
Does Caliburn provide a way to get a reference to the container from anywhere?

Hi! I'm currently messing around with Rob Eisenberg's Caliburn framework. When looking at the documentation that is provided on there is an example of how to resolve a Caliburn service from the container. It's something along the lines of this: SimpleContainer container = new SimpleContainer(); CaliburnFr...

How does Prism compare with Caliburn?

Looking at the Prism and Caliburn frameworks as a WPF newbie, what are their relative strengths and weaknesses? ...

Tutorials For Caliburn Framework?

I'm learning Caliburn for a WPF project I am involved in and we are having a hard time finding good tutorials for it. I have looked through the Caliburn Wiki, and the samples that come with the download, but either the tutorials are lacking, or I am. =D I cannot view solution folders in VS Express so maybe I am missing some valuable s...

Using a ListBox (or other ItemsControl) to host Caliburn presenters

If I have a MultiPresenter and I am using a ListBox to display the Presenters it is hosting, how do I get Caliburn to discover and bind the views and view models for the items? For example, if I have a simple view that looks something like this: <UserControl x:Class="MyProject.Views.CarView" xmlns="

PRISM and Caliburn combined

I am already using Prism, especially the following areas: EventAggregator, RegionManager, Commanding, Dependency Injection (through Unity obviously) Have you used Prism in combination with Caliburn? Which benefits did it offer you? How does Caliburn integrate with Silverlight's Navigation framework? And would you recommend using both f...

Caliburn bad parser error for container registered command.

Hi, I have a silverlight 3 application with the latest Caliburn RTW. I have a button with the following caliburn property in XAML: PresentationFramework:Message.Attach="ContainerCommand ClassesCommand()"/> In my module.cs I have : _container.RegisterType(typeof(ClassesCommand), new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager()); _region...

Caliburn passing parameters to Container Commands.

Hi, I have a command that is registered correctly in Unity but when I pass parameters to it, the parameter values seem to be null. I have the command defined in XAML as following (note that I tried with Message.triggers in XAML but this also sent nulls for the parameters). <ButtonControls:HeaderButton x:Name="SendEmailbtn" Hor...

Caliburn : How to get an async result back to viewmodel and then view

Hi, I have a ContainerCommand (which is registered in Unity) which calls a web service asynchronously. What I want is the result of the web service to be some how propagated back to the view model and then view. The app is written in Silverlight. How can I do this? JD. ...

Caliburn and datatemplates in Silverlight 3

Does anyone know if the same functionality for displaying views depending on object/viewmodel is applicable to Silverlight 3? Like this: <Application.Resources> <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:CustomerViewModel}"> <view:CustomerView /> </DataTemplate> <ContentControl Content="{Binding Path=CurrentView}"/> public...

How to build Caliburn in release mode

I can't make nant do a release build of Caliburn using their build.cmd. Can anyone tell me how to? What command line parameters should I use? ...

How to handle exceptions thrown during the instantiation of a WPF Application?

I'm using the following code to display unhandled exceptions in a WPF application: public MyApplication() { this.DispatcherUnhandledException += (o, e) => { var exceptionMessage = new ExceptionWindow(); exceptionMessage.ExceptionMessage.Text = e.Exception.Message; exce...

What does Caliburn command not work when button content is changed?

Using Caliburn and Silverlight, I found that if I do: <Button PresentationFramework:Message.Attach="ContainerCommand InstructorProfileCommand()" Height="60" Content="Instructor" /> Then it works and the InstructorProfileCommand.Execute() method is called. However, if I do: ...

Attach to an action in GridViewColumnHeader template

I have a greed view column: public class SortableGridViewColumn : GridViewColumn { public string SortPropertyName { get { return (string)GetValue(SortPropertyNameProperty); } set { SetValue(SortPropertyNameProperty, value); } } public static readonly DependencyProperty SortPropertyNameProperty = ...

Caliburn and prism samples

Are there any sample applications avaliable that make use of both caliburn and prism? I know there are blogs that talk about it but I would like to wade into some code and see how it all fits together. ...

Choosing Between Prism and Caliburn

I have been using Prism 2.0 for a personal project for a few months now. I have recently heard of Caliburn and am wondering if there are compelling reasons for me to consider that instead. I like Prism's dynamic module loading capability. I intend to build modules for my application and would like to be able to deploy them in a modular ...

Is there a way to implement Caliburn-like co-routines in VB.NET since there's no yield keyword

Note that I'm aware of other yield in questions here on SO. I'm playing around with Caliburn lately. Bunch of great stuff there, including co-routines implementation. Most of the work I'm doing is C# based, but now I'm also creating an architecture guideline for a VB.NET only shop, based on Rob's small MVVM framework. Everythin...

Clean separation of UI with Caliburn MVVM

Looking into various MVVM frameworks for SL. In the Caliburn documentation I saw a code in a controller that calls MessageBox. Is this right or is this just for intro? Is there something like MessageBox service in Caliburn like in Chinch MVVM? ...

WPF Validation with ContentPresenter

Hi, I have a WPF user control which needs to validate some fields. It is bound to a class implementing IDataErrorInfo. When I set the user control as the content of my ContentPresenter in another, already open, window, I can see validation occurring, and error messages being returned, however, I don't get any validation adorner - e.g....

Bind a SL4 TreeView to an IGrouping using Caliburn

I am just starting in the SL world and am trying to use the Caliburn NavigationShell as my starting point. I converted the solution to SL4 and use Caliburn from the trunk . To create the basic navigation, I am a bit unsure (well, quite), how I can display the original StackPanel of Buttons as a collapsible Treeview. I changed ITaskBarI...

Validation.HasError attached property

Did I miss something? 1- Style <Style TargetType="{x:Type TextBox}"> <Style.Triggers> <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Path=Validation.HasError}" Value="true"> <Setter Property="BorderBrush" Value="Blue" /> </DataTrigger> </Style.Triggers> <Setter Property="MinWidth" Value=...