash Programming.

I am a newbie to BASH so please dont mind my stupid questions because I am not able to get any good sources to learn that. I want to create a script to display filename and its size. This is what the code is like filename=$1 if [ -f $filename ]; then filesize=`du -b $1` echo "The name of file is $1" echo "Its size is $files...

Bash Script using Grep to search for a pattern in a file

I am writing a bash script to search for a pattern in a file using GREP. I am clueless for why it isnt working. This is the program echo "Enter file name..."; read fname; echo "Enter the search pattern"; read pattern if [ -f $fname ]; then result=`grep -i '$pattern' $fname` echo $result; fi Or is there different approach to do...

Bash: Is it ok to use same input file as output of a piped command?

Consider something like: cat file | command > file Is this good practice? Could this overwrite the input file as the same time as we are reading it, or is it always read first in memory then piped to second command? Obviously I can use temp files as intermediary step, but I'm just wondering.. t=$(mktemp) cat file | command > ${t} &&...