
PHP page caching

Right now each time the page is loaded the php script is run regenerating the page. For pages like search this is fine, because most searches are different, but for other pages such as the index this is virtually the same for each hit, yet generates a large number of queries and is quite a long script. The problem is some parts of the p...

Is it OK to use HttpRuntime.Cache outside ASP.NET applications?

Scott Hanselman says yes. Adding System.Web to your non-web project is a good way to get folks to panic. Another is adding a reference to Microsoft.VisualBasic in a C# application. Both are reasonable and darned useful things to do, though. MSDN says no. The Cache class is not intended for use outside of ASP.NET applications. I...

Distributed Cache/Session where should I turn?

I am currently looking at a distributed cache solution. If money was not an issue, which would you recommend? ncache memcacheddotnet MS Velocity ...

automatic query cache invalidation

hi I'm trying to understand how hibernate query cache really works. What I see now is that Hibernate does not update its second-level cache automatically when I insert new entities into the database (although I'm using only Hibernate calls). The only way I have found to make it work was to manually clean the cache after inserting new en...

What is the size limit of the application object in classic asp?

I am creating an ASP script that uses the application object to store the pages. The question in my mind is whether there is a size limit to this object. Anyone know? ...

How to evict file from system cache on Linux?

When running performance tests file system cache hit or miss can significantly influence test results. Therefore generally before running such tests used files are evicted from system cache. How to do that on Linux? Clarification: If possible, the solution should not require root privileges. ...

What's the best way to create an etag?

What's a good method of programatically generating etag for web pages, and is this practice recommended? Some sites recommend turning etags off, others recommend producing them manually, and some recommend leaving the default settings active - what's the best way here? ...

javascript: how to force Image() not to use browser cache?

If I load the nextimg url manually in the browser, it gives a new picture every time I reload. But this bit of code shows the same image every iteration of draw(). How can I force myimg not to be cached? <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function draw(){ var canvas = document.getElementById('canv'); ...

Stop jQuery .load response from being cached

I have the following code making a GET request on a URL: $('#searchButton').click(function() { $('#inquiry').load('/portal/?f=searchBilling&pid=' + $('#query').val()); }); But the returned result is not always reflected. For example, I made a change in the response that spit out a stack trace but the stack trace did no...

Is there a caching script for classic asp?

PHP has a number of opcode caches, which as i understand it are scripts that handle the caching aspects of an application. Is there something similar for classic asp, especially something that does not require component installation? Regarding the IIS caching behaviour, it seems from reading here that the behaviour is relevant to some s...

Can I put a caching server in front of my web site?

I have a web site using apache httpd as the server and mysql as the backend. It publishes a "thought for the day" that has gotten so popular that the server is crashing due to the number of requests. Since the same page is been requested (the thought only changes once a day), is it possible to put a caching server in front of my main ser...

Has using the HttpRuntime.Cache changed in ASP.NET MVC?

So, I was looking over my standard cache utility when preparing to unit test a controller and thought, hey, is accessing the HttpRuntime.Cache directly considered harmful in MVC? I wrap the cache in a proxy class that implements a cache-like interface (tho much simpler) so that I can mock it during tests. But I'm wondering if that's al...

help: reloading a page via ajax - when window.location=self.location doesn't work

so here on my homepage i got a <ul id="login"> <li> <a id="loginswitch" href="./login-page">log-in</a> | </li> <li> <a id="signupswitch" href="./signup-page">sign-up</a> </li> </ul> so via mootools, i get these anchor elements by id so that once they're clicked, a flashy div will popup below them that contains the login or signup ...

Removing Cache Busting in Rails Production

When i deploy a rails application in production mode, it appends a date-time string as a query param to the end of all the static asset urls. This is to prevent browsers using old-out of date cahed copies of the assets after I redeploy the application. Is there a way to make rails use the old time stamps for the assets that have not ch...

What are the best tutorials about caching with PHP?

What are the best resources or tutorials for caching in PHP 5? I'm looking for something that I could possibly build on my own. Zend Cache, APC, and similar utilities are also options, but I really want to steer away from full-fledged templating systems like Smarty, etc. ...

AIR Caching framework/library

Anyone know of a good memory/disk caching library for AIR? Extra points for being compatible with Flash CS3, and being free (as in beer). I'd like to cache results of http requests: both binary and text (xml). ...

User Persistence: caching:

I'm working with caching and persistence for the first time. I have a user object that handles all my user data. Persisting this from page to page I'm planning on using a cookie with a token that then returns the user-object from the cache. What's the best way to implement this. The two ideas/solutions that appear to me are: 1) Cache...

Winform Caching

Hi, Is there a Winform caching library out there? I need to pass a few datasets aroung in a Winform Application, and probably persist to storage upon close. I've seen some samples around via Google, using System.Web. What's the recommendation and where can I get some details. I am using VS 2008 for 2.0. 3.0 Framework. Thanks ...

Apache: Caching a DEFLATE'd file.

It seems redundant to have zlib compress a web page during every request. It is also the bottleneck of my files' response times. Is there a way to cache the zlib'd file so that it is compressed only once at each modification? Or should I just keep wishing? ...

What's the best way to cache a user control or its associated data in mvc

Hi guys, I am in the middle of implementing an application using ASP.NET MVC and would love to cache the data passed to user controls or the output rendering on some user controls that I render using the Html.RenderPartial, that way I don't have to query the DB with every request I do to the controller for a new view. Thanks. ...