#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("This goes to screen\n");
freopen("out.txt", "a", stdout);
printf("This goes to out.txt");
freopen("/dev/stdout", "a", stdout);
printf("This should go to screen too, but doesn't\n");
return 0;
I call freopen to redirect the stdout to out.txt then I print something on th...
Hi, my question simply relates to the difference in performance between a socket in C and in Python. Since my Python build is CPython, I assume it's similar, but I'm curious if someone actually has "real" benchmarks, or at least an opinion that's evidence based.
My logics is as such:
C socket much faster? then write a C
I have written program to obtain the code for each char as shown in the program output.
enter some text: nslfaslfjasfj
text = "nslfaslfjasfj"
Huffman Algorithm
Below is "CHAR CODE":
n code:111
j code:110
f code:10
s code:01
l code:001
a code:000
My next step should be storing the above in structure...
every body ,here is very simple c code:
int main()
enum boolean{true,false};
boolean bl=false;
printf("This is the false value of boool\n");
boolean bl1=true;
I read in my unix text book that bss is used to store the uninitialized variables(global declarations). This would mean that the static variables are stored separately and not in the bss. The only other place is the data segment.
Here is my question: Is bss segment a part of the data segment or are they two entirely different set of me...
Someone told me this bit of code prints 29. Why is that?
int *a = 17;
printf("%d", a+3);
hi, i have the following c# code snippet
string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(@"C:\test.txt");
for(int i=0; i<lines.Length; i++)
Can you help me to convert it to C.
I have a question about variable scope and memory management in C. I am writing a program that listens for a socket connection and then launches a new thread to handle that client. The main while() loop can launch many separate threads. My question is this:
If I don't use dynamic memory allocation [no malloc()], and instead have a va...
hi can anyone show me how to get the total number of lines in a text file with programming language C?
I have 20 digits that I would like to associate with strings. Is there a faster way besides using a switch case I can do this with. Basically I need to convert an int to a correponding string and the numberes arent necessarily packed. Maybe there is something in Qt as well?
for example 1 would be used to get "Request System Info"
The user types a string, possibly separated by tabs, spaces and "enters" (CRs).
I need to receive all of it; the problem is that gets() function stops the scan when the user presses the "Enter" key.
Is there another way to do it? I cannot use any other function except for scanf and gets.
I am using GetOpenFileName with multiple select capabilities. The files picked are returned in a LPSTR. Inside this LPSTR, the files selected are separated by NULL bytes. I want to split the LPSTR into an array and then loop over that array.
In PHP I would do:
$array = explode("\0", $string);
But since I am new to C, I have no idea ...
In one of the comments in this question, it was brought out that initializing C++ pointers by default would break compatibility with C.
That's fine, but why would something like this matter? I would think the only time it would actually matter is if I wanted an uninitialized pointer for some reason. But I can't think of a reason why I...
I am converting a number of low-level operations from native matlab code into C/mex code, with great speedups. (These low-level operations can be done vectorized in .m code, but I think I get memory hits b/c of large data. whatever.) I have noticed that compiling the mex code with different CFLAGS can cause mild improvements. For exampl...
Today we were discussing how long Garbage Collection breaks needs. And were wondering how long it would take to simply wipe 1 Gigabyte of memory. What would it take?
Below is my code snippet
struct encode
char code[MAX];
int main()
char x[]={'3','0','2','5','9','3','1'};
//This will printout like 3025931 now I want this to be stored in structure.
// or
a[0].code=x;//neither works
I've come across pointers to casted pointers (not sure that this is the correct term) in C such as:
*(long *) p = 10; I could never for the life of me understand what it means, or, the other example:
*(void *) NULL, or *(char *) 0; I just can't wrap my head around it, could someone please explain this to me, and save me from partial br...
As the topic states, sometimes these issues conflict. For example...
In this case, the nominal case is first, but the expression is negative.
if ( !foo.IsDead() ) {
} else {
In this case, the expression is positive, but the nominal case is last.
if ( foo.IsDead() ) {
} else {
Of ...
paxdiablo gave the previous answer for it working with char array.. can I know how to work with int array for the same below code?
struct encode {
int code[MAX]; //instead char code[MAX]
} a[10];
int main() {
int i, j;
int x[] = {3,0,2,5,9,3,1};
//instead char x[] = {'3','0','2','5','9','3','1','\0'};
for(i ...
Possible Duplicates:
Whats the worst example of undefined behaviour actually possible?
What are all the common undefined behaviour that c++ programmer should know about?
What are the common undefined behaviours that Java Programmers should know about
There are lots of parts of the C and C++ standards that are not completely ...