
Something wrong with my sh script dont know why?!?!?!...

I wrote this sh script here. What it suppose to be doing is it prompts the user to type in the old password, then checks the password with the password in the "PASSWORD.txt" file if not it would exit, else if it matches then it would ask the user to type in the new password twice. Then it checks if the two new passwords are the same if n...

Linux - killing some processes owned by apache safely

Hi all. I have a bunch of processes owned by apache that are running for days because they are stuck. apache 11173 0.1 0.0 228248 27744 ? Ss Sep27 3:58 php /var/www/html/myproj/symfony cron:aggregation --env=prod apache 12609 0.1 0.0 228244 27744 ? Ss Sep18 19:30 php /var/www/html/myproj/symfony cron:aggr...

shell script which will interact with the database

Have been writing the shell script such as : #! /bin/bash `sqlplus -s <username>/<passwd>@dbname` set echo on set pagesize 0 set verify off set lines 32000 set trimspool on set feedback off `SELECT tr.number, count(*) as total FROM <dbname>.<tablename1> tr LEFT JOIN <tablename2> t2 ON t2.i...

Mapping a string to a unique number?

Is there a nice bash one liner to map strings inside a file to a unique number? For instance, a a b b c c should be converted into 1 1 2 2 3 3 I am currently implementing it in C++ but a bash one-liner would be great. ...

Bash echo all array members when array is referenced as a variable in a loop

The "echo" below is failing and I am too retarded to figure out why. I am simply trying to echo all of the array members in my loop. #!/bin/bash foo=bar1,bar2 for i in ${foo//,/" "} do declare -a ${i}='(null null null null)' echo ${i[*]} done Thanks for any help! ...

how to represent multiple conditions in shell script?

I want to represent multiple condition like this: if [ ( $g -eq 1 -a "$c" = "123" ) -o ( $g -eq 2 -a "$c" = "456" ) ] then echo abc; else echo efg; fi but when I execute the script, it shows syntax error at line 15: `[' unexpected, where line 15 is the one showing if .... What is wrong with this condition?...

Bash for loop if statement array name referenced as variable

The if [ {$i[0]} = "true" ] below is failing. I can't seem to figure out how to get the correct formatting for {$i[0]} in the if statement. #!/bin/bash foo=bar1,bar2 for i in ${foo//,/" "} do declare -a ${i}='(true null null null)' done for i in ${foo//,/" "} do if [ {$i[0]} = "true" ] then echo "yes" eval "echo \${$i[*]}" else echo "...

UNIX: find a file in directories above $PWD

I want to find a file with a certain name, but search in direcotories above the current one, instead of below. I'd like something similar to: (except functional) $ cd /some/long/path/to/my/dir/ $ find -maxdepth -1 -name 'foo' /some/long/path/to/foo /some/foo Shell scripts or one-liners preferred. In response to the several questi...

Standard error not getting redirected from this java command in bash

I have the following shell script. For some reason the java program's standard error and standard output is not printed to the file "log" but instead always appear in the console. Is there a type some where or am I missing something? JAVACMD="java -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError

How to simulate key press event?

How to simulate key press event with ksh|bash script? ...

Hiding secret from command line parameter on unix

Hi, I have the following problem: I've a script that launch inside of itself a command with a parameter that is a secret. For example: #!/bin/bash command secret While running the command I can read through ps -ef | grep command which is the secret. Is ther any way of hiding the secret in a way that through ps -ef the command line...

RubyGems + Cygwin: POSIX path not found by ruby.exe

I am a Ruby programmer on Windows who trys to switch from Win cmd to Cygwin, but cannot achieve to execute batch files of Ruby gems. I already stuffed any bin directory into the Windows PATH env. variable, including the Ruby bin where the executables are stored. Gems, however, are invoked by ruby.exe itself, which leads to the following...

How to send an email from unix script

#! /bin/bash `sqlplus -s <username>/<passwd>@dbname` << EOF set echo on set pagesize 0 set verify off set lines 32000 set trimspool on set feedback off `SELECT starts_with, SUM (total_records) total_records FROM (SELECT ID, (CASE WHEN ID LIKE '2%' THEN '2____' WHEN ID LIKE '3%...

Extract Title of a html file using grep

cat 1.html | grep "<title>" > title.txt This wont work .. please tell the best way to grab the title of a page using grep or sed .. Thanks . ...

Is there a good way to submit jobs to a cluster using bash?

Is there a good tool out there to do this on a Linix machine using the bash shell? All I need is to issue different commands on a set of nodes in a cluster and when one of them is done with the job, I'd like to submit another one. Something very similar to what Hadoop can do. I would be interested in knowing the status of the job as well...

escaping double quote inside a double quote

Hi, Can anybody show me how to escape double quote inside a double string in bash? For example in my shell script #!/bin/bash dbload="load data local infile \"'gfpoint.csv'\" into table $dbtable FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '\"' LINES TERMINATED BY \"'\n'\" IGNORE 1 LINES" I can't get the ENCLOSED BY '\"' with double quote ...

Bash script using awk in for loop

for i in $LIST do CFG=`ssh $i "cat log.txt|awk '{print $2}'"` for j in $CFG do echo $j done done Say I want to print 2nd field in the log file on a couple remote host. In above script, print $2 doesn't work. How can I fix this? Thanks. ...

Find function signature in Linux

Given a .so file and function name, is there any simple way to find the function's signature through bash? Return example: @_ZN9CCSPlayer10SwitchTeamEi Thank you. ...

How do I remove a specific extension from files recursively using a bash script

I'm trying to find a bash script that will recursively look for files with a .bx extension, and remove this extension. The filenames are in no particular format (some are hidden files with "." prefix, some have spaces in the name, etc.), and not all files have this extension. I'm not sure how to find each file with the .bx extension (i...

Bash read/write file descriptors -- seek to start of file

I tried to use the read/write file descriptor in bash so that I could delete the file that the file descriptor referred to afterward, as such: F=$(mktemp) exec 3<> "$F" rm -f "$F" echo "Hello world" >&3 cat <&3 but the cat command gives no output. I can achieve what I want if I use separate file descriptors for reading and writing: ...