
Comparing objects with IDispatch to get main frame only (BHO)

I don't know if anyone familiar with BHO (Browser Helper Object), but an expert in c++ can help me too. In my BHO I want to run the OnDocumentComplete() function only on the main frame - the first container and not all the Iframes inside the current page. (an alternative is to put some code only when this is the main frame). I can't f...

Mouse Event BHO

I want my BHO to listen to onmousedown event of some element in a certain webpage. I have all the code that find the specific element, and in msdn its says that I need to use the get_onmousedown event. I came up with this code. CComQIPtr<IHTMLElement> someElement; VARIANT mouse_eve; someElement->get_onmousedown(&mouse_eve); The que...

Browser Helper Object doesnot get loaded in IE8

I have a BHO, which i can see it as enabled in Add On's list. But it does not get loaded when i start my IE on the Win2k8 R2 machines(64 bit). I have disabled IE Enhanced security as well but no help. The same BHO gets loaded in other machines. The registry details under (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\Curre...

How to take the snapshot of a IE webpage through a BHO (C#)

Hi, I am trying to build an IE BHO in C# for taking the snapshot of a webpage loaded in the IE browser. Here is what I'm trying to do: public class ShowToolbarBHO : BandObjectLib.IObjectWithSite { IWebBrowser2 webBrowser = null; public void SetSite (Object site) { ....... if (site != null) { ...

How to receive WM_GETMINMAXINFO message in a BHO (C#)

I am trying to build an IE BHO in C#. I would like to receive the WM_GETMINMAXINFO messages sent to the internet explorer window in which my BHO is running. How can this be done? Thanks, simil ...

how to modify the contents of header and post data in a http request made by IE.

how to modify the contents of header and post data in a http request made by IE.. i'm writting BHO for this i 'm able to get post data but i want to change the data inside that (user id an d password) only for learning purpose pls help me ...

Parts of statusbar disappearing with IE BHO

I have a C# IE BHO in use for an internal company app that is adds a pane to the statusbar with SB_SETPARTS (it mitm's the SETPARTS call and inserts an element into the array) and then draws the controls by moving them from a hidden (in-process) form with SetParent() This technique works well but it causes other parts of the statusbar t...

How to change the order of toolbar buttons in Internet Explorer?

I know I can simply write to the CommandBandLayout regkey but since I don't know what format it is I'm having doubts if that is safe. Also, this answer suggest it's the wrong solution: But how can I change the order a bit? I have written an Interne...

Set focus on particular tab in IE and/or FireFox

Hi all, I want to write an application that will monitor the content of all open tabs in IE / FireFox and trigger event once particular data is displayed in the tab. I would like to know if there is an API for IE/FF to set focus on particular TAB, so that once event is triggered I set focus on a relevant tab. Thanks in advance ...

How to set the publisher name in a BHO

I have written a BHO and a toolbar for Internet Explorer in C#. They are getting installed and working properly. In the manage add-ons window in IE8, I am able to see both my BHO and toolbar. But, the publisher name of both is set to "Control name is not available". How can I set the publisher name? ...

Launch IE with specific BHO enabled

I have a IE BHO plugin that I only want to be enabled when the user launches IE from my program (The program starts IE using CreateProcess()). I don't want this BHO to be enabled when a user launches IE from outside my program, as that would mean any problems in the BHO could potentially mess up the user's normal browsing experience. W...

IE8 BHO tab problem

I am developing an IE8 BHO in C#. One of the functions of the BHO is to maintain a list of website pairs visited by the user. I add the pair (url1, url2) to the list if the user visits url2 by clicking on a link present at url1. I will be using this info to show the ie history in a nice way as opposed to the default behaviour of showing ...

IE Address bar search. I need to add a list of other results at the end of current result list.

Currently, if you type in the address bar in IE, you see a dropdown list of url search results depending on what you type. I'd like any hint, anything, about how to access the address bar object throught a BHO in C++, so that i can append url results from my bho at the end the current list. Thank you. If anyone need precisions, please as...

IE status bar. I need to add a clickable icon to the status bar.

My bho (Browser Helper Object) is a sidebar (right-sided iframe) that needs to be opened/closed by clicking the status bar icon in IE (IE8). I didn't find any informations for clickable icons. Anyone knows wich interface to use to do that. Thank you. (I'm using ATL: Active Template Library). If anyone need precisions, please ask. I'll be...

I have a BrowserHelperObject(BHO) in c++ and i need to block some keyboard controls (Ctrl-o) in a i-frame.

I need to know of a way to prevent the user to 'open a new url' (with Ctrl-o) as soon as he has the focus on my sidebar (right-sided iframe). In fact, my sidebar offers some controls and the user should not be able to 'navigate' to other website through the sidebar. I'm using a bho in C++ using ATL(active template library), but maybe if ...

IE Address bar search. I need to grab what the user types to offer him added results.

Is there a way to grab (in real time, like a onKeyPressed, return what is pressed) what the user types in the address bar. Currently in IE, it offers you a matching list from history depending of what you type. I'm looking for a way to get some sort of handle to the address bar and then listen to what the user is typing. I'm doing a BHO(...

Auto-refresh a side-bar through a BrowserHelperObject when i get focus on a tab page.

I have a sidebar(iframe) that has its own instance on each tab you open. The thing is, the sidebar could be refreshed on tab 1 and not on tab 2. So i want to refresh the sidebar automatically when the user switch to another tab. Ex: user click on tab 2 and the BHO(BrowserHelperObject) refresh the sidebar right away. If anyone need precis...

What does IUrlHistoryStg::BindToObject Method do ?

I'm looking for a way to access the address bar search so that i can append some personnal url at the end of the current list, and i found 'IUrlHistoryStg::BindToObject' but there is no documention linked to it. Anyone knows what this method does ? On msdn: ...

Problem catching OnClick event using HTMLDocumentEvents2 in a BHO

I am running a BHO and i am trying to catch OnClick events using HTMLDocumentEvents2 however, the events never seem to reach the handler this is what i am doing: class ATL_NO_VTABLE CBlastBhoBHO : public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>, public CComCoClass<CBlastBhoBHO, &CLSID_BlastBhoBHO>, public IObjectWithSiteImpl<CBlas...

Is it possible to use IPC inside of a IE8 Browser Helper Object?

I need to communicate with a Service using IPC from inside of a Browser Helper Object (registered with IE8). Unfortunately, all of this communication is done through an Assembly API that I have no control over. Whenever this API starts up I get the following error: ExceptionSystem.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingException: Failed to conne...