
Finding places of interest, based on approx geo location.

Hi folks, I was wondering if it is possible to get the places of interest in a location based on the lattitude/longitude information or approximate street address gathered from a GPS system? places of interest are defined in this context as: Restaurants, Resorts, Parks, malls, movie theaters, etc. Are there some online services either...

Is it possible to make a Polygon clickable using the Bing Maps API?

I can put a pushpin in the center of each Polygon to achieve a "clickable" region but that is an extra step I'd rather not take. ...

How to prevent bing maps bubble closing on click

Hi, I have Bing maps in my webpage. It've added some pins and bubbles to them. It all works fine, but default behavior is that when pin is clicked, bubble dissapeares. Can I prevent that? I want bubble to remain even then pin is clicked. Thanks ...

Can Bing or GMaps API do a "find my nearest" style search using a supplied XML/RSS collection?

Can either Bing or Google Maps allow you to pass in a collection of points and then interrogate that collection to only plot the X nearest points? I am asking because it may be difficult to pre-filter this data and would be much simpler to supply the entire list and filter it within the API itself. ...

How to show multiple instances of Virtual Earth (Bing) maps in Surface app?

I need to include the Virtual Earth (Bing) map in my Surface application. I'm aware of the solution provided by InfoStrat. Unfortunately that solution allows only one instance of the map at a time. I understand it is a limitation of Bing 3D Maps. In my case I need multiple instances of the map to coexist in my Surface application. I'm no...

MapItemsControls not updating Silverlight Bing Map

I'm using a MapItemsControl to control my Pushpin items within my Bing silverlight map. Right on the page load, I add a new pin programatically, and the pin shows up on the map. However I've now taken it further and I'm adding pins to my datasource via a click on the map. The new pins add to my datasource, but do not show up on the ma...

Service reference addition issue in visual studio 2010

I am currently working on an application that allows reverse geocoding using silverlight + bing maps. The thing is that I want to add a reference to the reverse geocoding service provided in msdn ( i.e. http://

Add Silverlight Bing Maps Control to Windows Mobile 7 application

I know the bits just came out today, but one of the first things I want to do with the newly released Windows Mobile 7 SDK is put a map up on the screen and mess around. I've downloaded the latest version of the Silverlight Maps Control and added the references to my application. As a matter of fact, the VS 2010 design view of the Main...

add shapes to bing maps from locations stored in a database (bing maps ajax control)

I am trying to use the Bing Maps Ajax Control to plot pins of locations stored in a database to the bing map on a web page. All the locations are geocoded and the lat longs stored in the database. I am using ASP.NET (C#), but can't figure out or find any tutorials on how to go about doing this. All I can find are articles on how to impor...

VEMap and a GeoRSS feed(hosted separately)

The scenario is as follows: A WCF web service exists that outputs a valid GeoRSS feed. This lives in its own domain as a number of different applications have access to it. A web page(on a different site) has been created with an instance of a VEMap(Bing/Virtual Earth map object). Now, VEMap can accept an input feed in this format vi...

Why are pushpins automatically added to my VEShapeType.Polyline object

Hi, I am trying to create a number of polylines in Javascript. For some reason, bing maps automatically/randomly adds pushpins in the middle of some of these polylines. Does anyone know why this is the default behaviour and how I can override it? Thanks! ...

what to do when Bing api provides inaccurate results

I am trying to use the bing Phonebook search for locations in China, but all the latitude and longitude are inaccurate. Using the following I get ...

What states does my route travel through?

I've got a page that has a map with a starting and ending location. I run a route between them to get the nifty line showing the route. I'm currently using Bing but have attempted with Google as well. I'd like to know which states this route passes through so I can then overlay those states with specific information. Any suggestions ...

How to Load Bing Map using Coordinates from Database?

I have latitude and longitude saved inside a database. I have the bing map loading and I can set the VELatLong using regular values but can't seem to be able to load them from the database. Whatever I try the map just doesn't show at all. <script type="text/javascript"> var map = null; var selStyle = VEMapStyle.Road; var sel...

How to achieve Bing maps like InfoWindow in Google Maps?

I'm using Google Maps v3. I really like the InfoWindows found in Bing, as opposed to Google. Screenshots & functionality found here comparing the two: Question: How can I replicate Bing like InfoWindows while using Google Maps v3? UPDATE: T...

Reposition element in Bing maps MapLayer Silverlight

How do you reposition an element within a maplayer? I've successfully added a UIElement to my MapLayer, and it works great! Aside from the AddChild method, I can't figure out how to update the position of my UIElement. Thanks UPDATE Looks like the methods I need are accessible statically through the MapLayer class. Hope this helps any...

Bing map silverlight control content rendering issue when page gets refresh

When Bing map control loads for first time on any browser all pushpin on map are visible. Bing map control renders perfectly. Then I refresh browser it create rendering issue some custom pushpin on map gets disappeared. This behavior continues with pushpin. Pushpin are (.png) images and I am not using default bing map thumbtacks. May ...

using external maps with bing map

can i use bing map platform with an external mapping source ? for example, i want to use bing map siverlight client with my own map files instead of the provided maps. (some areas coverage is insufficiant with bings provided mapping) Thanks. ...

Bing Maps, VirtualEarth, MapPoint - how do they all relate to each other?

Hi, I want to start using Bing for a project which will include working out the shortest route between points, and plotting a route on the map, etc. However, along with Bing Maps, there is VirtualEarth and MapPoint. How do all these products relate to each other? If I use one, do I need all the others? Also, does Bing Maps use SQL Ser...

Virtual Earth (Bing) Pin "moves" when zoom level changes

Hi guys, Created a Virtual Earth (Bing) map to show a simple pin at a particular point. Everything works right now - the pin shows up, the title and description pop up on hover. The map is initially fully zoomed into the pin, but the STRANGE problem is that when I zoom out it moves slightly lower on the map. So if I started with the ...