
Validating Event Results in Loss of Button Click Event in Winforms

Background: I have a form with a "clear form" and a "cancel" button. If I have invalid data inside a dropdown and click either of these buttons the dropdown's validating event fires. I've added code to the validating event to succeed when either "clear" or "cancel" are pressed. Problem: I would expect that the next thing that will h...

Two events on one onclick

i am facing this issue: <p class="pushButton"> <a href="javascript:return;" onclick="SetOkCodeButton('=SC_ORDER', 'BBPForm', '', '',''); return false;" name="Order" class="pushButton" title="Orders your shopping cart. This completes the operation " onmouseover="status=' ';return true;" onmouseout="status=' '...

HTML and Javascript Automated Document Erases Entries After OnClick Event

Hello: I am automating a document with html and javascript through MS Notepad. So far, I have lots of text, a few textboxes, and a button, which will execute a javascript function after a number is entered into one of the textboxes. This document is only partially completed; however, I noticed that after I add entries into my textbox...

Call click event of a button form another website.

Hello Experts, I am explaing with a exmple what I am trying to do. Suppose there is a site abc.com and i am working for site xyz.com in a aspx page of xyz.com i want to have the results of a aspx page of www.abc.com/somepage.aspx conatins a textbox , a combobox a option button and a submit button i want to fill this form and want to ...

WPF - Update panel's content with a button click

Hi evryone, I am pretty new to WPF and I cannot figure out how to update a specific part of my page with a single button click. In my application design I have a menu with buttons to the left and to the right I have a series of panels. One is status bar (bottom), one Info bar(top) and inbetween I want to visualize the info that the pro...

force close when assign onclick to button

hi, i am very new in android development as well as in java. i had developed an application that gets an image url from a site and wanted to download it into the device and later on i would like to enable users to set it as wallpapers. however, i am met a problem when assigning onclick event to a button. Once i uncomment the line in red...

Module communication ….

I’m working on a single modular application which has several levels and on these levels I do have a module which I use as a ‘Main Carrier module *’ for other sub modules. Now one of these Sub modules has a component attached, and I do need to ‘CLICK’ a button in that component which in return activates a certain ‘Click of a Button’ in ...

ASP.NET - Passing arguments to the server on button click

Hi I have a ASP.NET web page which contains a table of check boxes and a button. I need to find the IDs of all the check boxes which are checked when the button click happens. Once the list of IDs are collected, it needs to be passed on to the server. I am able to do it using jQuery and PageMethods. How can I achieve this in the button...

Will moving a control into the master page break event bindings?

Say you have a Button in your Web form, with OnClick bound to a code-behind event. You then move that button up into the master page, by adding it to the Controls collection of a control in the master page. This is done at run-time, in the Page_Load event. Where is the OnClick event bound to now? Still the code-behind of the Web form...

OnClick event in WinForms DataGridView

Hi everyone, I am using DataGridView in WinForms and by this piece of code I am assigning it columns and values dataGrid.DataSource = sourceObject; only by this line all the columns and values into the grid. How do I handle the onClick event of a specific row or field. I want to do edit a particular item in the grid but I cannot fi...

How to make a button redirect to another page using jQuery or just Javascript

I am making a prototype and I want the search button to link to a sample search results page. How do I make a button redirect to another page when it is clicked using jQuery. ...

Does Selenium or WatiN have property like QTP's Setting.WebPackage("ReplayType") = 2?

There are some buttons and menus in the application I am testing that require actual clicks to send all the information through and FireEvent style clicking does not seem to cut it. Both TestPartner and QTP can use actual clicks. TestPartner does this always (slow) and QTP does this by changing the 'ReplayType' to 2 from 1. Setting.We...

I need to know the x and y coordinates of the button click when a WM_COMMAND is activated.

I have a button created with //Create Compass HWND hWndCompass = CreateWindowEx(NULL, "BUTTON", "Compass", WS_TABSTOP|WS_VISIBLE|WS_CHILD|BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON, 600, 10, 50, 24, hWnd, (HMENU)IDC_COMPASS, GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL); I will add the picture in the future but I need to know where on the button they clicked so I ...

Accessing Repeater DataItem in Button_OnClick event

Hello, I have a repeater control bound to a collection of objects. When I fire off the button_onclick event, I need to have access to the dataitem to get the object properties. Here is what I have and my question is how do I access the underlying objects in a repeater in a button_onclick event protected void OKButton_Click(object sende...

how to implement a counter in label which decrements every time page is loaded in asp.net(vb)?

how to implement a counter in label which decrements every time page is loaded in asp.net(vb)? It would be better if that counter value is accessed from and updated into database.. I've tried this on buttonclick but the value is reset automatically to intial value everytime as the button is insert and page is reloaded Protected Sub Ins...

View an activity on button click

I want to show the details of a list item in another activity when clicks on a button.Can you help me? ...

Removing default onclick or onItemClick color animation

Hi When I click on some button or I click on the a element in grid or list view, a default orange color appears. I don't want that color to come when I click on it. Please tell me how can I do this. And also is it possible to change the orange color by some other custom color when i click on button or items in grid or list view. ...

Submitting forms and using the value (JavaScript)

How do you use a value "submitted" by a form in javascript? Facts: It is a PHP document I'm using JavaScript because I need some timing factors I don't think I can get from serverside-scripts :) To simplify; what I want is, that when this form is submitted or a button is clicked: <form method="POST" action="test.php"> <input type="...

button click event call on page load

hi expert i am new in asp.net development, i have problem when page load fired a click event of button is automatically fired will you please tell me why it is happening and what is the solutions for that. lets protected void butSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(butSubmit.Text.ToString().Equals("Submit")) ...

asp:Button inside SharePoint Dataview Rows with onclick event does not call C# function. Pull it out of Dataview and works fine.

asp:Button inside SharePoint Dataview Rows with onclick event does not call C# function. Pull it out of Dataview and works fine. I have a ASP.NET Button I've placed inside a SharePoint DataView's rows with an onclick event pointing to C# function block inside my page. The page refreshes when I click on them, but it's not hitting that c...