
Send a command to a process

Using bash, is it possibile to send the equivalent of a space bar stroke to a process? If so, how can that be done? Edit to clarify a bit what I want to achieve: let's say I've got an mplayer process running and I want to pause the execution of the current song, how would I achieve this? ...

Better way to make a bash script self-tracing?

I have certain critical bash scripts that are invoked by code I don't control, and where I can't see their console output. I want a complete trace of what these scripts did for later analysis. To do this I want to make each script self-tracing. Here is what I am currently doing: #!/bin/bash # if last arg is not '_worker_', relaunch with...

Printing Stdout In Command Line App Without Overwriting Pending User Input

In a basic Unix-shell app, how would you print to stdout without disturbing any pending user input. e.g. Below is a simple Python app that echos user input. A thread running in the background prints a counter every 1 second. import threading, time class MyThread( threading.Thread ): running = False def run(self): self....

How to retrieve the first word of the output of a command in bash?

I have a command, for example: echo "word1 word2". I want to put a pipe (|) and get word1 from the command. echo "word1 word2" | .... I don't know what to put after the pipe... Thanks in advance ...

How to enable tab completion from the terminal specific to the executable

In bash, I believe it is possible to enable tab completion on the terminal for terms that are specific to the executable being invoked. For example, given an executable "eat" with valid arguments {cake, carrot, banana}, typing 'eat car' should complete to 'eat carrot'. I believe this is possible because I have seen it with 'ant' tab-c...

How to build a conditional assignment in bash?

I'm looking a way to build conditional assignments in bash: In Java it looks like this: int variable= (condition) ? 1 : 0; Thanks in advance ...

How to replace a line in bash

How can I replace a line that starts with "string1" with "string2 lala" using Bash script? Thanks in advance ...

How to get physical memory in bash

How can I get the total physical memory in bytes of my Linux PC? I need to assign it to a bash script variable Thanks in advance ...

Bash init.d script detect that mysqld has started and is running

I'm working on my dedicated server running CentOS. I found out that one of my applications which starts up via a script in /etc/init.d/ requires MySQL to be running, or else it throws an error, so essentially I currently have to start it by hand. How can I detect, in a bash script (#!/bin/sh), whether the MySQL service has started yet? ...

How to get line count from variable (from MYSQL query)?

My problematic code: testMYSQL=`mysql -u $mysqlUser -p$mysqlPass -h $mysqlHost --skip-column-names --batch -D $mysqlDB -e "SELECT $select FROM $mysqlTable WHERE nameTXT='test';"` $testMYSQL now contains: test test test Then I do: TEST=$(echo $testMYSQL | wc -l) echo "$TEST" I would of thought that would work, but it doesn...

How to find out the exact RSS XML path of a website?

How do I get the exact feed.xml/rss.xml/atom.xml path of a website? For example, I supplied "", but the rss is pointing to "", most modern browsers have this features already and I'm curious how did they get them. Can you cite an example code in ruby, py...

Filtering Filenames with bash

I have a directory full of log files in the form ${name}.log.${year}{month}${day} such that they look like this: logs/ production.log.20100314 production.log.20100321 production.log.20100328 production.log.20100403 production.log.20100410 ... production.log.20100314 production.log.old I'd like to use a bash script ...

What does "< <(cmd args)" mean in the shell?

When looping recursively through folders with files containing spaces the shell script I use is of this form, copied from the internet: while IFS= read -r -d $'\0' file; do dosomethingwith "$file" # do something with each file done < <(find /bar -name *foo* -print0) I think I understand the IFS bit, but I don't un...

Bash: easy way to put a configurable load on a system?

In order to test how a program reacts when system resources become scarce (mainly the CPU but I'm interested in disk I/O too), I'd like to put an arbitrary load on the system. Currently I'm doing something like this: #!/bin/bash while true do echo "a" >> a.txt md5 a.txt done I could also start mp3-encoding audio files, or wh...

Remove line from a file using a variable line number

Hi Guys, This is probably a simple one to answer, but I'm stuck, so here goes. sed '3d' filename # (or something like that) I'm having trouble trying to use a $VARIABLE instead of the number. Anyone know how to get this to work, or any alternative options? Regards Paul ...

How do I display a tree of things in Bash?

How do I make a tree of all things with bash? What is the command? ...

Bash: using commands as parameters (specifically cd, dirname and find)

This command and output: % find . -name file.xml 2> /dev/null ./a/d/file.xml % So this command and output: % dirname `find . -name file.xml 2> /dev/null` ./a/d % So you would expect that this command: % cd `dirname `find . -name file.xml 2> /dev/null`` Would change the current directory to ./a/d. Strangely this does not work. ...

Howto Pass A String as Parameter in AWK within Bash Script

I have a text file which I want to filter using awk. The text file looks like this: foo 1 bar 2 bar 0.3 bar 100 qux 1033 I want to filter those files with awk inside a bash script. #!/bin/bash #input file input=myfile.txt # I need to pass this as parameter # cos later I want to make it more general like # coltype=$1 col1type="foo" ...

Use a grepped file as an included source in bash

I'm on a shared webhost where I don't have permission to edit the global bash configuration file at /ect/bashrc. Unfortunately there is one line in the global file, mesg y, which puts the terminal in tty mode and makes scp and similar commands unavailable. My local ~./bashrc includes the global file as a source, like so: # Source globa...

Aquireing the entire string sent to the shell for execution

I have a bash script that looks like this (called #!/bin/bash $* && zenity --title "Job result" --info --text "SUCSESS: Job '$*'completed" && while pidof zenity > /dev/null; do /usr/bin/wmctrl -a "Job Result" && sleep 2; done When i execute it with: $ ./ echo "arf" && sleep 10 I want the following to ha...