
If I include jQuery via bookmarklet, will it ruin the original javascript on the site?

Hello I'm creating a bookmarklet and of course I'd like to use jQuery. But, if I include jQuery (append a script-tag to head) on a site, will the site itself work anymore, if it has some other js on? Martti Laine ...

XmlHttpRequest in a bookmarklet returns empty responseText on GET?

I'm trying to build a javascript bookmarklet for a special URL shortening service we've built at for shortening scripture references (i.e. "Matthew 5" becomes "". The bookmarklet is supposed to do a GET request to, which returns a text/plain response of The co...

Can I use javascript to add a bookmark that is not a http url?

Hi, I have this bookmarklet, i.e. it does not start with 'http:' but with 'javascript:'. No issue with that, it works correctly. The problem occurs when I want to deploy this to users. I'd like to present them a link they'll just click to add to their favorites. Whatever methods I use (examples found on the web, or JQuery with jFav), I ...

Run context.drawWindow method through a bookmarklet

I want to capture a webpage as an image. I am able to do this using a firefox extension using context.drawWindow method. Now I want to strech myself and see if I can do this using a bookmarklet :) I remember reading somewhere that context.drawWindow() works only from the firefox toolbars. I dont know if that's still true or not. Can an...

How does Twitter for iPhone bookmarklet work?

Twitter client (formerly Tweetie) allows you to define a bookmarklet in Safari that launches the app. I want to know which iPhone API allows you to register the protocol specifier (or whatever it's called) - in this case "tweetie:" - in order for this bookmarklet to work. The instructions can be found here and the bookmarklet itself is ...

Why is this bookmarklet code saying jQuery is not defined even though jQuery is included?

I am creating a bookmarklet and the code below is not working on first try. When I goto a page, it says "jQuery is not defined". But, if I click it again, it works perfectly? var qrcodetogo = { jQURL: '', jQUIURL: '

Running bookmarklet from a keyboard shortcut in Opera

The Opera web browser makes it very easy for users to tie keyboard shortcuts to bookmarks by editing the keyboard.ini file, e.g. F1 = will allow a single keystroke (F1) to Google. I'd like to similarly tie a keyboard shortcut to a bookmarklet --- but the following doesn't work: F1 = javascript:alert('Hello, World...

A bookmarklet to scroll to the bottom of a webpage

hi guys, i wonder if it is possible to create a bookmarklet to click on and the current webpage scrolls to the bottom! javascript:function%20scrollme(){dh=document.body.scrollHeight;ch=document.body.clientHeight;if(dh>ch){moveme=dh-ch;window.scrollTo(0,moveme);}} if i create a new bookmark and paste this as address nothing happens. I ...

Bookmarklet, js injection and popup issue

I'm currently writing a bookmarklet that loads and executes a remote js file by appending a new <script> tag in the current window, like so : javascript:(function() { if(typeof __bml_main != "undefined") return __bml_main.init(); var s= document.createElement('script'); s.type= 'text/javascript'; s.src= '

Cross-browser bookmark/add to favorites javascript

Is there any Cross-browser bookmark/add to favorites javascript. Searched for some list but none is working. Can you please suggest any ? ...

bookmarklet: cannot find element added to the document

I am playing with bookmarklets. I add a frame to the document, and load some elements, like so: var myframe=document.createElement("iframe"); myframe.setAttribute('id','a_frame'); myframe.src='http://localhost:81/nframe.html'; document.body.insertBefore(myframe,document.body.firstChild); this is what nframe.html looks like: <form id=...

Any tricks, libraries, etc. for "scripting" (eg. with a bookmarklet) ASP pages

I'm a huge fan of bookmarklets, and in Firefox making them is easy: you just use Firebug to look at the code on the page that's involved, figure out what functions to call, and then call them from your bookmarklet. In IE-only ASP pages however things are not so simple. This current ASP I'm looking at has stuff like: top.objHTMUtils.Ne...

mod_wsgi unexpected behavior on bookmarklet submit or related database action

[updated below] I have a bit of a problem deploying a site on apache with mod_wsgi with some javascript bookmarklet functionality; alpha site is up and usable here: The problem is that the bookmarklet (which is a browser menu button) submits to a page like which th...

How do I test to see if I am sending a POST request correctly via Javascript?

Here's the particular situation: I'm using a bookmarklet to call a .js that sends a POST request to a PHP file on my server. Here's the POST request in the .js file: var snd = ("qu=" + encodeURIComponent(t) + "&dl=" + encodeURIComponent(dl) + "&dt=" + encodeURIComponent(dt)); xr = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "http://quote...

Bookmarklet to open user defined link and make user defined form drop-down box selections

I've written a bookmarlet to open a user defined web link, in this specific case a specific genomic location in the UCSC genome broswer. javascript:d=%22%22+(window.getSelection?window.getSelection():document.getSelection?document.getSelection():document.selection.createRange().text);d=d.replace(/%5Cr%5Cn%7C%5Cr%7C%5Cn/g,%22%20,%22);if(...

Modify the Google 'Add Bookmark' bookmarklet to store bookmark without popup?

The bookmarklet has the following code: javascript:(function(){var%20a=window,b=document,c=encodeURIComponent,";output=popup&amp;bkmk="+c(b.location)+"&amp;title="+c(b.title),"bkmk_popup","left="+((a.screenX||a.screenLeft)+10)+",top="+((a.screenY||a.screenTop)+10)+",height=420px,w...

Creating a bookmarklet that doesn't get blocked

Goal: To create a bookmarklet that calls a remote javascript file that opens a popup window. The popup window is functionally similar to what Delicious's bookmarklet does. Background: Currently, I'm using within this javascript file, however the popup is getting blocked by pretty much every major browser. The alternative s...

External Javascript bookmarklet doesn't work

Its a simple javascript bookmarklet which grabs title,url and selected text. To make sure it grabs the title perfectly(just the title) I had to make this bookmarklet long.It works just fine if i edit the bookamrklet manually.Its way too long to drag and drop just like usual bookmarklet. But i tried a lot through different way to make an ...

Writing js bookmarklet to navigate to site, fill in fields with previous page information.

Hello, I'm writing this bookmarklet in Javascript, which is also calling some JQuery objects. The goal here is to pull the page title, URL and any currently selected text, then fill them into fields on the target page. The problem is that it only works when I'm on the page with the fields I'm trying to fill in! I've tried everything but...

jQuery UI dialog display inside frame, from bookmarklet?

I'm writing a bookmarklet which needs to work in the context of pages whose design I don't control. Some of the pages I need the bookmarklet to function in use frames (in framesets). Is it possible for a jQuery-UI dialog to work inside a frame? Currently, when I encounter a page with a frameset, I creating my dialog like this: var fr...