
Hi, how to verify if file exists on windows bat file?

Hi, i have to create a bat file that does this: 1 - If "C:\myprogram\sync\data.handler" exists, exit; 2 - If "C:\myprogram\html\data.sql" doesn't exists, exit; 3 - In "C:\myprogram\sync\" delete all files and folders except ('test','test3' and 'test2') 4 - Copy "C:\myprogram\html\data.sql" to "C:\myprogram\sync\" 5 - Call other bat ...

problem in batch script read user input

hi, i use set /p below to read user input it seems to work outside the if block but the one inside if block doesn't work. When i run the script second time the user input in the if block prints the previous user input. test script: @echo off set cond=true echo %cond% if %cond%==true ( echo "cond is true" REM the below input doesn't wo...

Rename all files in a folder using batch

I would like to create a batch file to rename all the files with extension ".log" in a folder to append with today's date. For example : App.log will be appended to App.log06112010 where date is 06112010. Please suggest ...

how to code a batch file to automate django web server start

Hi, i really need a code sample to automate starting Django development webserver "python runserver" in a .bat file in windows . I have python26 and django 1.1.1 in installed Thanks i meant by automate is clicking on the .bat file and the Django development webserver start up and i have no batch file scripting knowledge wi...

add text before the last line in a text file

hi, I need to add text before the last line in a text file in windows using command. Can any one please suggest a method? Thanks in advance. ...

Batch file recursively find files and rar them

Hi there, I have a Parent Directory which hosts many sub directories, and in every sub directory there is .mpg movies. Some of the directories might contain one or more .mpg movies. I would like to automate the process below, which I have been doing manually. Step One If the directory has more than 1 .mpg file, I create separates dir...

Rate My Script: Finding Flash Files Embedded in Office Files

Can anyone improve on this? Requires Sysinternals Strings date /T >N:\output.txt net use z: /delete net use z: \\svr-002\rmstudentwork @cd /d "z:\" "N:\Scripts and Reg Frags\FindEmbededFlashFiles\strings.exe" -s *.xls | findstr \.swf >> "N:\output.txt" "N:\Scripts and Reg Frags\FindEmbededFlashFiles\strings.exe" -s *.ppt | findstr \.swf...

What do the & and | operators do in a batch file?

I'm debugging a batch file left behind by an old employee and I've come across the line: @nmake -f makefile /E 2>&1 | tee %LOGFILEPATH% What does this do? I know what @nmake -f makefile /E does and I know what tee %LOGFILEPATH% does, but I can't find anything on what the 2>&1 | means. Thanks ...

Extracting RAR archive into multiple directories on Windows

Hello, On a Windows box, I need to extract a RAR archive so that individual files in it go into specific directories. I can provide, say, a text file that lists each file and the target directory for it. Then I need help creating a batch file that will actually extract these files into their target locations. Please help. E.g. RAR a...

Conditional Batch file renaming with mysql data

Hello, I wonder if anyone knows how could I rename multiple files, all of them originally named with same structure, and add some data extracted from a mysql DB according to specifics rules. For example I have 500 files named with this vars: ID NAME ADDRESS PHONE.wav => 1234567 PAULSIMON WESTDR122 9942213456.wav Now I need to rename ...

Piping to findstr's input

I have a text file with a list of macro names (one per line). My final goal is to get a print of how many times the macro's name appears in the files of the current directory. The macro's names are in C:\temp\macros.txt. type C:\temp\macros.txt in the command prompt prints the list alright. Now I want to pipe that output to the standa...

Can Perl and Batch run in the same batch file?

I've got a batch script that does some processing and calls some perl scripts. My question is if there was a way to put the perl code directly into the batch script and have it run both types of scripts. ...

How to code a batch file to copy and rename the most recently dated file?

I'm trying to code a batch file to copy only the most recently dated file in a given folder to another directory on the local machine, and simultaneously rename it as it does. I've found a very similar question here and have managed to cobble together the below ...

How to distinguish files from directories in Windows batch files

Possible Duplicate: How do I test if a file is a directory in a Batch script? I would like to write a batch file that treats files and directories differently, e.g. if TEST %1 ( echo dir %1 ) else ( echo file %1 ) Is there anything I can insert for TEST? ...

Batch program not running correctly in Windows 7

I am currently trying to figure out how to get a batch file to run correctly in Windows 7. I have looked on the Internet and have not had much success in finding any useful information on the issue I am encountering. BATCH FILE – The batch file is to open a window to allow students to test on a TDSM server created by ETS eCBT – The tes...

Hibernate: Walk millions of rows and don't leak memory

The below code functions, but Hibernate never lets go of its grip of any object. Calling session.clear() causes exceptions regarding fetching a joined class, and calling session.evict(currentObject) before retrieving the next object also fails to free the memory. Eventually I exhaust my heap space. Checking my heap dumps, StatefulPersis...

Symfony Batch Action

Hi there! I'm trying to create a batch action (symfony admin) that enables the creation/download on the fly of zip file containing users photos which are avaialable on the uploads/images directory. Here is the code that I already implemented: public function executeBatchDownloadFotos(sfWebRequest $request) { $zip = new Zip...

IsFile, IsDirectory Test Windows

I'm trying to convert a program from Linux to use on Windows, and it calls test -f, or test -d on Linux. I need it to do the same thing on Windows. Is there a built-in command, or another program I can use to do the same thing? I'm programming using FreeBASIC (horrible, but it's what I got). EDIT: An external program is the best option...

Extra character added in batch script

So, I think I may be going insane. This batch script: @Echo on dir > dir.txt generates the following on the console it is run from: dir 1>dir.txt I expected to see simply dir > dir.txt. Any ideas why this is happening? This is on Windows XP SP2 in the standard command prompt. ...

Vista batch or vbs? read,write txt files, compare strings, run svn cmds.

Would like to create a script that runs as a scheduled task in Vista to perodically check the revision number of an SVN repository. Compare the svn revision number to a revision number in a local text file. When the revision number changes do stuff. Overview: Get the current svn revision number. Store it in a text file. Read a one l...