
iPhone Browser simulator for Windows?

Note: This is a question about simulating the Browser on the iPhone, not simulating the whole device. I know that iPhone-device simulation is not possible on Windows, as discussed at length here. I have a web site that looks really weird when viewed on an iPhone - its some sort of CSS issue. The same issue does not occur when I view th...

z-index maximum value

Possible Duplicate: Mininum and Maximum value of Z-INDEX What is the maximum value I can use for z-index? Does it depend on the browser? ...

Capture a scrolling window contents screenshot

I need to capture a screenshot of the scrolling window's client area, using .NET. My first priority is capturing web page screenshots. But this can be not the only one use case. For example it can be also a text area in the Notepad. Some applications (FastStone Capture, PicPick) can emulate user behavior to reach hidden part of a scroll...

java applet not responding to repaint request in webkit browsers

I currently have a tiny Java applet I'm writing to solve a specific problem in our company intranet in a browser neutral way. This used to be accomplished with ActiveX but we'd like to let people move away from IE. The code is obviously unsafe for public consumption, but it's useful under controlled circumstances. Essentially I want t...

Force IE to get a page

I've tried numerous ways to get IE8 to reload a page but failed. IE just keeps using it's internal cache without asking the webserver for it. I'm sending the following headers from my webserver: Response.Add(new StringHeader("Expires", DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(-1).ToString("r"))); Response.Add(new StringHeader("Cache-Control", "no-stor...

Performance tuning a client-side heavy webapp & analyzing browser memory usage effectively?

I have a site - -- that creates YouTube playlists in a loop. The codebase utilizes 3 jQuery plugins i've created - a youtube api wrapper, a youtube player wrapper and a radial menu. The site is a mashup and its extremely heavy on the client-side, as all requests made to YouTube, Facebook and Meebo are all made th...

Blender vs. Unity

I want to make a 3D game, preferably that can be played in browser. Some people say blender, some say unity. What are the pros and cons of each? Which one do you prefer? Why? Also, do you have any suggestions for tutorials? ...

Playing an FLV video with a fallback on HTML5

I told my boss to use HTML5 with a fallback on FLASH. But he said he wants FLASH as the first option, and if the browser (ipad or any other) can't recognize the FLASH , it should play the MP4 file we got. I suggested HTML5 with fallback on Flash. But he wants the opposite. How can I get that done ? Do you guys have sample code ? So...

Is it possible to use HttpBrowserCapabilities from a c# console application?

I need to parse UserAgent strings from a console app and this seems like a simple way to do it, but I obviously don't have an HttpRequest object and can't seem to make a fake one with a User-Agent header (I get platform not supported exception). Is there any way to do this, or should I start exploring other alternatives to user agent par...

.htaccess rewriteRule help

I have a link in my index.html: href="my_page.php?cat=14&p=1"; Now, how can I rewrite this so that it looks like this: /my_page/14/1 I have this so far, but I don't know how to add the ending '/1' to this: RewriteRule ^kategori/([0-9_]+)$ browse_cat.php?cat_gr=$1 [NC] Thanks ...

Proxy settings in browsers

I have a couple of questions - would be happy with any tips advice for either/both of them. 1) Is there any way to set up proxy settings on browsers automatically without having to go into settings and typing the port number etc.? Ideally I would like to run a script that does this automatically. 2) Secondly, I know I can use a PAC fil...

What's the deal with Android web browser resolution?

Here are two images of the same android phone, once in Portrait mode, once in Landscape mode. Shouldn't one resolution be the opposite of the other? I.e. if one is 800x1360, the other should be 1360x800? What's going on here? If I try the same thing on my ipod touch, it reports the same resolution regardless of orientation. Also, on ...

How do I make sure there is no space between my webpage and the browser edge?

I have tried setting the margin attribute to 0px, but it does not work. ...

Is it possible to connect to SSH using JavaScript?

I know there is an implementation of VNC using WebSockets ( but that still requires a server. I am looking to create a simple client-side JavaScript only (no Flash) connection to a port running SSH. I am guessing WebSockets is the only way to go since it does TCP. Any example code? Any other way? ...

How to check if an event handler exist using jQuery or JS?

I want to check if an event is available or not before binding a function to it. The problem is that Google Chrome support the event "loadedmetadata" in the Video element while FireFox don't. I did the following $('video').bind('loadedmetadata', videoloaded); videoloaded(); It worked well in Firefox but when I tried in Chrome, the fu...

JavaScript for replacing text in the body tag of pages loaded into an open source browser for Android

I'm writing a JavaScript for an open source browser available for Android to replace the text in the body tag of the pages loaded into the browser with some different text. This should be worked in away that once a page get loaded into the browser, this JavaScript executes & the replacements take place & finally the page with replaced ...

Following the result of pressing a submit button in Python Mechanize

So I have an authenticated site that I want to access via the mechanize module. I'm able to log in, and then go to the page I want. However, because the page recognizes that mechanize doesn't have javascript enabled, it wants me to click a submit button to get redirected to a non javascript part of the site. How can I simply click the bu...

Maximum size of session data in different browser

Hi folks, I am storing data in session variable (using PHP). I don’t know what is the limit for session. I am using Firefox version 3.6. Wanted to know maximum size of session variable for different browsers(FF, MSIE7/8, chrome, opera, safari ) Also please suggest that, storing data in session variable is good way ? I am not storing ...

What is the PAC file?

I am trying to understand how a PAC file works. I have a proxy server application that I will be distributing to a few clients. The clients would have to set the proxy settings including port number on their browsers. As I understand it the PAC file should do this automatically? But my question is where should I put the PAC file? Can I ...

What banner rotator should I use?

I have some banners I want to rotate on my index.html. What is the usual method for rotating banners? What language (js, html etc)? Any free good rotators? Links please. Thanks ...