
Displaying SET variable

can i see the value of variable using ECHO command? I tried this way but didn't work. @echo off set _src = String echo %_src% pause ...

Local variable in FOR DO Statement

does the variable 'var' gets destroyed before displaying its value? @echo off FOR /f "tokens=* delims=" %%G IN ('dir') DO ( set var=%%G echo %var% ) ...

running all comands inside .bat script

Can someone tell me why after executing .bat script only first mvn deploy command is executed and then execution close. Why all command are not executed? set set VERSION= set JDEV_HOME=C:/Oracle/jdevstudio10133 set REPO_URL=http://localhost:8081/nexus/content/repositories/thirdparty s...

Compiling Assembly code

Hello, I'm trying to compile an ASM program I wrote with NASM and the "ld" command from DJGPP. This is the code for the batch file I'm using to compiling it: @echo off set path=C:\NASM;%PATH% nasm -f aout -o start.o start.asm ld -T link.ld -o kernel.bin start.o But when I run the file I get: start.o: file not recognised: File format...

Errorlevel of command executed by batch for loop

The following code always displays 0 as the errorlevel, but when the copy command is done outside of the for loop command it returns a non zero errorlevel. for /f "usebackq delims=" %%x in (`copy x y`) do ( set VAR=%%x ) ECHO Errorlevel = %ERRORLEVEL% ECHO VAR = %VAR% Is is possible to get the errorlevel of the copy command execut...

Batch For /F Syntax with %time%

How do I accomplish this: for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=: " %%a in ('%time%') do set XTime=%%a.%%b.%%c.%%d I'm trying to get the contents of %time% e.g., 16:25:15.65 into Running the command above gives me: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. (If it matters I'm on Windows XP) ...

Batch - Echo or Variable Not Working

I have this little batch script: SET @var = "GREG" ECHO %@var% PAUSE When I run it, it prints: H:\Dynamics>SET @var = "GREG" H:\Dynamics>ECHO ECHO is on. H:\Dynamics>PAUSE Press any key to continue . . . Why won't it print the contents of @var? How do I know if @var is even being set? ...

call matlab in an ssh command from a perl script

Hi i have set up passwordless ssh set up and have perl call ssh -o "BatchMode yes" user@host " arg1 arg2" calls matlab and the function run_online with the given args. nohup matlab -nojvm -nodisplay -r "run_online('$imgfolder/$folder/', '$ARGV[0]$folder', '/homes/rbise/results/mitosis/$ARGV[0]/$folder/')" > out.txt < ...

Howto determine if an SVN working copy needs updating (from a script)?

I'd like to determine from a batch file on Windows if a local SVN working copy needs to be updated from the server. On a unix-like machine, I would run "svn status -u" and count the '*'s. How do I achieve the same thing in a batch file? Background: I'm trying to determine if a dependency library is out-of-date since it takes a long time...

Carriagereturn(CR) to LF+CR

Hi, i want to convert CR to CR+LF in batch file. Howe can i do this by writing batch file. Please help. I am taking input from file and in that file i want to change CR to CR+LF ...

batch file + convert LF to CR+LF

HI, We have a shell script file named which does a function of converting a Linefeed(LF) to Carriage Return + LineFeed. We want the same to be done by a batch file in windows . Is it possible. Linux shell file E_WRONGARGS=65 cat OutputList|while read -r Line do if [ -z "$Line" ] then echo "Usage: `basename $0` filename-...

How to have batch file code only copy the most recent .bak file from a directory

I recently had very kind assistance on how to make the below code copy the most recent file from a file on my C:\ called 'C:! BATCH' It's transpired that I now need to have the batch file only look for .bak files in this dorectory, and while I'm positive this is a relatively simple tweak, I've so far had no luck on finding how this is ...

Programming in a batch script

Hey all I have a simple problem I was hoping someone can give me assistance with. I'm trying to get WMIC to return output however on different machines, the executable is in different directories. Is there a method to check all directories I list to get it to run, e.g.: IF EXIST wmic=c:\checkhere\ ELSE wmic=c:\checkthisone\ CONTINUE ...

In a batch file, Combining two strings to create a combined path string

I need to take two strings and combine them into a single path string inside a batch file similar to the Path.Combine method in .Net. For example, whether the strings are "C:\trunk" and "ProjectName\Project.txt" or "C:\trunk\" and "ProjectName\Project.txt", the combined path will be "C:\trunk\ProjectName\Project.txt". I have tried using...

How to delete Linefeed using batch file

Hi, I want to delete Linefeed in text file using batch file. Is it possible to do. Please provide some help ...

Question about how to make a filter using script

Hello everyone, I'm trying to make a filter on script to make this happen: Before: - - [05/Apr/2010:09:18:12 -0300] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 302 290 - - [05/Apr/2010:09:18:13 -0300] "GET /robots.txt HTTP/1.1" 404 290 - - [05/Apr/2010:09:18:13 -0300] "GET /~leonardo_campos/IFBA/Web_Design_Aula_17.pdf ...

Adding BOM to UTF-8 files

Hello, I'm searching (without success) a script, which would work as a batch file and allow me to prepend a UTF-8 text file with a BOM if it doesn't have one. Neither the language it is written in (perl, python, c, bash) or the OS it works on matters to me. I have access to a wide range of computers. I've found a lot of script to do t...

Windows batch file 'del' not working

I am trying to do the following in a batch file on Windows 7: del "./cfg/config.cfg" del "./cfg/server_blacklist.txt" I tried these variations too: del ./cfg/config.cfg del ./cfg/server_blacklist.txt del "cfg/config.cfg" del "cfg/server_blacklist.txt" del cfg/config.cfg del cfg/server_blacklist.txt Without using the "-characters ...

How to remove CR from CRLF

Possible Duplicate: Whats the best way of doing dos2unix on a 500k line file, in Windows? i have windows format*.cpp files now i want to convert it into Linux format(File with LF only) Is it possible to write a batch file. Please provide some valuable help Thanks ...

Batch file to search and copy file names to new TXT file

Hi, I want to search *.cpp files in current directory and want to save the file name in *.TXT file. I did this by using the Batch command dir |find ".cpp" > Listfile.txt But there I am getting file name with entire paramenters like created date and size. My need is I want only file name Current output 06/25/2010 06:17 PM ...