
same function for two buttons in jQuery

I have two buttons: btnAdd and btnUpdate. I have written a jquery function for button btnUpdate to validate some fields in the web page like: $(function() { $('#<%=btnUpdate.ClientID %>').click(function() { code here }); }); I want to do the same thing when btnAdd is clicked. So I have to write the same function again for b...

How to open a popup page that has parameters(calculated in button event) in button event

How to open a popup page that has parameters(calculated in button event) in button event ButtonClick() { string id=TextBox.Text; /////HERE i want to open a popup as "Index.aspx?ID=id" /////// } PLESE RESPOND SOON ...

How to have a method pause and wait for input with an android

Basically I have created a Blackjack app that uses several methods that get called and pass a long the information that is needed (about cards and actions). I have 2 buttons displayed on screen that are click able (hit and stand). Now I have a method called player turn... and this is when I (through static ints) have if a button is sel...