
What little things do I need to do before deploying a rails application

EDIT What small things which are too easy to overlook do I need to do before deploying a rails application? I have set up another question for any task that takes more than a minute or two, and so ought to be scheduled into a deployment process. In this question I'm mostly concerned with on-line config options and similar, that can be...

Apache/php guru needed! htaccess files, php, includes directories, and windows XAMPP configuration nightmare!

XAMPP makes configuring a local LAMP stack for windows a breeze. So it's quite disappointing that enabling htaccess files is such a nightmare. My problem: I've got a PHP application that requires apache/php to search for an /includes/ directory contained within the application. To do this, htaccess files must be allowed in apache and ...

How do I use ResourceBundle to avoid hardcoded config paths in Java apps?

I'd like to eliminate dependencies on hardcoded paths for configuration data in my Java apps, I understand that using ResourceBundle will help me use the classloader to find resources. Can someone tell me how I would replace a hardcoded path to a resource (say a .properties configuration data file required by a class) with appropriate u...

How to update an XBAP's config file after deployment?

We have a WPF XBAP application that we want to change the configuration on the server after it is deployed. Since the config file is embedded in the deployment files, how is this possible? For example, we want to change the database connection strings the deployed app is connected to or we want to update the WCF service binding setting...

SVN: How do I maintain my local config.blah file?

Hi! On the SVN server, there is a file called config.conf. I have a local version called the same thing (in the same place). How can I make sure that my local config does not get overwritten, nor checked in? While I'm here, is the answer different for a directory? I'm using Tortoise SVN, but command line answers are cool. Thanks! [...

Configure EasyPHP to use CGI

I'm trying to modify my EasyPHP to run in CGI mode. According to this link: I have to add in this line: LoadModule php5_module "C:/Program Files/EasyPHP 2.0b1/php5/php5apache2.dll" to httpd.conf However, everytime I do that, EasyPHP gives me this error: Error in Apache con...

How do you change the extension that .Net pages will run under?

I need my .net application to use the .html extension instead of .aspx I'm converting a php app and there are external applications which depend on that extension to function. What is the best way to do this? Thanks ...

Reading Hibernate Properties from Web.config

The C# project I'm working on uses nHibernate and the connection string is in the web.config as a property of a Hibernate element. I need to read the connection string in the installer to get a connection manually without using Hibernate. I know I can use configManager.connectionStrings, but as the connection string is already defined ...

What is the *.vshost.exe.config file?

When I compile an application with VS2008 I sometimes end up with 2 identical config files: *.exe.config *.vshost.exe.config What is the latter one for? ...

cache folder setting in phpbb3

Can anyone tell me where the config of cache folder is for phpbb3? I need to use a different folder due to my isp and can't find where i can point the folder to another location. ...

Config file in c#

I have a UserControl Library solution which has the following UserControl ---UserControl project ---UserControl Test Project IN my test project, I am able to add my usercontrol to the tool box. When i drag it and drop it in my forms, it fails. I put in logging and found out that my usercontrol reads a config file. The config...

Joomla problem: where does "$mainframe->getCfg('lang')" come from?!

Hi all, Happy New Year! :D In Joomla: $mainframe->getCfg('lang'); will return "english" (i think this is a default value), anyone can tell me where defined it? can i change it? Thanks ...

.NET 1.1 and .NET 2 config files working together

I have inherited a rather large project consisting of an application written in VB6 and several DLL's and ActiveX controls written in VB6, VB.NET 1.1 and VB.NET 2. I want to change one of the settings for one of the DLL's written in VB.NET 2 that is in its application.dll.config file, but it seems to be having no effect. My main VB6 app...

ASP Membership cannot handle encrypted connection strings in web.config

We were experiencing errors with one of our web methods on a test web server we have. The main error was: "Access to the path 'E:\websites\Discovery\ProfileService\App_Data' is denied" Looking further down the stack trace gives a little more info: "at System.Web.DataAccess.SqlConnectionHelper.CreateMdfFile..." "at System.Web.DataAcce...

Is there a way to tell Eclipse to "Save all" before building?

Does anyone know if there's a way to get Eclipse to do a "Save all" before building java code? (I don't use the "Build automatically" option, I'm talking when you use "Ctrl+B" to do a build all) I've dug thru the preferences, and can't seem to find anything, so I figured I'd check the hive mind at Stack Overflow just in case. I'm usin...

DTD Entities in config file

I am trying to use entity definitions in a config file to simplify the differences between the development, QA, UAT and production versions. Here is a sample of the beginning of my config file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE configuration [ <!ENTITY MyStorageLocation "\\MyServer\MyStorageFolder"> <!ENTITY MyDa...

Append current Date to Log file with Log4Net

Hello, All I want to do is append the current date and time to my log file, say: "export_(Wed_Feb_21_2009_at_1_36_41PM)" Here is my current config from my app.config <appender name="RollingFileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender"> <file value="c:\export.txt" /> <appendToFile value="true" /> <lockingModel type=...

How to make the Visual Studio compiler ignore a file?

Is anyone aware of a way to make visual studio completely ignore a file when compiling? I have a C# solution that has a foo.config file that isn't really a standard config file - it's just a text file. During compiling VS grabs a hold of the file and bombs. I'd like for it to act as though it's just a text file. I do not have the o...

Log4Net: Rolling File appender, define extension

Hi, I want my logfile to look something like this: 2009-02-13.log but the problem is that I can't seem to find any way to add the .log extension. I've tried a lot of things but nothing helps. This is what I have this far: <appender name="RollingFileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender"> <file value="Logs/Log4Net/...

Zend Framework: How to unset a key in Zend_Registry?

I am testing my Zend Framework application and would like to test that something happens when a particular key is not set in the registry. This is the function that I am testing: protected function getDomainFromConfig() { $config = Zend_Registry::get('config'); if (!isset($config->domain)) { throw new Exception('Please m...