
Can I use a heredoc to enter a password in bash?

I know about RSA authentication, but for my purposes I want to use a heredoc to specify the password. I want something like the following, but I can't get it to work. Is this even possible? #!/bin/bash echo -n "Enter Password: " read -s password ssh myhost << EOL $password echo "I'm logged onto myhost" EOL echo done This is what I g...

replacing a string with space

This is the code for f in tmp_20100923*.xml do str1=`more "$f"|grep count=` i=`echo $str1 | awk -F "." '{print($2)}'` j=`echo $i | awk -F " " '{print($2)}'` // output is `count="0"` sed 's/count=//g' $j > $k; echo $k; done I tried to get value 0 from above output using sed filter but no success. Could you please advi...

Does " - " mean stdout in bash?

Is " - " a shortcut for stdout in bash? If not what does it mean? For example, wget -q -O - $line How about stdin? Thanks and regards! ...

bash if with or and negation

why does: #!/bin/bash wtf=false if [ $wtf ] || [ ! -f filethatexists.whatever ] then echo "WTF1" fi if [ ! -f filethatexists.whatever ] then echo "WTF2" fi print: WTF1 instead of nothing? It is especially perplexing that the second form works as expected and the first not. ...

Diff output from two programs without temporary files

Say I have too programs a and b that I can run with ./a and ./b. Is it possible to diff their outputs without first writing to temporary files? ...

Removing Special Characters and bulk renaming

Hello, I am trying to make a shell script to remove special characters, like {}()!,' etc. So far I have referenced a past question I asked here, however I get a strange error message: -bash-3.2$ ./ ./ line 7: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"' ./ line 10: syntax error: unexpected end of file test2....

Display bash script with variables expanded

How can you display how a bash script would look like with the variables expanded? I want see how what the script would actually execute, without doing any damage. ...

How to launch a huge number of processes in bash

I am trying to run a.out lot of times from command line, but am not able to start the processes in background because bash treats it as a syntax error. for f in `seq 20`; do ./a.out&; done //incorrect syntax for bash near '&' How can I place & on command line so that bash doesn't complain, and I am allowed to run these processes in b...

bash: getting percentage from a frequency table

i had made a small bash script in order to get the frequency of items in a certain column of a file. The output would be sth like this A 30 B 25 C 20 D 15 E 10 the command i used inside the script is like this cut -f $1 $2| sort | uniq -c | sort -r -k1,1 -n | awk '{printf "%-20s %-15d\n", $2,$1}' how can i mod...

Have bash script autocomplete prompts

Is it possible to have a bash script automatically complete prompts that would normally be presented to the user with default actions? Currently I am using a bash script to call an in-house tool that will display prompts to the user (prompting for Y/N) to complete actions, however the script I'm writing needs to be completely "hands-off...

Command-line variable assignments in Cygwin Bash not working?

According to section 3.7.1 of the Bash manual, variable assignments at the beginning of a command line should be visible to the invoked program. e.g. DIR=/tmp ls $DIR should behave as if I've typed "ls /tmp" - and the variable DIR should not persist after executing the command. Cygwin Bash (GNU bash, version 3.2.51(24)-release (i686...

Iterating Over Regexp Matches with Sed and Bash?

How can I iterate over multi-line regexp matches using sed and bash? I'm trying to generate some quick docs from comments in a file, like so: /** * @name myFun * @return {int} */ I can extract every comment block using sed -n -e '/\/\*\*$/,/\*\/$/p', but now I'd like to stuff each match into a bash array so I can parse the details ...

How to concatenate two files line by line using bash

I have two text files, each of them contains an information by line such like that file1.txt file2.txt ---------- --------- linef11 linef21 linef12 linef22 linef13 linef23 . . . . . . I would like to concatenate thes...

Preserving 'ls' output format over network

I have 2 machines A and B. I wish to have the output from B printed in a terminal on A. I run the following in a loop on A: nc -l -p 65000 On B, all output is tee'd to /dev/tcp/A/65000 This works most of the time, but output from programs such as 'ls' lose their colour and tab formatting. Is there any way to get this to work, such ...

Comparing Variable to Ints with if/fi in BASH sript

I am trying to compare the $duration variable to an int, to see how long it is. I need to deturmine how many 0's to append to the file name to maintain clean names e.g. cap_000001.png cap_002938.png My current statement is: if [ $duration < 1000 ]; then sudo ./v2u cap_000$duration.png echo 1000 seconds fi if [ $duration < 10...

Strangeness with bash not operator

I'm trying to determine if a file or directory doesn't exist. I tried the following commands to see if a file does exist and they work correctly: if [ -a '' ]; then echo 'exists'; fi exists #output if [ -a 'foo' ]; then echo 'exists'; fi #outputs nothing But when I try this: if [ ! -a '' ]; then echo 'does not e...

How to substitue character matches with trailing characters from the same text line?

I'm using pdftotext to convert Spanish language text. Characters with accents or tildes are output in a systematic way that requires further conversion. Accents and tildes appear in the converted text in the correct position but without the letter. The letter almost always appears at the end of the output line. When it doesn't, I can...

Convert parts=path1,size1,...,lastPath,-1 :-> parts=nPath,nSize,lastPath,-1 ; all possible conditions (no path1,size1,... ; OR no lastPath,-1 )

i have following pattern parts=/a,1mb,/b/c,2gb,/zee/last,-1 #general form on next line ^parts=path1,size1,...,lastPath,-1$ I want to replace all $path1,$size1 except $lastplace,-1 with $newPath,$newSize i.e. parts_new=/p,2mb,/q/r,5gb,/zee/last,-1 #general on next line ^parts=newPathX,newSizeX,lastPath,-1$ I figured how to do it usi...

rlwrap hangs jobs while running at the background

I have a problem with rlwrap (see the man page here). Consider this situation: empty.tcl is an empty file. At bash this line tclsh empty.tcl & runs the job in the background and exits it, so i get this prompt [1]+ Done tclsh empty.tcl. While this line rlwrap tclsh empty.tcl & runs the job in the background and ...

How to evaluate a boolean variable in a if block in bash?

I have defined the following variable: myVar=true now I'd like to run something along the lines of this: if [ myVar ] then echo "true" else echo "false" fi The above ode does work, but if I try to set myVar=false it will still output true. What might be the problem? edit: I know I can do something of the form if [ "$m...