
Why easyphp stop all apache processes on severals PC?

Hi, on some Windows PC, when I have both easyPHP and a standalone apache service configured on another network port and with a specific service name, I have a problem : when I stop easyphp, the other apache is stopped too. The problem do not occur on all PC I have, but seems very strange to me. Any idea? more information after answer...

Configure EasyPHP to use CGI

I'm trying to modify my EasyPHP to run in CGI mode. According to this link: http://www.easyvitools.com/phpserial/php_ser_reference.html I have to add in this line: LoadModule php5_module "C:/Program Files/EasyPHP 2.0b1/php5/php5apache2.dll" to httpd.conf However, everytime I do that, EasyPHP gives me this error: Error in Apache con...

basic php problem unexpected $end

Hello, I am new to PHP and trying to get the following code to work: <?php include 'config.php'; include 'opendb.php'; $query = "SELECT name, subject, message FROM contact"; $result = mysql_query($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { echo "Name :{$row['name']} <br>" . "Subject : {$row['subject']...

javascript function not behaving correctly

hello, I have this little function function makewindows(){ child1 = window.open ("about:blank"); child1.document.write("<?php echo htmlspecialchars(json_encode($row2['ARTICLE_DESC']), ENT_QUOTES); ?>"); child1.document.close(); } Which whatever I try, simply outputs the php code as the html source, and not the result of the php code...

CakePHP problem bake views (EasyPHP, MySQL)

I CakePHP (cake_1.2.2.8120) and EasyPHP (3.0) installed on Windows Vista Ultimate. I followed the "baking" tutorials online, successfully set the database connection with the "cake bake" command from the CLI. I baked the controller for my "Users" table using the "php cake.php bake controller Users" command - worked fine. However, when I...

How to access site running apache server over lan without internet connection.

I am running a server on Windows XP SP2 computer using EasyPhp. Lets call it computer_1. The ip address of computer is Now I have another computer ( computer_2) on the lan with ip address I want to access the site on computer_1 from computer_2. comupter_2 can ping computer_1 (ping works) But when I...

Configure Easyphp to process htm files as php

Hi there. On my remote server I'm using the line AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .htm .html to parse the php in files with htm/html extensions How can I replicate this behaviour on my local machine running EasyPHP. I have tried adding the same line to Apache/conf/httpd.conf and restarting the server, but the files are displayed as h...

Unable to access MySQL from MyPHPAdmin after setting root password in EasyPHP{WAMP}

Am a new starter with WAMP and trying to play around my way using the EasyPHP setup. After successful setup on intial launch of MySQL, the page prompted me to set up ROOT password for security reasons. On setting the password, am no longer able to access MySQL. The error is : Error MySQL said: Documentation 1045 - Access denied for us...

Cron job and EasyPHP

Hi, I'm using EasyPHP (my OS = Windows XP) and I've wroten an little php-script that should update my database every hour while server is up. I could include the script into the index.php but then it would only be executed when there is activity on the site. How can I configure EasyPHP or Cygwin to execute my cron job ? thx ...

How to find the php.ini file used by the command line?

I need to enable pdo_mysql in my EasyPhp environment, so I went to php.ini file and uncommented the following line: extension=php_pdo_mysql.dll Unfortunately I still have the same problem. I'm using the CLI so I suppose I need to locate the php.ini file used by the CLI. How can I find it? ...

Cake bake undefined function mysql_query on easyphp

Hi, when i try to use the shell to build models cake bake M i get this error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_query() in C:\Program Files\EasyPH P-5.3.2\www\cake\cake\libs\model\datasources\dbo\dbo_mysql.php on line 588 on phpinfo(); mysql extension is enabled, i'm using mysql driver running if(!function_...

Learning php. Hello world won't display using easyphp and writing in notepad++

<html> <!--HTML--> <head><title>a quick test</title></head> <body>a quick test</body> <p>javascript</p> <!--javascript--> <p><script> document.write("hello world") </script></p> <p>php</p> <!--php--> <?php Echo "hello world"; ?> </html> The Hello world works for javascript but not in php, what gives? Any suggestions or obvious e...

[Drush/Drupal] PHP fatal error when call mysqli_fetch_array

Hi everybody, I am using Drush which is launching php in command line. I copied my initial php.ini in my local directory so that php is using the same configuration as if it was launched by the web server. When used with the web server, it works well. Unfortunately, when launched with the command line, PHP crashes when drush calls mysql...

What could change the directory in php Windows besides chdir() and chroot()? (Simpletest include file bug in Windows)

(Sorry if this is titled poorly. I'm actually trying to accomplish two things - find out how the current directory can get changed in PHP, and fix a bug in Simpletest running on WAMP.) I'm running SimpleTest (simpletest.org) on my Windows 7 local machine on EasyPHP (a WAMP variation). When I run tests, the directory changes from the l...

PEAR "DB.php" error using EasyPHP

Using EasyPHP I've discovered an annoying error I can't seem to fix. I searched the internet, got a few hits, but I gained nothing from these blog posts and pages. PHP and Apache works fine, but when I want to use MySQL with PEAR (which is included in EasyPHP) and when I require("DB.php") I get this error: Warning: require(DB.php) [fun...

Apache: Unexpected end of Apache!

I have just installed easyphp but its giving me error Apache: Unexpected end of Apache! how to start apache? ...