
Bouncing Card Algorithm

What's a good algorithm for "bouncing cards" like the ones you see in solitaire games? What's the coolest card animation you've seen? Edit - Any besides the Windows game? ...

Python unicode character in __str__

I'm trying to print cards using their suit unicode character and their values. I tried doing to following: def __str__(self): return u'\u2660'.encode('utf-8') like suggested in another thread, but I keep getting errors saying UnicodeEncodeError: ascii, ♠, 0, 1, ordinal not in range(128). What can I do to get those suit character t...

Scheme homework Black jack help....

So I need to do a game of blackjack simulator, butt can't seem to figure out whats wrong with the shuffle it's suppose to take a card randomly from the pack the put it on top of the pack. The delete it from the rest. so : (ace)(2)(3)(4)(5)...(k) if random card is let say 5 (5)(ace)(2)(3)(4)(5)...(k) then it deletes the 2nd 5 (5)(ace)(2)...