
Trailing/leading zero count for a byte

I'm using Java and I'm coding a chess engine. I'm trying to find the index of the first 1 bit and the index of the last 1 bit in a byte. I'm currently using Long.numberOfTrailingZeros() (or something like that) in Java, and would like to emulate that functionality, except with bytes. Would it be something like: byte b = 0b011000101; ...

How to get lg2 of a number that is 2^k

What is the best solution for getting the base 2 logarithm of a number that I know is a power of two (2^k). (Of course I know only the value 2^k not k itself.) One way I thought of doing is by subtracting 1 and then doing a bitcount: lg2(n) = bitcount( n - 1 ) = k, iff k is an integer 0b10000 - 1 = 0b01111, bitcount(0b01111) = 4 But ...

Why is it useful to count the number of bits?

I've seen the numerous questions about counting the number of set bits in an insert type of input, but why is it useful? For those looking for algorithms about bit counting, look here: