
Bash variable expansion causes Java commandline to break

I've been experiencing a strange issue the last couple of days while writing a shell script which executes Java (starting the JBoss AS). I have a variable JAVA_OPTS that I am creating, and finally passing to the 'java' command. When I hard code the values in JAVA_OPTS rather than using variable expansion, the java process executes normal...

how do I print a binary double array from commandline (unix)

I got binary file, that contains doubles. How do i print that out to a terminal. I've tried octaldump 'od' but cant figure out the syntax I've tried something like head -c80 |od -f But that doesnt work, the man page for od is extremely bad. I've made a c program that does what I want, something like assuming 10double chunks. double...

Multple multi-line regex matches in Bash

I'm trying to do some fairly simple string parsing in bash script. Basically, I have a file that is comprised of multiple multi-line fields. Each field is surrounded by a known header and footer. I want to extract each field separately into an array or similar, like this >FILE=`cat file` >REGEX="@#@#@#[\s\S]+?@#@#@" > >if [[$FILE =~ ...

bash scripting challenge

Hi, I need to write a bash script that will iterate through the contents of a directory (including subdirectories) and perform the following replacements: replace 'foo' in any file names with 'bar' replace 'foo' in the contents of any files with 'bar' So far all I've got is find . -name '*' -exec {} \; :-) ...

Calling a python function from bash script

I have an "alarm email" function inside a python module. I want to be able to call this function from a bash script. I know you can call a module using 'python ' in the script, but I'm not if you can or how you would call a specific function within the module. ...

single quotes not working in shell script

I have a .bash_profile script and I can't get the following to work alias lsls='ls -l | sort -n +4' when I type the alias lsls it does the sort but then posts this error message "-bash: +4: command not found" How do I get the alias to work with '+4'? It works when type ls -l | sort -n +4 in the command line I'm in OS X 10.4 Than...

sc_trans metadataPattern

metadataPattern The pattern used to extract metadata from a file name if metadata does not exist or useMetadata == 0. default is /%N. for unix and \%N. for windows %N = song name %G = genre %A = album %R = artist %Y = four digit year %# = sequence of digits %% = % character [] = brackets option...

how to remove command line color highlighting of Vista Samba shared directories in Ubuntu?

Hi, I have a Vista share visible in Ubuntu but I which to make the BASH color highlighting of the directories/files the same as if it were a local dir/file. How would I go about doing this? Many thanks! ...

Bash output as Applescript list problems.

This is just driving me nuts. I am trying to read a file in bash, remove duplicates, sort, and then display a "list choice" window via applescript. My $DATALOG file is formatted like this: field1 field2 field1 field3 field1 field4 etc... Applescript=awk '{print $2}' $DATALOG | awk ' !x[$0]++' | sort -u | tr "_" " "| sed 's/^/\"/'...

How to output awk result to file

Hi I am trying to output 'awk' result to file in my script, with no success. Using '>' does not work, why? for a in $(find $OUPUT_DIR/ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -printf "%P\n") do echo $a is a directory awk -F, '{ if ($10 == '"$a"') print $0 }' $OUPUT_DIR/CDRNOutput_${CDR_DATE}.csv > $OUPUT_DIR/$a/CDR-${CDR_DATE}.csv done...

How to remove part of filename and add extension programmatically?

I have hundreds of files in one folder named like this: index.html?tab=This is - the file name I would like to remove "index.html?tab=" part and add extension ".txt" to all files. How can I do this using Unix command line tools (I'm using MacOSX 10.6.2)? ...

How to pipe a here-document through a command and capture the result into a variable?

Right now this outputs the value I need on stdout. How can I capture it into a variable so I can use it in the rest of the script? Requirements: The script needs to be all in one file. I'd prefer not to write any temp files, if possible. . #!/bin/bash cat << EOF | xsltproc - ../pom.xml | tail -1 <?xml version="1.0"?> <xsl:stylesh...

Bash: run command before a script exits?

If a bash script has set -e, and a command in the script returns an error, how can I do some cleanup before the script exits? For example: #!/bin/bash set -e mkdir /tmp/foo # ... do stuff ... rm -r /tmp/foo How can I ensure that /tmp/foo is removed, even if one of the commands in ... do stuff ... fails? ...

Is it recommend to trap SIGPIPE in bash script?

Hi, I have a problem while executing a bash script from C++ using the system call command. The script catch a SIGPIPE signal and exit with ret code 141. This problem has started to appear only in the last release of my code. My Questions are as follows: 1) Why does this SIGPIPE occur now and didn't occur before? 2) Is it safe to ignor...

find all subversion working copies on machine

How could I use find unix utility to find all working copies on the machine? For example, I can use find / -name .svn -type d command, but it outputs all redundant results (a lot of subfolders), while I need only parent directory of working copy to be shown. There is related question, but it does not really help in my case: http://stac...

How do I execute a command from a specific directory without actually changing to that directory

I want to execute a command like 'git tag -l' inside a directory /home/user/git/app/ but I am actually in /home/user. How can I do that in bash without changing my working directory? So NOT: cd /home/user/git/app && git tag -l because that actually changes my working directory and have to do 'cd /home/user' again. ...

How to simulate the environment cron executes a script with?

I normally have several problems with how cron executes scripts as they normally don't have my environment setup. Is there a way to invoke bash(?) in the same way cron does so I could test scripts before installing them? ...

Handling metacharacters in search strings

I have a user input that would be used in a search string that may contain a metacharacter For e.g. C# or C++ my grep command in a function was: grep -E "$1|$2" test.txt under direct replacement: grep -E "C\+\+|testWord" test.txt grep -E "C\#|testWord" test.txt the first caught the lines fine but not the second. Strangely, # was...

BASH configration question, set alias as a sequence of commands?

I know how to config aliases in bash but is there a way to configure an alias for a sequence of commands? i.e say I want one command to change to a particular directory, then run another command In addition, is there a way to setup a command that runs "sudo mycommand" then enters the password? In the MSDOS days I'd be looking for a .bat...

Bash for loop with wildcards and hidden files

Just witting a simple shell script and little confused: Here is my script: % for f in $FILES; do echo "Processing $f file.."; done The Command: ls -la | grep bash produces: % ls -a | grep bash .bash_from_cshrc .bash_history .bash_profile .bashrc When FILES=".bash*" I get the same results (different formatting) as ls -a. ...