
What caching strategy would best suit this problem?

Hi, First of all, let me say I am very new to rails, have been working with it for only a couple of days. My first application is a little different from traditional: on one of my model classes I have parts of data that is pulled from a database and other part that is acquired by doing an HTTP REST request to an external resource. I h...

Remove from cache specific user data on Session_End

Hi, I'm inserting something in the cache when the user does a login. Now I want to delete that from the cache when the user's session expires. HttpContext is null .. so I don't know for which user the session expired. How can I go about finding this ? EDIT: unfortunately SessionID doesn't offer me much. What i'm doing in this particu...

Share file storage index with multiple open applications in Java

Hello. I'm writing an HTTP Cache library for Java, and I'm trying to use that library in the same application which is started twice. I want to be able to share the cache between those instances. What is the best solution for this? I also want to be able to write to that same storage, and it should be available for both instances. Now...

cache folder setting in phpbb3

Can anyone tell me where the config of cache folder is for phpbb3? I need to use a different folder due to my isp and can't find where i can point the folder to another location. ...

Mapping traditional caches to memcached? (but in .NET)

I'm building a caching system and I want it to be ready for distributed caching a la memcached. What I'm looking to do is to convert a traditional Hashtable/Dictionary of (string -> object) and to allow per-item expiration to be handled by the Cache itself, in the way that the System.Web.Caching.Cache can do. I'm aware that memcache re...

Preventing Flex application caching in browser (multiple modules)

I have a Flex application with multiple modules. When I redeploy the application I was finding that modules (which are deployed as separate swf files) were being cached in the browser and the new versions weren't being loaded. So i tried the age old trick of adding ?version=xxx to all the modules when they are loaded. The value xxx is...

Singleton vs Cache ASP.NET

I have created a Registry class in .NET which is a singleton. Apparently this singleton behaves as if it were kept in the Cache (the singleton object is available to each session). Is this a good practice of should I add this Singleton to the Cache? + do I need to wacth out for concurrency problems with the GetInstance() function? names...

Implementing Custom CacheDependency to invalidate ASP.Net cache item

Hi, I want to implement my own customCacheDependency class by deriving base CacheDependency, as provided SqlCacheDependency is not suitable for my case. (thousands of cache items, and there will so many subscriptions in SQL as well as issues with registration in ASP.Net) I want to use this in ASP.Net VirtualPathProvider's our custom im...

Web caching when retrieving lists of documents

We have a need to leverage client side resources for lists containing tasks. The client needs to: be notified of updates to the list be able to re-order/filter the list (requesting an update from the server with tasks that the client does not know of/have in cache) The problem comes on initial load or large list updates (changing fr...

In PHP how can you clear a WSDL cache?

In through php_info() where the wsdl cache is held (/tmp), but I don't necessarily know if it is safe to delete all files starting with wsdl. Yes, I should be able to just delete everything from /tmp, but I don't know what else this could effect if I delete any all wsdl files. ...

Is there a secure browser cache?

Note: this is a different problem to https - it's related to privacy security I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to take load off our server [cache] by pushing information to the browser. Is there any technology that will provide secure caching that is bound to a session? We have privacy-sensitive data that's often used, but wi...

Can HTML5 sessionStorage be written to disk?

(Related to Is there a secure Browser Cache? ): Do any of the implementations of HTML5 session storage write to disk ever? e.g. can I rely on having a "secure"/"private" cache that I know will not be able to persist beyond the browser session whether it times out is ended/logs out browser closes/crashes/power button on computer Se...

Does my page have to have the HTML5 doctype to access sessionStorage

Our dev shop continues to support IE6 etc. I'm wanting to use session storage to make an app-cache but wondering how much work it would be... Is it possible to use an HTML4 doc type in an HTML5-compatible browser and still access the sessionStorage, or do I have to browser sniff and return different pages (perhaps just with doctype a...

Hibernate-like framework for C++

I am looking for database-caching framework for C++ providing the following: Generate object/table representations via some pseudo-language (macros/templates) Retrieve objects from DB by key when needed LRU caching Immediate and delayed update of DB on object update (via getter/setter methods) ...

When should you start using Memcached?

Hi, I'm starting to learn about using Memcached with PHP and I was wondering; is there a point at which you should start using it? Is it always more efficient to cache data or does it only become effective once your site gets a certain number of hits? Presumably there is an overhead associated with Memcached, so when does the speed bene...

caching JavaScript files

Which is the best method to make the browser use cached versions of js files (from the serverside)? ...

How can I put (parts of) a large object graph in Rails.cache?

I have a class in which looking up an instance is expensive, so instances are cached: class Foo def self.find(id) Rails.cache.fetch("Foo.#{id}") do // some expensive lookup, like an HTTParty request, or a long SQL query ... end end end That works fine until Foos have related Foos: class Foo def children ...

Performance Optimization For Highly Interactive Websites

I recently completed development of a mid-traficked(?) website (peak 60k hits/hour), however, the site only needs to be updated once a minute - and achieving the required performance can be summed up by a single word: "caching". For a site like SO where the data feeding the site changes all the time, I would imagine a different approach...

Techniques for Caching SQL Query Data

Having read some on this subject: My SQL Caching problem: I have a very unique (narrow) set of Queries and I think I could ...

Windows Programming: How to put a file that is frequently accessed in the OS cache?

Windows Programming: How to put a file that is frequently accessed in the OS cache? ...