
Iphone + OpenGL ES + Blender Model: Rotation by Touch

I'd like to have a 3d object inside an iPhone UIView that can be rotated by using the touching events (swipe with a finger maybe). Where shall I start looking at? I guess OpenGL ES might be useful to do this, but I know nothing about it and I do not wanat to go deep inside OpenGL Programming ( studiying physics, rotations, quaternions et...

How do I set a world background texture in Blender 2.49 using Python ?

Hello, I'm trying to set a background World Texture in Blender 2.49. I've made a texture: import Blender from Blender import * import bpy world = World.GetCurrent() worldTex = Texture.New('worldTex') worldTex.setType('Image') worldIm = Image.Load('//blender_scene/tex/bg 001.jpg') worldIm.source = Image.Sources.SEQUENCE worldT...

Android + OpenGl + Blender, is possible?

Is possible uses Blender (or another tool) to make easy the job in works with android+opengl? Thanks, Celso. ...

Blender, UV Layer, Image and Python

Hi, I'm trying to access UV Layer in Blender from Python and basically API returns UV Layer only as a string. Thing is I want to assign new Image object to current UV Layer ( I use TexFace on the side of material ) and then just bake lighting. All meshes are currently unwrapped, the only thing which is missing is an Image and I have no ...

Is there a plugin to integrate Face FX with Blender?

Is there a plugin to integrate Face FX with Blender? I only see plugins for Maya, Max, SoftImage, and MotionBuilder on the Face FX website. ...

Hot swapping python code (duck type functions?)

I've been thinking about this far too long and haven't gotten any idea, maybe some of you can help. I have a folder of python scripts, all of which have the same surrounding body (literally, I generated it from a shell script), but have one chunk that's different than all of them. In other words: Top piece of code (always the same) Mi...

Static variable inheritance in Python

I'm writing Python scripts for Blender for a project, but I'm pretty new to the language. Something I am confused about is the usage of static variables. Here is the piece of code I am currently working on: class panelToggle(bpy.types.Operator): active = False def invoke(self, context, event): = not self.act...

rendered images of galaxies

I am interested in using Blender to create images similar to those on I generate the stellar positions using Gadget-2 (if you have insight on creating initial condition files in the hdf5 format, that would be well received also) and would like to create some "pretty pictures" for non-science folk so that I can fund the resear...

How do I use Blender models in Java?

Just a general question really? Let's say I am making a game and have made a character model in Blender. How would I use this model in Java? Would I import it somehow? Thanks. ...

How to create a simple mesh in Blender 2.50 via the Python API

I would like to create a simple mesh in Blender (2.50) via the Python API but the examples from the API documentation don't work yet. I tried the following but it's from API 2.49 from Blender import * import bpy editmode = Window.EditMode() # are we in edit mode? If so ... if editmode: Window.EditMode(0) # leave edit ...

PV3D DAE Import - Random normals flipped, random scale??

I am developing a PV3D application that imports DAE models exported by Blender's Collada Exporter plugin (1.4). When I build them in Blender, I use exact dimensions (the end-game is to have scale models in PV3D). Using the same scale of dimensions, some models appear in PV3D extremely tiny, while others are the appropriate size. Many ap...

blender 2.54 beta command line issues

When I run this command from with the dir where .blend is located: blender -d -b test2.blend -o //output -e 1 it does not work. I tried both in linux 64 bit and vista 64bit. It does not generate rendered output file. .blend file is just very simple scene with cube and cylnder. For vista here is some of debug info: RNA_string_set: Ope...

How would you pass an OBJ files face definitions to openGL

I've written an OBJ loader which parses the vertices, texture coords, and normals, each are stored in a FloatBuffer, and passed to opengl: gl.glVertexPointer(3, GL10.GL_FLOAT, 0, fbVertices); gl.glNormalPointer(GL10.GL_FLOAT, 0, fbNormals); However I am stumped as to how i am supposed to pass my index buffer to glDrawElements, I've re...

blender not responding to my accelerometer motion.

m using arduino to interact the accelerometer MMA7361L with blender2.49.using python 2.62. my arduino code is : void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { Serial.print(analogRead(0)/4, BYTE); //x-axis Serial.print(analogRead(1)/4, BYTE); //y-axis Serial.print(analogRead(2)/4, BYTE); //z-axis delay(40); } my...

Blender vs. Unity

I want to make a 3D game, preferably that can be played in browser. Some people say blender, some say unity. What are the pros and cons of each? Which one do you prefer? Why? Also, do you have any suggestions for tutorials? ...

Blender3d vs 3DS max; which one is better suited for automation in python?

I am getting started with the development of 3d environments for using in panda3d. As I am new to this, I need to choose a modelling software to create basic geometries, etc. Therefore, which one is better suited for automation through python? 3DS Max or Blender3D? I would like to automate generating basic geometries, the export process ...

Blender, Python Scripting Tutorials

I already know some Python and got interested in extending Blender using Python scripts. Can anyone suggest me some good tutorials or books to learn this subject further? I'm already looking at Blender documentation, but I would like to learn some more because I'm a newbie when it comes to 3D modeling. ...

Exporting materials to seperate .tga UV map file in blender

Hi I have added materials (colors) to a 3D model. How to export to an .obj file, along with a .tga file as a UV unwrapped file ? In other words, I want the .tga file to contain all materials (colors) that I added, so that an image file taken as reference. Thanks. ...

Looking for an example application, including source code, that displays blender created 3d graphics on the iphone

Is there a documented example that shows the process of taking 3D models and animations created on blender, and displaying them as part of an iPhone/iPad application? ...

Detect which vertex group the object touched belongs to, in android 1.6

I m using an 3D obj file in android using min3d framework. I have created vertex groups in blender for different areas of touch. For example, in a cube, I have 6 groups. What I want is on touch, I want to know which vertex group it belongs to. How can I do that ? Following is the .obj file. # Blender3D v249 OBJ File: # www.blender3d.o...