
Integer to IP Address - C

Hi guys... I'm preparing for a quiz, and I have a strong suspicion I may be tasked with implementing such a function. Basically, given an IP address in network notation, how can we get that from a 32 bit integer into a string in it's dotted decimal notation (something like Obviously we can't be using any type of inet...

Copying some strings from pointer array in C++

I have a string pointer like below, char *str = "This is cool stuff"; Now, I've references to this string pointer like below, char* start = str + 1; char* end = str + 6; So, start and end are pointing to different locations of *str. How can I copy the string chars falls between start and end into a new string pointer. Any existing ...

File handle left behind by C++ code in Linux

I am trying to debug an issue in my code. I have a process A which runs continuously till I ask it to stop. Inside A I do the following: mount partition /dev/sda1 open() // creates an empty file X write() // write some bytes to it close() // close the file processFile() // Perform some operation remove() // remove file umount /dev/sda...

Bitwise XORing and shifting of integer arrays

Suppose a bit sequence of size M, and another bit sequence of size N, with M >> N. Both M and N can be saved inside integer arrays: If N has a length of 30 then an array with only one integer will be needed, but if N has a length of 300 then an array with 10 integers will be needed to store it. What I am trying to do is to shift N insi...

IP Address to Integer - C

Hey guys, I previously posted how to implement a function that will convert an integer to an IP address string. So how would we go vice-versa, that is, given a string ( that is an address, how can we get that integer back, using no inet functions. ...

How to stop a running thread safely on user request?

I'm in a scenario when I have to terminate a thread while the thread is running according to user action on GUI. I'm using Qt 4.5.2 on Windows. One way to do that is the following: class MyThread : public QThread { QMutex mutex; bool stop; public: MyThread() : stop(false) {} void requestStop() { ...

Can select() be used for clients, not just servers?

I'd like to make a TCP client that makes multiple connections while a select() loop that receives data from them is running in a separate thread. I'm not sure this is possible, though, because the select() loop is already running and thus I don't see how it would "notice" a new socket was added even if the thread-safety issues are dealt ...

How to make sure input is a double in the C programming language

How do I make sure I've got a double and not something else? int main() { int flagOk = 0; double number; while(!flagOk) { printf("Put in a double"); scanf("%lf", &number); if(number == "%lf"); //this want make sure flagOk = 1; } } ...

OpenMP: Causes for heap corruption, anyone?

EDIT: I can run the same program twice, simultaneously without any problem - how can I duplicate this with OpenMP or with some other method? This is the basic framework of the problem. //Defined elsewhere class SomeClass { public: void Function() { // Allocate some memory float *Data; Data = new float[1024]; // Dec...

Read NSNumber from NSData

Hi, I pretty new to Objective-C (and C itself) and need to consume a NSData from a HTTP output. I've never really worked with byte arrays or had to worry about little/big endian issues, and have struggled a bit to write the following method to read a NSNumber with a specified length from that NSData. - (NSNumber *)readNumberWithLength:...

callbacks inside a DLL?

I have a callback inside a C DLL (static void __stdcall) . I want another program to register it as such (by passing it the func ptr) and then call the calback inside the DLL. I have had no luck so far. However, the same callback works if its inside a regular C++ program. I am now wondering if having callbacks in a DLL is even possible. ...

IPC message queue. msgrcv system call. System V. how to get out of loop.

Hi, I have a message queue from which I am getting messages in a loop. The problem is that I don't know how to exit the loop. msgrcv returns type size_t so it keeps going. What value should I compare the return value so I can exit the loop? while(msgrcv(msqid, &msgreceived, sizeof(msgreceived), BUFFER_CHANGED, 0) != -1){ printf("%d %d ...

Bytes to Binary in C

Hello, I'm trying to simply convert a byte received from fget into binary. I know the value of the first byte was 49 based on printing the value. I now need to convert this into its binary value. unsigned char byte = 49;// Read from file unsigned char mask = 1; // Bit mask unsigned char bits[8]; // Extract the bits for (int i = 0; ...

Writing a binary file in C# to be read by C program, with pointers?

I'm moving some old C code that generates a binary file into our C# system. The problem is, the resulting binary file will still need to be read by another old C program. The original code outputs several structs to a binary file, and many of those structs contain linked lists, with *next pointers. How can I write these in C# so that ...

Accessing binary MP3 Header in C via fopen

I am trying to extract the mp3 header from a file. This is different then the ID3 tags -- the mp3 header is where information about the MPEG version, bit rate, frequency, etc is held. You can see an overview of the mp3 header structure here: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/01/Mp3filestructure.svg My problem is, despite ...

Why does this program not output 20?

#include<stdio.h> int main() { int a = 1; switch (a) { int b = 20; case 1: { printf("b is %d\n", b); break; } default: { printf("b is %d\n", b); break; } } return 0; } ...

What am I missing in the following program?

#include<stdio.h> #define TOTAL_ELEMENTS (sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0])) int array[] = {23, 34, 12, 17, 204, 99, 16}; int main() { int d; for (d = -1; d <= (TOTAL_ELEMENTS - 2); d++) printf("%d\n", array[d + 1]); return 0; } Why is the for loop not run even once? ...

What is this syntax?

i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; this actually assigns 1 to i. I wonder if this type of assignment is actually useful somewhere? Do you know some application of this syntax? ...

Is translator and preprocessor the same in c?

I am confused by these two terms. Are they the same? ...

Spaghetti stack in C

Does anybody know where I can find an example of a Spaghetti stack written in C? ...