what I'd like to do (for logging purposes) is something like this:
this code has been written to show my problem, actual code is complex and yes, I have good reasons to use macros even on C++ =)
# define LIB_SOME 1
# define LIB_OTHER 2
# define WHERE "at file #a, line #l, function #f: "
// (look for syntax hightlighting error at SO x...
I was unable to find a clear answer to this although that might be because I was not using the proper search terms so please redirect me if that is the case. Is it possible to use previous arguments in a functions parameter list as the default value for later arguments in the parameter list? For instance,
void f( int a, int b = a, int...
I've been using C++ for a bit now. I'm just never sure how the memory management works, so here it goes:
I'm first of all unsure how memory is unallocated in a function, ex:
int addTwo(int num)
int temp = 2;
num += temp;
return num;
So in this example, would temp be removed from memory after the function ends? If not,...
I have a python code computing a matrix, and I would like to use this matrix (or array, or list) from C code.
I wanted to pickle the matrix from the python code, and unpickle it from c code, but I could not find documentation or example on how to do this.
I found something about marshalling data, but nothing about unpickling from C.
Let's say that I want to get the size in bytes or in chars for the name field from:
struct record
int id;
TCHAR name [50];
sizeof(record.name) does not work.
I'm attempting to use the following to get the height & width of the main display:
#include <winuser.h>
size_t width = (size_t)GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXBORDER);
size_t height = (size_t)GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYBORDER);
However, it's failing on an unresolved externals link error (LNK1120). I've tried linking to user32.lib (as documented here...
I've got a 3rd party C application that's compiled to a non-.NET non-COM DLL. It has one simple function declared like so:
Declare Function CapiTaxRoutine Lib "taxcommono.dll" (ByVal sInData As String, ByVal OutputData As String, ByVal intINPutLength As Long) As Integer
If I place the taxcommono.dll in my path (C:\Windows\System32 is...
Even though I am a long time C programmer, I only recently learned that one can directly assign structure variables to one another instead of using memcpy:
struct MyStruct a,b;
a = b; /* implicit memcpy */
Though this feels a bit "high-level" for C, it is definitely useful. But why can't I do equality and inequality comparison:
What are some of the best ways to manage redundant typedefs used for platform independence from multiple middleware (operating systems, protocol stacks) vendors in the C programming language.
/* inclusion lock etc */
typedef char CHAR;
typedef unsigned char BYTE;
typedef unsigned short int WORD;
/* ... more of the same ....
I'm writing a set of numeric type conversion functions for a database engine, and I'm concerned about the behavior of converting large integral floating-point values to integer types with greater precision.
Take for example converting a 32-bit int to a 32-bit single-precision float. The 23-bit significand of the float yields about 7 dec...
See question. Also any links to example code or example code on how to validate an xml file against multiple schemas would be helpful.
EDT: Sorry forgot to mention that this is for LINUX
On a project I'm working on, I'm trying to make it accept user commands and provide history with the up arrow. I'm aiming to keep this project free of dependencies, and I don't want to have to require people to also install the readline development files just to compile my project. Does anyone know of a simple drop-in replacement for GNU...
I am dynamically loading several registry API's from the library Advapi32.dll. Under Windows XP and Vista everything is OK. Under Windows 7 I keep getting the error The parameter is incorrect and in some cases (like RegCloseKey) my application crashes.
The code I am using is the usual:
// RegCreateKeyEx
typedef LONG (WINAPI *MyRegCreat...
How can I simulate the following Python function using the Python C API?
def foo(bar, baz="something or other"):
print bar, baz
(i.e., so that it is possible to call it via:
>>> foo("hello")
hello something or other
>>> foo("hello", baz="world!")
hello world!
>>> foo("hello", "world!")
hello, world!
It seems that everytime I call a function that returns a PyObject*, I have to add four lines of error checking. Example:
py_fullname = PyObject_CallMethod(os, "path.join", "ss", folder, filename);
if (!py_fullname) {
return NULL;
image = PyObject_CallMethodObjArgs(pygame, "image.load", py_...
Using CoreFoundation, I can display an alert dialog with the following:
CFSTR("Alert title"),
Trying to find a way to limit the framerate of programs/games externally in a similar fashion to VSync, but to a specified number (instead of screen refresh rate). A perfect example of what I am aiming for can be seen in FRAPS, when recording a video the framerate is limited to the recording rate. The reason is for fast pace games which ...
I am tryint to integrate CUDA in an existing project, in which several libs (DLLs) are created. I started with a very simple kernel that computes a dot product :
// dotProd_kernel.cu
__global__ void dotProd( double* result, double* vec1, double* vec2)
int i = threadIdx.x;
result[i] = vec1[i] * vec2[i];
This kernel is called ...
I thought I wanted to use GSS-API, but now am not so sure, since I'm having a hard time finding good sample code for a trivial client/server pair. Sun has documentation including sample code, but it's written specifically for their GSS API implementation, using a few proprietary functions not in e.g. the GNU GSS-API (and for which it's ...
Where can I find the infamous list.h from the linux kernel?
I remember seeing it at once point and I can't for the life of me find it again. I'm running a Windows box so it would be great if you can point me out to a nice HTTP site where it's hosted :)